Two comparable places. Both first world. Both with about 10 million people. One on lockdown...

Two comparable places. Both first world. Both with about 10 million people. One on lockdown, one not taking any precautions. Guess which one has more Corona deaths?

Sweden deaths from Corona: 2,586

Michigan Corona deaths: 3670

Yes. This means that the place under lockdown has had more deaths.

Please discuss the implications.

Attached: sweden-1.png (440x394, 273.82K)

Michigan has more niggers?

they have roughly the same population size, and Georgia is full of fatties. Also below the mason-dixon line, so decidedly not so smart to stay inside and wear a mask. Case closed, next pandemic

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Turned michigan into georgia in my head in the process of writing all that. My statement stands, sans the mason-dixon line

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Possibly, it is Sweden after all.

Sweden has Somalians. So it averages out.

And, it is highly racist of you to say that. No racism please. Nyet.

What does my pic say, btw?

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>Compare Sweden to Detroit
wew, i hope you realize blacks aren't actually locked down? they still want trump bux though

Meh. It is a grand experiment regardless. Comparing Michigan to Sweden in terms of Corona deaths.

If we didn't do this, there would be no way of telling if home-arrest works. The evidence suggests it doesn't.

They didn't close anything. This time they are not the cucks.

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Are amerimutts really this delusional?

Michigan is like 20% black
Sweden is 3% black

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>Two comparable places

Sweden Population Density: 23/km2
Michigan Population Density: 67.1/km2

So what? It's still first world. People all live in cities and drive.

Why is it that Sweden has a much lower death rate than Michigan, despite NO lockdown?

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>he thinks official stats are accurate
Michigan probably still has more though because of all the niggers ignoring all warnings

>So what?
So you’re a fucking moron

>Are amerimutts really this delusional?
Do you really have to ask?

Density should be enough... but Swedes are autists who social distance by default.

Also when the goverment recommends something we treat it as law.

No one was sane enough to travel to sweden to spread it.

>Michigan 96 715,9 mi2 - 176.8 people per mi2
>Sweden 173 860 mi2 - 64 people per mi2

GIB capitol of the USA is marking every death as COVID to abuse GIB system. More news at 11.

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>it is highly racist
Thank you.

It says:
[whip] the traitorous animal with Russian whip(twig?).
So that this snake stopped crapping on us.

cut the MI number remove the deaths that are listed as covid which in fact are not covid and i bet sweden is higher

>Sweden's low-populated wilderness up north is larger than Michigan's low-populated wilderness up north therefore diseases must spread slower in the towns and cities where almost all of the people live.
What I don't get is why your flag isn't Australian.

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Now compare Norway and Sweden, two neighbouring countries with close conditions where Norway locked down and Sweden did not.

Yes, thats twelve times as many deaths in Sweden.

We drive a lot. Those pictures of restaurants and parks makes it look like you are more sociable than we are.

Any troll here on /pol will say the data is invalid because of reason "X".

But, 50% more deaths in a place WITH lockdown should indicate it is a huge hoax. No one wanted to tell the world the emperor has no clothes. Sweden is NOT cucked, but MANLY.

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i would tell you why your wrong but explaining something so simple is boring. Its better if you stay delusional.

Detroit is not first world there are too many niggers

NRW is full of niggers and turkroaches. no matter where you go you can hear the sound of ape-speak. if i don't shower for two weeks i'd still smell better than after riding a bus filled with non-white trash.

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comparing Sweden to Michigan? is Detroit suppose to be Stockholm? Is that how far they have fallen?

It is fucked up... Bad. But you can find differences between any countries and then say, "Oh... Can't compare at all!" So, then the people saying to stay at home don't have to prove anything.

"Stay at home!"
But the data from Sweden says it's OK to carry on as usual. In fact, if all the data you had was Michigan and Sweden, the right choice would be to keep things running.

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America has a health system where hospitals are about making profit and calls any death a corona death since they get money for it.

which part of NRW?

In NRW 13 million are full ethnic germans

of the people with any migration background (i.e. one grandparent from outside germany) 75% are slavs or turks

so you only have about 1 milllion remaining most of which are syrian or arab or moroccan

so the blacks altogether are

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Just in a broad sense population-wise. There are hundreds of variables. So, in this analysis, some broad generalizations have to be made.

Ever hear the story if the guy walking around with a banana stuck in his ear walking around the mall in Washington DC?

A dude walked up to him and said, "Excuse me sir, may I ask you why you have a banana stuck in your ear?"

>>Sure, it's to keep the elephants away.

But there are no elephants here!

>>See? It's working! (BTFO'ed)

The point is that you need a baseline.

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its called niggers