It's happening, Chinese woman who bought all the masks

A Chinese woman proudly filmed herself buying huge amount of facemasks from multiple US supermarkets and loaded the masks onto her pickup truck.

"It feels so awesome to buy all the masks! I didn't leave a single mask for the Americans!"

Ugliest race to ever exist. Tries to be make themselves look closer to Caucasians by getting plastic surgeries and using Photoshop and make-up. Materialistic and fake. Insect behavior (and their faces look like insects). Demands to be called "Asian" and claims you must be a Mongoloid to be "Asian". Slanted eyes, short, large square head, Mongolian blue spot, psychopathic tendencies, insect mentality, insect eyes, black hair and eyes, flat wide nose, flat ass, flat chest, skinny fat bodies, little manlike bodies for both their men and women, small dicks, no body hair, no double eyelids, and so on America needs execute all Asian women in order to protect the white race and banned all Asian related shit including Anime because cute Japanese,Korean,Chinese girls don't exist ever in reality or in Trump's proud white america and white men should punished for talking or flirting at those disgusting female gooks because white women really needs special attention and ignoring them would be illegal and that's why we need to protect the white christian race.

Also a reminder, if you as a White Man copulate with an Asian woman you are exiting the white race and consigning your descendants to becoming shitskin gooks due to white genes being recessive.

As far as roasties go, your mothers, your grandmothers, your great-grandmothers were all 'roasties'. Sexualized propaganda effects all races, the only reason why asians are least receptive to it has to do with asians having low sex drives, that's why they're shy, timid, and prefer to only have occasional sex with pillows - and your sons will inherit those weak traits.

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Dominant Asian Genes

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the beta weaboo husband

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She needs all those masks to hide that face. Holy shit.

Leave her alone. She’s married to a white man, getting bleached baby. She’s on our side now.

we should kill all chinks slow but this is like 2 months old my dude
stop shitting up the board with old shit everyone knows

>It's happening

This was posted here weeks ago, newfag.

you obviously missed the memo about the yerrow rocust prague

they don't fit in here. they would need to subject themselves to 10 generations of bitter beer, stiff upper lips, brewpubs, sexual repression, the Church of England, houses with many small rooms, stamp and coin collections, butterfly boxes, and terrariums

This is old news, retard. jfc

How about no
All shes doing is going to unleash another Supreme Gentleman.

Except the child is STAINED yellow due to dominant asian genes, not bleached.

Her husband is her personal slave and whipping boy, she is a Chinese Conqueror with Chinese offspring.

>our side
Consorting with the enemy, kys

They have the highest income and commit virtually 0 crimes.

Better than Tyrones mutt.

Asian genes are the least dominant out of any non-whites. Her kids, and definitely her grandkids, will practically be white.

Attached: Charles Melton Hapa Chad.jpg (500x700, 48.35K)

Yes more mutts for the mutt land

Asians are our only allies.

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Some chinks tried to buy out all the masks, sanitizer, cleaning products etc in my local pharmacy but they were told to fuck off.

Hapas aren’t mutts. More shitskin Achmeds for Sweden though.

No, they aren't, they're the genetically most distant from whites outside of blacks so they're the most dominant, alongside Blacks.

Tatars are genetically only 1/8th asian yet they still commonly have asian features.

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Enjoy your diversity Mohammad.

>It's happening
Fuck you, that happened a month ago.


>Mar 31

This swine already did piggu shit. Unless she's getting executed for her crimes, it's not "happening".

still wood

Not true. Shitskins and nigs are the furthest away from us, while whites and Asians have Neanderthal ancestry and are anciently one. Those kids in that image could easily have mostly white looking children or grandchildren.

Half-Middle Eastern/Half-Whites are a lot whiter than Half-Gooks at the end of the day.

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Based taste. She’s very qt, and probably super loyal to her white husband. Yas Forums is full of roasties now.

kids are uggos

She is not half Middle Eastern.

They look fine.

So is there anything new to this story, or are you just using the same old story with no updates and talking about how bad Chinese people are? Skimmed OP but don't feel like reading the whole thing because it looks like it's the same thread

Africans, Asians and Natives are genetically the most distant races from Whites.

Attached: GeneticsOfRace.jpg (572x532, 50.58K)

japs are fine
all other east asians are neurotic fucking retards
chinese specifically are a fifth column, always, zero loyalty to other nations

Africans/shitskins, yes, Asians, no.

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It's the other way around, her husband is loyal to her through her whip hand.

She beats the beta weeb into submission for fun.

Why do you care about satisfying females? And especially subhuman ones.
Gooks are gigamutt subhumans.
The mongoloid race is the mystery meat of human races.
They're what happens after ages of constant racemixing: lowering IQs, progressively more savage customs, inability to form a civilization, lack of empathy, no morality, deformed facial features, etc.
Essentially, they have devolved almost into negro status.
Unlike niggers though, who have never evolved into humanity, they were humans at one point, but then devolved back.

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"Her mother is a Mormon from a small American town, and her father, from a Muslim family, is from Iran.[9] "