I've been thinking about this the past few days but I can't come up with an answer

I've been thinking about this the past few days but I can't come up with an answer.

The founding fathers explicitly created the constitution and first set of amendments guaranteeing Americans specific rights that would not and could not be limited or revoked without first passing an additional amendment to the constitution.

How then, can the Federal and State governments limit or restrict something such as gun ownership without passing a constitutional amendment? Isn't banning any type of firearm, automatic or otherwise by definition unconstitutional? In addition, why didn't the constitution provide legal clemency for citizens using their second amendment rights to push back against a tyrannical government? Year after year we see armed protests in the United States and the overwhelming opinion is "They won't do shit" - but why would they when legally they would get absolutely destroyed by the federal government? Exercising your second amendment rights in practice today is essentially useless unless you can overthrow the government entirely lest you end up as another Waco or Ruby Ridge. The question becomes, when is the appropriate time to utilize the second amendment - is it when the federal government bans automatic weapons? Is it when they ban semi-automatic rifles? Handguns? Where is the line that should not be crossed?

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Yes banning any type of gun is unconstitutional. Period.

No good answer.

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Having an armed populace alone is enough to keep the government at least a little bit in check. I would argue some of the measures we've seen in the UK and Australia, for example, would not be tolerated in the US as a whole. If Canada goes ahead with trying to confiscate semi-autos, that will be interesting to watch.

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There's a reason why there are a lot of 2A court cases lined up

Because it's hard to get the Supreme Court of the United States of America to hear cases like this. We can even get a ruling on FOID cards being totally unconstitutional because no other states have a similar system

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Everything passed in conjunction the first and second amendments is unconstitutional

Can't even*
Also the red line is when they physically show up at your house. Then it's a matter between you them and God

Every single gun law is infringement.

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meant contradiction with

babby's first redpill. welcome to the realization that freedom in the modern world is an illusion.

We are not in the United States of America you faggot, we are living in Mexico. Take a look around what kind of so called people do you see? You see nothing but shit skin Mexicans crawling all over our land.
Wake up white man these filthy brown animals are lawless savages who architectural achievement was a simple pyramid built 600 years ago. These Mexicans are very primitive unevolve primates, highly evolved rats. I classify mexicans as vermin sapiens, they are not humans like us. Just look at their stupid mexican faces, i mean take a good look at their brown dirty primitive faces. And these worthless sacks of shit have the nerve to call themselves descendants of my ancient Roman ancestors.

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They can do whatever they want as far as gun control goes. They can even do it legally. You know why? Because you dont stop them.

The second amendment does not name fire arms.
The second amendment allows the people to be able to arm themselves in case the government oversteps their authority.
'arms' refers to anything that can be used as a weapon to defend your rights.
>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
This amendment was a direct result of the British confiscating arms from the colonists to prevent an uprising after the king decided to tax them into oblivion.

because when the cause is right and enough people rise up with handguns and civilian semi autos rifles, the people in the military will start to have second thoughts about using the big guns and mechanized war to obliterate the resistance. The more bloodshed there is, the worse the military looks in the public eye. American soldiers get flak and come home with PTSD for killing random people half the world away. Imagine what the toll will be if they start killing fellow Americans.

It comes down to control of the courts and opinion. Federal, state, and local laws can get passed whether they are unconstitutional or not. Take Virginia for example. There was a law on the books from the 1800s throughout the commonwealth that it was a class 4 misdemeanor to swear in public. Didn't define what "swearing" was, but essentially it gave a police officer who heard you say something he didn't like in public to haul you down to jail.

Now, why weren't they doing that 24/7? Because people would start to notice, get really upset, and either they would lose a thousand challenges in court because judges would rule the law unconstitutional and your state now has to change laws and pay out restitution for being retards, or people would just get fed up and start getting violent.

