European Fascism will be used to instill Russian/Chinese rule

Most people are not capable of following a second step whilst retaining memory of the first step, but I'm going to give outlining it a go anyway.

The hyperinflation of rampant Leftism is the west is not the main tool by which it's users seek the destruction of the west, bare with me and I shall explain what I mean.

The rampant Leftism is a deliberate tool of provocation, designed to ensure a reactionary right wing resurgence, much as we witnessed about a hundred years ago.

In order to avoid the threat of Leftism, and simultaneously to avoid the threat of communism, the Right will be forced to National Socialism and Fascism.

Cut to a re-do of WWII with rapid expansion of Fascism across Europe, as the Europeans act desperately to retain their cultural heritage in the face of rampant Leftism and replacement immigration.

This is why all the predictive programming regarding 'Nazi Zombies', literally the whole Nazi's coming back from the dead, is soft disclosure programming for the second rise of Fascism in Europe.

At which point, the stage will be set for the Europeans to be cast as the 'Evil Nazi's' whom need to be defeated and the European lands 'Liberated'.

This Liberation will come in the form of a co-operative effort between China and Russia directed towards the emergence of a Eurasian Super-state.

The war in Europe will be West vs East, as it was always intended to be, as is the oldest conflict on the planet still running.

If victorious, Europe will become a subjected Russian province in the Prussian vein.

Attached: prussian1.jpg (650x447, 47.62K)

>China and Russia

Yes it would be in their interests to do so, why would they not at such a juncture?

I will fight with Russia and China against the anglos.

There will be a lot of European division, with some siding with the east, others west, especially since it will be cast as a 'European Nazi's' narrative, so there will be plenty of Europeans who fight their brother Europeans and think they are fighting on the side of right.

What we will end up with is a Prussian province created out of the subjugated central and eastern European nations.

Meanwhile China will take great gains in AUS and several European nations also.

The old Colonies will go to Chinese rule while vast swathes of Europe are absorbed into the new Russo-Prussian province.

Bump for posterity.

Attached: poopshills.jpg (816x684, 310.61K)

Lurk for three years before typing out such a horrible reddit spaced post ever again, newfag.

>wait an arbitrary number of years before daring to share potentially useful political commentary

Die painfully and slowly.

>o there will be plenty of Europeans who fight their brother Europeans and think they are fighting on the side of right.

I know who is the enemy.

Attached: cfgvhbj.jpg (561x600, 60.29K)

The 'enemy' is the force who threatens the continued existence of you and your people.

If it does not threaten /your/ existence, but threatens the continued of existence of /your/ people, it is still the enemy.

Act not just in your own interests, but take the actions that serve your interests AND the interests of your people.

Abide this and you can do no wrong.

Surprised at the lack of political responses, lots of the usual derp posts, but nothing geo-political and related to OP. I thought Yas Forums would be all over this notion desu, not necessarily in support of it, but all over it.

Bump for posterity.

Retard, there are no big interests for chinks than stealing a piece of my country.
Chinks is the number one enemy for Russia.

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Yes in the long term they are. BUT. It would serve both Russian and Chinese interests for there to be at least a minimum level or cooperation or indifference when Russia makes it's move into Europe. This will not happen until the Eurozone is embroiled in war within it's own bloc, as the rising Fascist states do battle with the states who oppose the new dynamic. Only when this intra-european war is raging will Russia do the same thing it was poised to do during WWII, the same thing that forced Hitler to pre-emptivly assault Russia, and that same thing is for Russia to make a move on Europe while it is otherwise engaged in warfare at home.

China is already consolidating it's power bases in the old colonies, in preparation for taking the old colonies by force, the Russians will ignore this and allow it to happen, because then when Russia goes into Europe, it is China's turn to turn the blind eye. You see? cooperation/strategic indifference.

A euro-zone embroiled in war within it's own Bloc, would not be a in a good position to resist a determined Russian advance. Even a fully united EU, with every single member state supplying troops and equipment would only just be able to grind the Russian advance to a halt and push it back.

An EU embroiled in war with itself...easy pickings.

Nice Movie plot. Sorry. Russia and China are not actively cooperating to cause a Third World War in Europe.

Russia could not defeat NATO. Maybe the USSR but not Russia today.

Putin is capitalizing perfectly on western weakness due to discontent from brexit and immigration.

But their goals do not exactly align with China other than presenting a front against the United States.

>Russia could not defeat NATO.

