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>apoopoo peed
How much longer are they gonna milk this series? Till the end of days?

zoomers love their ez sneeky games

This series died with Ezio.

>Can play as a male or female character

no thanks

>Polytheist terrorists
Ok infidel

>video game

Good job revealing your age.

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Have they shown a black Viking yet?


So when is this series renamed to Time-traveling Warriors Creed ?

No. There will be nigger Vikings and tranny Vikings. I guarantee it.

Create algebra then get back to me boat boi.

>Assassins mark shaped like axehead
>Just etches the mark into a random axe instead


If its anything like the last two it will be shit regardless of the setting.

It's not like it was ever that good in the first place.
They're gonna go on as long retards keep buying and there's still ancient cultures to bastardize.
Gamers are the dumbest consumer base, they love the corporate cock.

No they'll do even worse than that:

Gypsy Vikings
Mark my words.

The mother fucking horror.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh must consoooooooooooooome muh based mud hut folks

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that game will unfortunately be utter PC garbage and shoehorn in modern day politics to eschew some sort of relevancy to boost profits. So it goes

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Assassins creed 3 was based

Just watch, I'm 99% sure of it.

The jews at ubisoft love gypsies, they included them at the first opportunity in AssCreed Revelations.

Niggers as vikings?
Y: Not based
N: Based


the absolute state of LARPers

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>not a single person of color in the trailer



I enjoyed all the ones with his character. The Pirate one had a shit story but was at least fun. All the rest were stupid/borning

Kek, saved

3rd video game thread today

Fuck I’m a brainlet and forgot English well my opinion is shite now, carry on

>It's not like it was ever that good in the first place.
You take that back. 2 and Black Flag were the best in the series.

This. If you didnt see the signs before that Yas Forums is filled with little kids and shills this is it.

this x100

Not really. Gonna have stronk womyn viKANGS fighting against ebil white Christian men

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Wrong armors
Soldiers not wearing helmets
Both armies not fighting in formations like barbarians from the Neolithic age
Fire arrows thrown from far
The Danes were never sneaky ninjas nor they have the architecture for such style of game
"Vikings" are dirty and wearing leather armor
If you are Jewish, it is based since it is rewriting history, otherwise it isn't, is just another game made by faggots for ignorant faggots.
Oh and I just watched 30 seconds, I could have probably found more issues.

>How dare you enjoy something that isn’t staring at your screen and yelling about the Jews all day?

>and Black Flag
Literally the worst. The focus on the stupid fucking ship mechanics killed it.

Stop dividing Aryans apart faggot. It is true though, vikangz are vastly inferiour to meds and this is a simple fact.

That is a really shitty opinion, user.

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Shit taste detected.

This is like all the gaymer fags shilling Bonerlord here and that turkroach shit was garbage. Take your fag jewish games over to Yas Forums where it belongs

god it's going to be satisfying killing some Eternal Christnigger Anglos with my INDO-EVROPEAN PAGAN brothers....
for the first time i will consider not seeding after I torrent a ubishit game

>t. Retarded boat niggers
It's objectively true. Assassins aren't retard pirate faggots, and the mechanic isn't fun

18+ website dude.


The only thing objectively true is that you’re an idiot


Fuck off Ubisoft Montreal

Yeah, we know, which is why you need to leave

>vikangz are vastly inferiour to meds and this is a simple fact.
It's undeniable

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Ooohhh got me. Did you think that one up on your own, sport?

>It's objectively true
Retard burger education at its finest.

>butt pirate cope

>Says the fag shilling a video game on Yas Forums
Nigger go to Yas Forums with the other jewish virgins

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>double butt pirate cope