Anti white racism

Report this bitch to her employer. This is a thread about anti white racism

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Her name is Jacqueline Arce

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Fuck, it's so hideous

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We need to start calling out people on their racism

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Looking for this?

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This is going to do the opposite of what you want. Majority of users on tinder are liberal.



She so pissed off this hispanic woman look better than her that she want her dead. Crazy woman.

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I emailed her employers

every. single. time

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Based. I miss the old 4chinz where we were proactive. The feds did a good job or making this place impotent as all fuck. Its about time we started throwing our weight around. Fuck these people

rapidly approaching the point that antiwhites need to leave this mortal plane of existence, maybe this corona virus will cause a true happening

All the good altchans are dying or dead too. 8 was the place to be before, well, y'know. Julay World was interesting, but now it's shutting down. And then you have your generic altchan, nothing interesting. There was a Rizon IRC server dedicated to this Project Changuard thing but that got killed by inactivity.

This looks like a White woman.

I get more racist every single day.

Amazing job.

It's her white features that make her pretty though

Check this thread to. Anti white racism is still racism

well technically i have ancestors, regardless in what imaginary place they might be

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bump, whites have lost their jobs for far less than this cunt.

>less crowed
This is what happens when foreigners get to make the signs. Heckin' cultural apporpriation fail

Like a Swiss Watch.

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