What the actual fuck is your basis for this information? since it is commonly agreed among military analysts that it would take a combined EU effort to push Russia back out of Europe if it entered. The /entirety/ of the European Union would find that a tall order.

And you think NATO could do it themselves? pray tell, do you have any idea the resources that NATO has to call upon if there was to be a Russian advance? minimal and would be overrun in a matter of hours. Meanwhile it would take months to organize a NATO response force, which would then have to assault a fortified position, as the Russians will have had months to arrange a defense.

I'm guessing you are one of those people who has minimal political understanding and zero military strategic knowledge.

Yeah wow jee, what a potent force NATO has to resist sudden Russian aggression with T_T

Attached: euroflanks.jpg (512x395, 80.54K)

>The rampant Leftism is a deliberate tool of provocation, designed to ensure a reactionary right wing resurgence, much as we witnessed about a hundred years ago.
Always knew this and I wouldn't call that "left" since it's causing division and goes against ability to unite in a class warfare the that left should represent first and foremost. In fact corporate oligarchy that is pushing this degeneracy like feminism, lgbt and SJW advocate activist groups (bought out useful idiots) and big platforms promoting them, do this to push society farther right, which will be later used in geo political agendas and pushing militarism all propped by by weapon industry.

I hope it all back fires on them, to whoever is doing this, and they end up hanging on street lamps instead of having their agendas archived.
>The war in Europe will be West vs East
There will be no hot war, maybe cold war
>If victorious, Europe will become a subjected Russian province in the Prussian vein.
Europe would become an ash in case of war. And the whole world in fact.

>presents a literal Chinese meme graphic with unsourced info which is outdated at best and fabricated at worst

>Russian military only has supply and money for X amount of time, not sufficient enough for indefinite deployment throughout all of fucking WESTERN EUROPE

Hows the weather in London compared the Moscow, Boris?

I agree with about half of what you say.

In regards to 'no hot war' actually I pretty much agree because I think this will go down as a conflict, not a declared war.

>nuclear dustbowl

Uh, again, sort of, the Russian strategic doctrine in regards to nuclear weapons, other than to uphold M.A.D is for use in the European ground war.

Gotta remember that there are several steps of escalation that need to happen between one nuclear device being deployed in a ground fight, and global nuclear holocaust. It is perfectly reasonable to expect that there could be a limited nuclear exchange focused on the ground fight in Europe, /without/ having that escalate to a full intercontinental nuclear exchange.

Thematically I got your point yeah, just wanted to make sure you had considered the specifics of how that plays out.

Who said anything about Russian military occupying western Europe? no one, just you.

>Forced into National Socialism

Attached: NationalSocialismUniversalTruth.png (840x714, 481.57K)

Well, I would take it over an Islamic caliphate any day of the week, if this plays out how I think it will, I know who's side I'll be fighting on.

Attached: getinlosers.png (497x335, 160.05K)

Demography means everything, and Western Europeans refused to procreate not yesterday, but 40 years go. Who will be the spearhead of your reactionary right wing resurgence, 50+ year old men? SS Division Geriatrica supported by palliative care nurses instead of field surgeons, in service of the EU Retirement Home Federation?

One day the Chinese will just march in and strike deal with the future Muslim states how to divide the European landmass with new borders. We won't even be a 'subjected province', that's what Russia can be for China. My people will be shown in the ZOOs for entertainment.

Attached: Human_ZOO.jpg (500x417, 35.79K)

You act as if there are no Europeans. Declining birth rates yes, /declining/ not extinct yet, nowhere near it.

And yes I am highly aware of your shilling tactics.

>Pretends there are no europeans
>Pretends every european country is majority non-european

Post nose?

>your right wing resurgence

It's got nothing to do with me, pay attention to the news, right wing politics is on the rise all across Europe.

Yet another kike tactic

>Pretends that this is some proposal for the formation of a fascist movement rather than an observation on the resurgence in general of the right wing in Europe

Post nose, seriously.

It’s not our or anyone’s fault here because we do not have political power.

After fighting and dying for their (the elites of society) gain over millennia, Europeans are tossed aside as soon as their one supposed usefulness, making more serfs and slaves, was gone. Now Europeans are being replaced by those who do make children. The native working class is but cattle to the rich and powerful.

Food for thought.

You're not getting socialism in a country that Soros turned Half Brown Half White. Socialism won't return in a place like France when all the welfare collectors are Muslim trash