Who is more evolved? Whites or blacks?

Who is more evolved? Whites or blacks?

It seems that whites are the less evolved, more ape-like race.

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Holy fucking cope.

The ape responded

Somebody spent hours making this

Killing poltards with their own weapon

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they're right.
we're totally different species.

Yes, you’re apes and blacks are humans.

It’s because blacks are pure humans while you literally have NEANDERTHAL admixture

The people who made modern civilization are the most evolved whereas the people still living in mudhuts are the least evolved

>the people who made modern civilization are the most evolved

So.. Jews?

Jews are the destroyers of modern civilization, not the builders of it

This is my last reply. You wasted your time making and this thread will get

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Welp it’s confirmed. Whites are apes

Lol. K.
Reminder for obvious bait threads. If you must reply do so only once and use sage.

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>there are whites in this thread RIGHT NOW who have no internal monolgue
>they still consider themselves human

How? The modern civilization you live in right now has been built by the jews

Jews don’t count because they’re extra-terrestrials.
Or inter-dimensional. Juries out on that one.

The one with the significantly bigger brain

Which one still lives in mud huts and hasn't done anything to advance civilization?

I we start comparing whites to apes, niggers will no longer be considered apes.
Nigger worshipers are fucking stupid.
use a word to describe a nigger and that word will be banned.
not the niggers.... the word.

>Which one still lives in mud huts
Maybe mud huts are good enough? It’s not like they need insulation or snow/hurricane protection in Africa

almost master degree in biology here.
Your question is stupid.
The metric of "evolved" has almost no meaning beside niche cases.

Niggers evolved in an environment where they didn't need to plan or other high functionning brain skills. So they didn't gain superior thinking.
They adapted well, "evolved" to their environment in other aspects like skin melanin, high velocity sprints, and so on.
White adapted for higher reasoning skills and planning; also winter resistant skin and organs and so on. Both are similarly "evolved".
If you mean, in an "intelligent-capacity sense", clearly whites have developed further.


>almost master degree in biology here.

Then you’d know that, biologically speaking, humans cannot be divided into races and that not all niggers excel in running lmao just as not all whites excel in swimming, because races don’t exist and we’re all just a spectrum of similar genetically population pools

Yes, they should stay far, far away from us. To preserve their humanity, you see.

All of these don't point to more or less evolved. They point towards a difference in WHERE they evolved. Whites are hairier? We evolved where it's colder, thus we needed it. We can swim better than blacks? I would say that there are more waterways and bodies of water where we evolved. Europeans are more evolved, or euro descended, than Africans because the enviornment we evolved in forced us to be smart and adapt. In Africa, the temp is conducive to humans and food was plentiful. It just feel off trees or ran across the field. Lots more large mammals to hunt and eat and more crops to eat from. Africa has had life on easy mode and because of it the African never developed higher culture. Whites have.

There are biological differences between the races, meaning by definition that they can be divided. If animals can be divided into different species based on coloration, humans can be divided too. I was initially only saying races, but I've revised it. Blacks and whites are wholly different species.

There is more diversity in the predescribed races than between them. Thus by definition humanity cannot be divided into races as it’s too homogenous

>There is more diversity inside racial groups than outside of them

This doesn't negate the fact that there IS a genetic diversity between races. it's really not an argument. I can seperate the races by all sorts of metrics behavior being one, culture another. France and Germany are more similar than Sweden and Indonesia. Indonesia is more similar to Kenya than it is to Poland. I don't need science to know what I see with my eyes. I don't hate blacks. I just recognize that they should be amongst their own and vice versa. Stop being disengenuous

You clearly don't know anything about statistics or data analysis. Forming clusters doesn't having anything to do with the cluster itself, it has to do with variations between different clusters.

Well, experts know more about biology and anthropology than either you or me, and the consensus is clear:

Race is a social construct

Watch Masaman’s video “how many races are there”

He concludes that racial divisions are purely arbitrary

No thanks. I don't need to watch a video restating your same conclusions. I see a clear difference in the races. The difference in behavior and beliefs is so far spanning that it's enough for me to conclude that i don't want to associate with them

Sqrt(-1)/10 bait.

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Bad bait thread, pooland.

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>They point towards a difference in WHERE they evolved
The Inuit are the best example of this. Genetically they are very close to the plains indian, but physically there is a night and day difference. In the 19th century the plains indian was the tallest people on earth, especially tribes such as the comanche, while the inuit are among the shortest.

Inuit have incredibly short legs, the fat in their body is dispersed differently, and they have lower blood pressure and better blood flow to their limbs. Some of these traits come simply from acclimatization as the human body adapts to handle the cold, but the inuit do have a few genetic perks to better survive their environment.

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The difference between Norwegians and Russians is also easily visible. Yet they’re supposedly the same race according to your logic

Your logic is thus lacking, hypocritical

Case in point:
Civilized New Yorkers and hicks from Appalachia just a few states down
Same race, supposedly
World of difference


The common thread is that they are european. Its obvious you are a shitskin in poland, or a VPN. Which is it?

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>russian asiatic slavniggers


>biologically speaking, humans cannot be divided into races
Yes, they can be.
For once, human populations can be separated based on allele frequencies.
But not going to that route, we can simply classify based on morphology.
Guess what, this is being done on most species.

There are other arguments.
This phylogeny for example, published in science magazine is true or at least is near the truth.
So, how would you call those branches? races? human ethnicities?
If we were talking about another species, almost no one would doubt to separate in different species.
As well as further dividing each species in subspecies if necessary (africans -> bantu, pygmies and so on)

There are counter arguments, of course.
First, some ((( colleagues ))) believe the amount of "racemixing" historically in humans have been so big "since thousands of years" that it doesn't make sense to separate in races. This sounds like wishful thinking or bullshit.
Another counter argument is that race doesn't have a genetic correlation "and thus is useless".
Which is false ; for instance, there are some few genes, maybe 1% of exome, present in non-africans and not in africans.
But as i said before, is not a matter of specific genes but of the alleles in more abundance in a population compared to another. Pure europeans have certain alleles in a very high frequency compared to africans for some genes, and so on.

The politic side of course obfuscates this discussion:
the jew tells you "races doesn't exist" while at the same time doing great efforts into racemixing pure populations until they truly don't exist anymore.
And in academics, it is taboo plain and simple. No one wants their scholarship or academic positions being thrown because of "racist remarks".

In a different, more honest world, we could be discussing this in a classroom or laboratory, and not in an anonymous malasyan cartoon board.

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How many races are there?

That explain why nigger are more stupid than ape