Anti Shill and Board Infiltration General: Commies edition

This general is to help newfags, old fags, and anons to group together, coordinate, identify and create a response to the constant shill effort to derail and disrupt this board.
>Shills will never completely stop and if they do then the board is headed in the wrong direction. Remember shills are paid to or encouraged by (((them))) to respond to threats. Higher threat=Higher shills
Previous To understand how to beat shills we must first highlight their characteristics and how they function.
1. They are always disrupting, distracting, or demoralizing.
>e.g. Trump said drink bleach HAHAHA, rightists btfo, and 13 threads all talking about nigger dick and porn all posted shortly after each other.
2. They have separate communication outside of Yas Forums, through (((Discord))) or (((Reddit))).
>e.g debating shill or having a thread talking about how western culture dying, and suddenly 5-10 other posters start attacking you directly or the thread via the methods stated in #1.

Tactics for beating shills
1.Sage alone no longer works, as the shills have enough members to keep the thread bumped, drop at least 5 to 10 redpills using "sage" in the options field, and leave.
2. If debating a shill DO NOT let them change the argument or move the goal post. They have the burden to disprove you, and if they can't do not budge from the argument or let them change the subject.
3. Recognize patterns these are npc's we are dealing with and once they start attacking threads or sliding it follows a pattern
>E.G Amerimuts rule, whity btfo'd, and more recently "inject" or, "Trump said drink bleach."
4.Report without advertising, as jannies hate to be bothered by anything they may delete the thread if enough reports are logged.
5. It is the burden of the person making the argument to provide VALID sources, Valid meaning they have evidence rooted in fact and not speculation or wild theories, "sources say ", "insiders exposed" for example.
>no sources=no argument.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bump for quality

also here is a handy shill guide if you feel like reading through it

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Fuck you miga retard

seethe some more

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They're just shouting into the void. It's like if we all decided to go to /r/politics and say that maybe it's not a good idea to annihilate the white race or insinuate that maybe collectivization isn't something we're fans of. It's not going to change anyone's mind there. Likewise some communist larp thread around here or targeted raids from other boards can go almost completely unnoticed and have absolutely 0 effect.

Bump because this shit is getting out of hand. Also fuck all redditnewfags with their gayass cat

yeah but newfags take the bait, so it's better to inform them of this.

Bump so newfags understand most of the posts here are shrills. And a reminder not to respond to shrill threads.

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Bump. It’s seriously out of control.

Those are good tactics but what about attacking specific methods of demoralisation? That’s really the point of the attacks and I think more anons will jump on the sinking ship because they see it as not worth throwing a pail water over. Effort posting specifically gets undermined and there being a notable lack of it shows that not just shills can suppress the thread but anons just don’t want to participate. Can you blame them what’s there to participate in?
I like the idea of dropping redpills, what could prove interesting is using their methods of subversion against them, begin to make these slide threads a place where real thread topics can be discussed?
It may prove futile with the amount of shills however

Banned Dr. Ericson video

Overtime has been authorized

good question drop redpills on the situation and it always helps, yeah start linking actual effort threads to the shill threads, and newfags will generally be curious. Also, point it out that (((they))) have a vested interest in keeping us demoralized and feeling like what we are doing does not work. For example, compare the number of shills from this year to 2016 back . Demoral fags only work if they can make it seem like we don't do anything.

redpills and leftist cringe
even they can't stand themselves when they're put in front of a mirror

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Bump fuck these low effort shills


would make sense

That fucking cat is annoying, and immediately shows where they are from

Bump for newfags.

Thanks for the suggestions, yeah I like these they would at the very least be useful to some percentage of anons who would be engaged.
I’ll also note also seems helpful

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get fucked retard Yas Forums isn't your personal army

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not asking for you to be shill

came here to post this

also have this

Attached: shill guide 2.png (1485x2881, 664.39K)

>t. Zionist shill

>I'm smarter than everyone here
>Also enough delusional to think that everyone that disagree with my ideal Yas Forums experience is a paid shill.

Autism overload.

OP doesn't have a dick in his mouth.

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t. JIDF nigger

Bump because this is highly relevant. Reading through the thread now.


>you're a shill if you don't agree with me

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Have sex incel