The 2nd one is what should happen if there is no legal recourse. The problem in the US is that a lot of people aren't willing to put their lives on the line over smaller compromises to their constitutional rights. Lets say you know that a restriction on a type of firearm is unconstitutional. You buy an automatic weapon without jumping through the legal hoops, and get caught by the feds. They bring you up on charges, convict you, strip you of your rights and weapons, throw you in prison, freeze your assets. You might know you're right but you now have to go through the appeals process. Your appeals will get denied at lower levels, it will take years to get higher up the food chain. Then it gets to the supreme court. Oh no! The democrats have taken power and managed to stack the supreme court with leftist faggots. Your case is actually taken up and they vote 5-4 or something that you actually don't have the right to own ANY weapons! They're wrong of course, but it's not a perfect system and bad actors will always find ways to fuck you.

Now your only recourse is a violent revolution. Congrats, this is how many illegal federal laws survive.

Tp9sa elite. Best trigger of any striker fired pistol. Based ppq clone

Guga foods dude seems like a nice fellow

turkshit is shitty shit from a shit place.

the ppq and the p-10 family has something to say to you
>he needs a trigger to compensate for marksmanship.

This logic can be applied to so many unconstitutional things that aren't 2nd amendment related & they all have the same problem. Laws only mean something if enough people are willing enforce it, right now there's more people willing to enforce infringement of the constitution than the constitution itself.
I have a 45 ppq & thought the reset was god tier, then I got a tp9sf & the reset is even better, probably half a mm reset compared to the ppq's 4mm. Crazy considering I paid less than half the cost of the walther for the canik.

>buying roachshit

Kek, go and make some of his culinary abominations.

Because nobody does shit about it. Constitution is just a piece of paper.

>How then, can the Federal and State governments limit or restrict something such as gun ownership without passing a constitutional amendment?

They can't. Ding ding ding.

Noooooo you can’t just take my rights
Haha rights go shrrrrrreeeedddd

>The founding fathers explicitly created the constitution and first set of amendments guaranteeing Americans specific rights that would not and could not be limited or revoked without first passing an additional amendment to the constitution.
The Bill of Rights is indelible, you huge dork.

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>How then, can the Federal and State governments limit or restrict something such as gun ownership without passing a constitutional amendment?

Simple, they say no and their enforcers shoot you in the face for not complying.

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That's a badass gun

>Constitution is just a piece of paper.
It’s not paper, dumbshit

Its vellum

>Ding ding ding.

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OP is a massive faggot for posting such a piece of shit gun

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The constitution is a piece of paper. The only rights you have are rights that you can use force or the threat of force to secure. Period.

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The Constitution is just a law, and the courts are empowered to interpret it.

It's impossible to run a functioning legal system following only the laws exactly as they are written with no scope for using your brain, and so it's inevitable that all laws are opened up to "what did they MEAN by this" quibbling. This creates the context in which the right to bear arms is interpreted within.

Far from "conservative" or "traditionalist", the idea that the Constitution should be read literally and exactly as written is a radical, modern idea that has no basis in legal theory. It exists solely to prop up gun rights advocates and extreme conservative ideology.

At a larger scope, this is why the Bill of Rights is a dumb idea that other countries didn't copy. It puts your rights in the hands on unelected judges and officials instead of in parliament, in the hands of the people, where they belong. If there were no Bill of Rights, YOU would get to decide what your gun rights are. Now, you can't. The Supreme Court decides for you. So just imagine what your gun rights would be if the court was packed with Democrats instead of Republicans. And, one day, inevitably, it will be. Republicans can't keep it red forever.

>I'm upset that you got a 9mm with a ppq tier trigger for 200 bucks
Have you tried coping or do you just enjoy being butthurt?

The constitution is the default but state governments can pretty much do whatever they want.

so dishonest pilpul and talmudry that serves as an illegitimate and hostile system to the very rights they're supposedly interpreting. got it memeflag

these are the same people who dont realize most pistols on the market arent even american.

I wish i could own a hand gun in this stupid country.

>this is why the Bill of Rights is a dumb idea that other countries didn't copy.
See faggot