How can we fix Western women?
How can we fix Western women?
shariah law
pay women to be professional mothers.
Uncuck western men and make them keep their women in line
Why should we fix anything? What about them do you want to fix? What makes you think you have the power to fix them?
Wow. That was fast.
By fixing their men first.
Hillary fixes everyone.
Islam will save the west
From what?
This might seem like a stupid answer but it's actually the most practical. As a guy whose wife stays at home I'd always hear from the women I worked with how much they wished they could be full time mothers but just couldn't afford it. If the government provided more significant subsidies to have children, contingent upon the mother staying home to raise them, you'd see a mass exodus of women from the workplace and a boom in birthrates. This has the added affect of fixing most of the degeneracy plaguing modern women, which is driven by the nihilism that comes from pretending they don't want to be mothers and wives.
hows that working out for nigger women?
End women's rights.
Initiator of divorce should get nothing.
Abortion is murder.
State-enforced monogamy now.
Make it legal for men to beat their wives and daughters.
Based Mohammad.
>Why should we fix anything?
If we want to preserve Western civilisation it's essential to solve the root cause of our problems and women is one of them.
>What about them do you want to fix?
I think my pic related speaks for itself.
I guess encourage them to make right decisions and force them to live with their mistakes so they don’t make them again.
Your next line is: we must bad porn.
>hows that working out for nigger women?
I'd provide incentives for women to choose donors that are intelligent and healthy. So a black woman would have access to the sperm of a mathematician, for example. I'd provide consultation and explain the benefits of choosing a donor with high intelligence.
A lot of black women would also choose a donor with straight soft hair, so their children won't have super kinky hair. That preference alone will boost the intelligence of their offspring, because humans with straight hair are generally more intelligent. Btw, this doesn't have to be a government program.
Expel the Jew.
You're delusional. Just let go of your traditionalist ideals and build a new future. The past you're longing for is dead.
>If we want to preserve Western civilization
too late friend.
take away rights and privileges, obviously women can not handle it need to follow strong men with morality.
Unless we are talking about women who are terrified that their men will leave them. For these women independence is the number one priority, thus getting a job and keeping a job are their primary drivers.
Maybe these women would make bad wives anyways? How many are we talking of the general population? 20%? 80%? I have no idea.
Yeah, I don't know what year these guys think they're living in. They should live their life and enjoy the decline.
Oh look it’s this thread again
have sex Yas Forumscels
- Reduce Womans rights. ( For if they demand equallity, they shall have it, but they won'T be able to handle the conscription )
- Bring back jobs
- Ban Onions and any other shit that makes men weak and therby the family weak
- force everybody through basic militry training
- propagate and publically honor women who are mothers, etc. ( you know the drill )
- reduce the influence of jews in each industry
- kill the people who spread degenerecy
By fixing western men. But most of the retards here will never admit it
If it were too late, why do they still propagate the shit that they are doing ?
If it were too late, they woundn't do it.
This is a larp and you know it. We aren't going to do shit. our world is broken.
Fuck off, that's communist thinking. Just lower taxes and cut off all subsidies for not working unless you're really a cripple with 0 ways to get income.
As long as women are married to the state and can vote themselves into our wallets, you can't fix anything.
>How can we fix Western women?
eliminate jews
If you are too weak to do it, others will do it.
The only question resides, if they will have mercy with you or not.
You can't, but you can mitigate damage by repealing women's suffrage and oven all jews.
How many virgins will I get?
You LARPing virgins are such faggots, real easy to talk big on the internet, but that's all you will ever do.
They profit from it. They don't need to keep doing it because it's self-propagating.
You need to stop worrying about it because it isn't going to change. You're making yourself miserable.
Women have always acted this way, though. Even Israeli Jewish women act this way, to the dismay of conservative Israelis.
Based and christpilled
she looks good, she just needs to spend less time int he sun to make her skin pale
>moar welfare
Want to know how I know you are a roastie?
I'm seeing more of this kind of LARPing on Yas Forums. They need to stop worrying about what other people are doing. it's over. Just let it happen.
that one cant get fixed
>wears the equivalent of a bikini
Please mind my fragile rightwing sensibilities, ma’am!