This is how you get protests, hope this power tripping fuck loses reelection

This is how you get protests, hope this power tripping fuck loses reelection

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I thought Californians supported being confined to their homes?

I think it's fair to say that any state doing this kind of thing is under the control of China. Investigate all these people and where their money is coming and going from and to.

> Visual aids help. Newsom does not use a teleprompter during his briefings, in part because he suffers from dyslexia, a learning disorder that makes reading difficult. It takes an hour of preparation for every minute of a prepared speech he gives.

>His dyslexia has made it difficult for him to write, spell, read and work with numbers.[12]

We don't. Well... a lot do. This state is full of save me, Mr. Newsome. All I ask is the rest of America just kill us. Burn the state and rebuild.

You realize Cali is one of main outbreak zones right? You naysayers need to be rounded up and gassed like Jews in the fake history books.

is he going to close the tent cities built up around LA?

There is a protest in Orange County tomorrow.

Several county sheriffs have already told him to pound sand.

Shut the fuck up chang.

That’s why he drank, did coke, and fucked his campaign manager’s wife. To treat his dyslexia.

What else is there to do in Cali?

This cut and paste shilling is so disappointing, chink. Even the pajeets could put their own flavor on it.

>power tripping
Bro, he assumed people would be reasonable and he assumed wrong. It’s beyond reasonable to shut the beaches back down if everyone is gonna be a retard about it and swarm the beaches literally the minute they reopened

I saw this on the news yesterday.... 1st thought was, dirt bike heaven... ripping down the beach.... wheeeet wheeet wheeet

Why aren’t people questioning expansive NEW measures 2 months into the lockdown

yeah, if elections were real

Just hide in your closet pussy. You don't need the governor to force you.

>dyslexia has made it difficult for him to work with numbers.
thats called dyscalculia

Don’t be such a cuck. The curve is completely flat, and you can distance yourself from others on the beach no problem.

Two tough guys. Tougher than illness. What’s your secret?

>What’s your secret?
Being young and having a high enough IQ to understand risk and mortality rates

So many experts on Yas Forums who would like to open everything back up and kill millions of people with your bad policy decisions.

Thank God none of you have any power.

>kill millions of weak people

Damn my property value will go down. How is the commie behavior allowed in the nation of freedom ?????

I'm going to Venice tomorrow to smoke a fatass bleezy and there's nothing that faggot Newsom can do about it.

I have that, it sucks.

>going to the beach makes you tough
LMAO not only are you a pussy, but also a paranoid schizophrenic.

New Englander here, RI's governor just banned all public gatherings/festivals over the summer. She's basically gutted the state's main source of tourism and revenue for an entire season.

Everyone's power tripping.

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there are 48,869 confirmed cases and 1,954 deaths. how many people live in the state? can you math?
oh, and there are 55 times more people who have had it and are not counted as confirmed cases:
sooo, 2 MILLION californians have had covid 19 and 1,954 have died. I ask again: Can you math?

You probably one of those weak people

At these rates I'd be shocked if it killed even 1 million.

spics love government control and are far more compliant


and then they'll beg daddy trump for federal money to save them so they can go back to shitting on him.

most people see the protesters as retards, looking forward to seeing screencaps of their facebook posts next to their obituary

On one hand this is fucking ridiculous. On the other this will stop the hordes of obese monkeys from Fresno from flooding my town every sunny day.

>nooooooo not the heckin beacherino
Seriously though, you people are pathetic. BEACHES AREN’T ESSENTIAL

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Don't cut yourself on all that edge.

Newsom is the antichrist. Also Democrats are colluding with China to make Trump look bad and create totalitarianism.


Neither is your life slave.

CA user here, I hope he gets a heart attack when he snorts his next rail of crack.

>Newsom is the antichrist.
calm down

>state's main source of tourism
Good, it will keep the NY and NJ fags out of my town.

That's always been the play; enact draconian measures to keep state fearing libs inside and play their heartstrings like a fiddle so you look like the tough, but empathetic politician who tried to save as many people as they could from the incompetence of the feds, because it's election season and you need to play the hero. And when you completely demolish your own economy? Blame the feds a second time.

>This is how you get protests, hope this power tripping fuck loses reelection

Oh no!! The illegal alien majority of Mexifornia will protest, loot and riot.

These poor, poor, undocumented doctors, scientists, and high-IQ Rhoads Scholars only want a better quality of life you racist gringos.

209 here. No more chinky chanks coming through my town on their way to Yosemite. It's a God send but the family taqueria is probably going to go out of business.



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You people are an embarrassment. Imagine being this selfish

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And it was a time when smallpox was still around yet people want the government to mandate quarantine at gunpoint because of Ching-Chong flu even though the worst version is the rarest.

I say...
>end the lockdown
>let businesses decide to reopen based upon decisions between the workers, the managers, and the customers
>let natural selection be the real decider

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