Are we getting more neetbux?

I already spent the $1200 are they gonna send more?

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Why do people always blow money on stupid shit instead of saving it?

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If anything, this virus will create more niggers with handout mentality.

Different reasons.
>live for the now faggots
>people who think they've suffered by hand to mouth so long that when something finally comes their way they deserve to treat themselves.

>Living expenses are stupid shit
You are the stupid shit

I would be Nancy's sex lalve for another stimulus.


good lord please someone give me the sauce of the original

>I already spent the $1200
Me too. 28 laying hens, 55 broilers, 20 ducks, and 20 turkeys, a ton of grain and 8 yards of soil to expand my gardens. Have fun eating your iPhone or whatever stupid bling you pissed away all your money on.

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Okay, that's fair.But you know damn well most of the people who got it blew on something stupid.

Same i bought a 2080ti. Need another check to get an i9.

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I dropped $1000 on FansToys Masterpiece Transformers and a pre-order on ZETA Unicron.

Another 200 on food, and I'm expecting my unemployment COOFBUX to kick on on the 8th of next month, to the tune of 2400 a month PLUS round two stimulus money (probably 2k).

Gonna need a display shelf for all my shiny new toys lads. Give me some suggestions.

>haha niggers have no financial sense
>blows through a 1200 rebate like its nothing
>I kinda like gibs when are we getting more
So you can spend it on another 15 to collect dust? Besides your in line. Goldmansachs needs a taxpayer interest free loan from the Federal reserve. Take a number and the government will send you a few dollars of your money.

I used my Donald Dollars to buy
A new engine for my busted Jeep and I’m still working I have more money now than I ever did before this virus shit suck my nuts neets

lol trump don't wanna bail out corrupt illinois?
pelosi well don't forget it was a republican that caused the problem lol

I hope so

It's almost as though money you don't earn is less valuable to you and spent carelessly.

I'd say only a few niggers wasted it, everyone I work with threw it in savings or used it for actual shit they needed

Nope. The rest money go to Judenland

b/c the government will just send them more in exchange for their nigger votes

Kill yourself

What a faggot

My Trump bux went straight to my fund for a down payment on a house, just as any further stimulus will. Helps that I'm still making my 90k salary all the while.

My government sent me this grand as gibs. I went to the ATM yesterday and found it. It is for cocaine and whores, going to get some pussy and nose candy.

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>Tfw I haven’t even got my stimulus check yet

This here is why we need to destroy the welfare state.
inb4 You don't know shit man or back off faggot
I've been there. I've lived on the streets.
I have walked into the welfare office only to be told to go elsewhere while some pimp drives up in a Cadillac and gets top shelf service.
The welfare office does not serve anyone who really needs it.

Women are for hugging not fucking you degenerate. Proceed with the nose candy fellow degenerate.

seethe wagies

my FT collection never depreciates in value and my pre-existing collection is already worth double.

you sad fucks just don't know how to invest.

I got $3,900 in trumpbux. I haven't spent any of it yet. Now they're talking about giving me and my wife $2,000 apiece for six months. If they do I'll just save it all. Maybe buy a new car.

Smart people.

I hope they do
I want some of my tax money back and because I got claimed as a dependent I wasn't included but yet boomers who are retired or niggers on EBT got the fucking cash.

just buy some ikea furniture or something

I bought ammo. Hope you can handle siege warfare. I’m taking your food bitch.

Stop voting Democrat

i bought an xbox one with the extra trump cash and sitting on the rest. life is good.

>tfw got a good chunk of .40sw JHP and FMJ rounds
All I need is a little boost and I can get that USP on sale at my LGS

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>I got claimed as a dependent

So did I. I was 110% positive I got fucking hosed on the stim cash. I applied again last wednesday, lo and behold I was given a date for the IRS direct deposit. I was claimed as a dependant (adult) the last two tax years and still got 1200 cash.

Go do the non-filers, fill all info out and have a bank account and you're golden lad.

>he doesnt have an ammo press

you're not going to make it wagies

can't afford one


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>mommy, daddy i need more allowance i spent it all on vidya i promise i'll be a good boy and wear my mask and salute the party whenever i see an official

you fucking mong tier pleb, thanks for not understanding economics and promoting the devaluation of the currency.
that whole 'how dare you' shit from that twat greta, if she only knew that 'gov stimulus' is really a debt on her future. but she wont have to worry about it, only poor people have to worry about that shit.

Sent all the money to my wife and kids. Need more.

>he doesn't already anticipate a devaluation
I'll just buy as many funs as I can at this point

No one will sell you a car if you are unemployed lol.

God I wish I was laid off right now, it’s not fair bros

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Yeah like the rent balloon balloon payment coming up. You're another fat stupid GOP asshole going "derpppp when I walked into GM and got a union job on the assembly line, I always paid my bills right on time! Didn't even have a college degree! Just worked hard! The problem is you buy the darn smartphones (required for modern life) and the Nikes (literally only niggers on welfare do that kind of thing)."

You old parasite piece of shit fucks are about to lose your pensions, too, so fuck you. Bootstraps motherfucker. Go get a job. Work or starve, old man.