Be smart country

>be smart country
>students go to college
>government pays for their tuition
>student graduates with no financial burden

>be burgertard land
>students go to college
>student has to take out thousands of dollars in loan money to pay tuition
>student graduate and spends the next few decades of his life paying off loan

Lol why are Americans so retarded?

Attached: 5B051364-1BAF-40AA-99C0-2586EBCCEEE5.jpg (750x628, 502.52K)

They should be dead

>Going to leftist indoctrination centers

lol college aint free here you faggot

>graduate in Europe
>move to America, because the salaries are twice as good and taxes half as bad over there

Yeah in some shitty art degrees. Chads go to engineering uni.

Why do people expect the government for their college? You’re going to college to increase your earnings potential and why should the government pay for that?

>be europoor state
>pay the tuition of college students
>they finish their carreer and end up going to the US for better job opportunities
Imagine paying people their tuition only for them to go to another country.

Why would you go to the most retarded land in the world? You could earn such money in Austria.

Americy has 1 million millionaires.

Germany ten thousand.

Kill yourself.

If our colleges are so bad, why do people from all over the world pay ridiculous prices to attend?

Are you a fucking moron? Nothing is free.


it is infact, not "free" you brainlet memeflaggot

U will never understand freedom europoor. Crippling debt is our way of life. We ain’t givin it up and we ain’t going socialism. You get me ? We ain’t following your lockdown order neither we got rights. Fuck you.


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You mean payed by high taxes

And the cost of living is twice as much anyway, and everything is shit and poorly made

in my shit country the government pays you to go to university

Attached: المعدات.png (320x107, 1.66K)

Hi user. Let me clarify that for you since I am originally from a country that has free college.
>be smart country
>students go to college
>government pays their tuition
>students graduate with the obligation to work for the government and receive the standard wage for 5 years or repay the tuition and work elsewhere
>graduates leave the country to make more money and never repay the tuition depriving others from being able to go to school
>students don't leave but there aren't enough jobs in either the private or public sector for all those college graduates
>have to take your degree and go work at Pizza Hut

>Why would you go to the most retarded land in the world?

If everyone is retarded here, then it should be Easy Mode to get ahead in America.

[Pro tip: it’s not. Most Europeans come over to the US expecting it to be easy and never pass mid-level jobs here. Some do succeed, but it’s not “Easy Mode”.]

Gas the Jews

Yes, "free"

So I pay for Marie-Sophie's feminist dance therapy degree with my hard earned money

>Gets paid by the Taxpayer
Ayo so you be saying its free homie?

its uhh
not free here
idk what u smoked

>Free college
Not really true, but alright.

Attached: 1579072268445.gif (220x158, 101.74K)

Hungary, Austria, Slovakia and Czechia are the most comfy countries in the world. Unlike Muttland.

If you were smart, you wouldn’t post a shitty meme with the word free. Nothing in life is free.

It's a ticket to enter to the US. That's why.

>Brazil: free

Why Canada isn’t there ? I thought it’s free too

There's no free lunch. It's paid by the taxpayers. Free price leads to waste. I'd rather than lower taxes and a student loan. That way people don't waste each other's money on useless degrees.

Canada is right next to USA so it doesn't seem like an exotic far-away country to the people that the image is trying to convince