Every country the USA laughed at is massively going down in cases. Trump and the US are a complete joke and a massive failure confirmed. I quit.
Muh meme president
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Joe will save us.
So sorry you're confined to a long term care facility, boomer. You should have treated your children better with flu season coming on.
Is it really killing half the people in America? That's rich considering that Americans are the only ones saying that it has a negligible death rate under 0.03% and protesting on the street for their freedom to die. Why does the retarded shit always happen in America?
One of the best moments was when coping Amerimutt shills keept insisting German cases are just about to explode like in Amerimuttland or insisted Germany wouldnt test as much as Amerimutts
got a joke for you
what do you call a pandemic that wipes out 61,000 mutts?
you have 10x more cases than my state
They were such complete niggers that all the other niggers hated them, including the nigger mayor in Philly at the time. So fuck em.
OP doesn't care. It's a (1 post by this ID) bot. Its job is to drop bait and start a slide thread that will start rolling something more relevant off the board. Why would you post inna slide thread? Well, the damage is done. A thread already died. But you can drop redpills and keep this thread near the top of the page until it reaches the bump limit to prevent another slide thread from gaining traction.
Problem with that is if you allow the police to do it to them, they won't hesitate to do it to you.
the prediction is 2.2 million deaths faggot.
Please do quit. Your memeflag shilling is weak at best. Care to show the world cases sorted by population? I doubt it. Sage.
Then it was 200,000. Then 100,000. Now we're actually hitting a target number they "predicted." And 60,000 is just a bad flu season.
Most fatalities are niggers though and they're spreading it all over their ghetto nests and to spics too, this looks like a win win situation if you ask me famalam.
>60% lower testcoverage
>30% more cases per test
>b-but at least my state is an irrelevant shithole!!!
The lockdowns have probably saved a lot of lives. Those numbers could easily be doubled by now.
Oregon has prettier geography and more white people per capita than Germany.
Wie steht den eigentlich die AfD zu AKKs vorhaben Millarden für alte Flieger an die Amis zu zahlen?