>An Ubisoft game where main protagonist is a straight white viking male with beard
Is this the end of forced political agendas on video games Yas Forums?
>An Ubisoft game where main protagonist is a straight white viking male with beard
Is this the end of forced political agendas on video games Yas Forums?
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Christcucks btfo
what game
Barbarians good
Englishman bad
What the fuck game are you on about?
Vikings are white niggers.
This but unironically, fuck anglos and everything they did to this continent.
wrong board manchild
Based and Anglo Pilled
Their recent Odyssey was bretty good in this regard too, if you wanted you could play a total pig that shits on women and the game didn't really punish you for this.
Rune II is the real deal.
This could be jizz worthy if micro transitions or dlc pay walls don’t new it up
>promoting white on white violence
>Playable as female or male, Eivor leads a clan of Norse people across the icy North Sea to flee Norway’s endless war and dwindling resources. If they hope to survive, they’ll have to build a new home in the hostile lands of England. There, you’ll provide for yourself and your people by constructing, customizing, and upgrading your settlement with new buildings like barracks, blacksmiths, and tattoo parlors, all while recruiting new members to grow your clan.
Into the trash it goes. Also, show flag, kike.
Simping for anglos, kek.
>tattoo parlors
It's all so tiresome.
>Barbarians good
>Englishman bad
>implying vikings are more barbarian than *nglos
4rd game thread today
yes thats pretty fucking common if you ask me
if you can mod this game so all of the anglos look like john oliver and mr bean, will buy (and vikings as anime waifus).
I want to buy this game, but I know if I do then I won't bother even playing it more than once or twice
I don't buy games often but the past 4 games I've bought I couldn't be bothered to play them
I don't like vidya anymore you guys what is happening to me
Bought the entire world out of poverty bow before the superior anglo you filth
>retards will expect this
>retards will pre order it
>final game is full of blacks, Asians and gays which were deliberately left out of pre release content
I'd give it a week or two after release just to see how much bastardizing it actually does
>An ubisoft game where a foreign invader is the good guy, and Britain is the bad guy for defending itself
no agenda here goys
Told you fags the woke vidya culture is going bye bye
if that's all the programming in this that's fine by me. Like it really matter anyways
And ruined europe in the process and ur country is now full of nigels and pajeets, I aint bowing to nothing u fucking anglo scum, ur bowing down to kikes daily though.
No, it will be full of muh strong wymminz and 40% of the characters will be niggers, it will also feature multiple missions that make you engage in homosexual acts with your fellow nigger vikangz and other deviant things like trannies will be included in the dlc that will cost you 20 euros a pop, activision will complain after the release how sexist and racist gamers are for 2 weeks because they are not enjoying side mission where Jamal Guthricsson shoves his dick up the main characters asshole
I'm sure they will put some dykes and trannies in it
Your country is practically a sphincter compared to your neighbours, especially Greece.
Guaranteed to be full of stronk women and historical revisionism about how progressive the Vikings actually were
At least my country isnt full of nigles and pajeets anglo.