Libertarians are Permanently BTFO

> Have your guy (an Ayn Rand fanboy) as head of the federal reserve for 20 years
> Didn't audit the fed, didn't end the fed
> Used the fed to brrrrr print money and bail out business owners
Lolbertarian are btfo. Once they get power they just use it to bail out business owners. They think business owners are all John Galt and should run society.

Not a single lolbertarian can refute this.

Attached: AlanGreenspan.png (276x600, 124.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

> Gotta help John Galt, ie brrrrr print them money to save their business
Why do Lolbertarians keep blaming the fed when a lolbert ran the fed for 20 years?

Attached: quote-it-did-not-go-without-notice-that-ayn-rand-stood-beside-me-as-i-took-the-oath-of-office-in-the-alan-greenspan-233751.jpg (850x400, 60.94K)

pic related is President Ford, Alan Greenspan, and Ayn Rand.

Attached: GrnspAR74.jpg (186x180, 6.81K)


>Ayn Rand
Objectivism is not austrian economics.

Any Rand was a Zionist. Her books are fiction for goyim.

What is the fed?

>Her books are fiction for goyim.
So is lolbertarianism.

>What is the fed?
The federal reserve bank. The bank that lolberts blame whenever there's an economic recession. They had a libertarian running it for 20 years.

>Objectivism is not austrian economics.
>but, but objectivism isn't the same lolbertarianism just read this 1600 page book and you'll get it
No one currs about academic psychobabble

Ron Paul even named his son Rand after Ayn Rand. The fact is lolberts had their guy running the fed for 20 years and are still using the federal reserve bank as a scapegoat.

Memeflag is gay and the sage goes in all fields

>Memeflag is gay and the sage goes in all fields
Because you can't refute this argument. It's over for you.

Why do so many lolberts bailout businesses?

Attached: quote-ayn-rand-more-than-anyone-else-did-a-fantastic-job-of-explaining-the-morality-of-capitalism-paul-ryan-65-40-83.jpg (850x400, 67.92K)

>Ron Paul even named his son Rand after Ayn Rand
Objectively wrong.
>The fact is lolberts had their guy running the fed for 20 years and are still using the federal reserve bank as a scapegoat.
Also wrong, Greenspan wasn't an Austrian Economist.
Here is RP denouncing him.

I thought he came out and said that's not why, it was just a stroke of luck

>No one currs about academic psychobabble
you're pathetic.

>lolberts support bailouts
>lolberts are banking shills
>Paul Ryan is a lolbert
Why do have to be so objectively wrong, the shit oozes out of your mouth?

Yeah Im sure some fossil married to one of the lizard ladies on tv is going to audit the fed...

Ayn Rand is the first step to learning shit but after you study enough, it just crap. She does a piss poor job of trying to put ideas forward and conservatards worship the garbage as the word of god rather than just fiction with a simple message to it

>you're pathetic.
No you're god damn pathetic, there is no difference between libertarianism and objectivism accept in some academic sense.

>lolberts support bailouts
>lolberts are banking shills
>Paul Ryan is a lolbert
Yes all three of these are 100% true. Many lolberts have supported bailouts. Many lolberts are banking shills. Paul Ryan is an Ayn Rand fanboy.


>New York native and self-described “libertarian Republican” for overseeing the longest U.S. economic expansion on record.

There has been no other political group in modern history as against corporate bailouts and central bank authority as austro-libertarians, If you disagree, please name such a movement. Fucking retard.

Attached: 2Q==.jpg (271x186, 11.04K)

>There has been no other political group in modern history as against corporate bailouts and central bank authority as austro-libertarians, If you disagree, please name such a movement. Fucking retard.
Lol you're the fucking retard. This shows how little the average libertardian knows about history.

Usury (not just central banks) was banned for most of human history. Libertarians are fake opposition to usury.

Again, name a modern political movement that has articulately attacked corporate bailouts more than libertarians. I have no intention to take you seriously if you keep shifting goalposts.

Shifting goal posts? Usury was banned throughout human history. Libertarianism is completely impotent at attacking usury and whenever there's an opportunity to not bail them out, they bail them out.

>In many historical societies including ancient Christian, Jewish, and many modern Islamic societies, usury meant the charging of interest of any kind and was considered wrong, or was made illegal.[3] During the Sutra period in India (7th to 2nd centuries BC) there were laws prohibiting the highest castes from practicing usury.

The Median age of a Puerto Rican in Puerto Rico & the US mainland is 38.

Interest Rates have been around since America was founded. "Usury" refers to interest gouging, and not it's Catholic medieval definition of interest of any kind. Interest is foundational to how the current economy and finance works, and has been for hundreds of years.

Please keep telling me about how this has anything to do with libertarianism.


>the government nationalizes the corporation in order to bail them out

Attached: 1582682956183.gif (715x765, 816.99K)

Fiscal conservatives should actually kill themselves. They are the most worthless tools in the world.

>a Los Angeles Lakers fan has been caught with drugs therefore all members of the Lakers team are drug users
room temperature IQ detected. in Celsius

>Interest is foundational to how the current economy and finance works, and has been for hundreds of years.
And lolberts will work to protect that by any means necessary, including bailouts.

Paul Ryan: "This bill offends my principles but I will vote for this bill in order to preserve my principles"

Sucking american dick wont get you anywhere, lech

Libertarianism is just another gay ideology Jews invented to keep autistic goyim minds spinning. Jews are meta-ideological and don't give a fuck what system is in place as long as they are in charge and fucking your children.

>bootlicker who wants to suck dick for gov gibs calls others leech