The libtards are taking your guns now. I fail to see how one mass shooting can spoil the whole basket. If a drunk driver kills a family in his car, they don't ban alcohol or cars do they? If the shooter was high as fuck, they don't ban weed. Fuck this pathetic "country." Day of the rake is here.
Bye Bye Guns
Just obey.
I want to slide my BBC into Trudeau's boipussy
Nice larp, Shlomo.
>If a drunk driver kills a family in his car, they don't ban alcohol or cars do they?
Nope. In fact, he gets a little over a year in jail, followed by day parole!
Oh, but you do need to be rich. Always seems to be that one sticky little catch when it comes to "justice."
Fucking disgusting.
Please someone, shoot Justin Trudeau in the head for Canada. Just kill this retarded puppet.
Well, I mean being an American, all this does is give me a way to make even more money off of black market selling to your poor people who deserve to be able to defend themselves.
Checked, but Canada doesn't even have a black market. It's ridiculous.
I have always been a proponent of more conservative provinces of Canada becoming States. Like pretty much the entire western half, actually.
They would honestly have more freedom to pursue their own culture or destiny then being a part of Canada. Because you'd be a state not a tool of the feds. You could literally become a Snow Texan.
This is a good thing. All the usual 'pro-gun' arguments of course come out to play but tell me this, what law abiding citizen needs an assault rifle?
If the absolute authority is violence, why in god's name do you think it's a good idea that only the government be allowed that authority?
What law abiding citizen needs alcohol or weed? Faggot.
Alcohol and weed can be used for things other than killing people.
>but Canada doesn't even have a black market. It's ridiculous.
You're fucking stupid
So can guns, retard.
Oh you know all the super secret knock off Gucci stores?
Ok, let's debunk that argument.
First off, lets start at the bottom. "The Rest of the American People". Uh. That would be the minority of the american people. Gun control is the single most losing argument of the Left in the country. Even most Democrats don't believe in it. As far as it being a paranoid fantasy, it's the norm throughout history. We just happen to be living in a bubble of peace and you suck at history and don't remember the norm. Besides, Leaf. You should know all about fascist governments. You live in one.
You act like all killing is wrong. It's not. There are bad people. When they do bad things, they can either win or lose. If you, for instance, break in to a house with a family in it, you deserve to get shot by them. Because you're a tremendous asshole.
Though you sound like a cuck, so you'll probably just want to sit there and watch the burglar stuff his dick into your wife and daughter(s).
Stupid retard, you are out of touch with reality. There are numerous ways to can choose to get guns in Canada, regardless of legality
You don't need assault weapons though. I live in Calgary and know a number of gun owners who are hunters and a number of ranchers. I don't know anyone who thinks we should allow assault type weapons in this country.
fucking "conservatives" fuck it up for everyone with their mass shootings and then blame the left for wanting to take their guns. well duh
Fuck off Chink.
Canada is multicultural. Get the fuck out of my country if you don't like it.
eat the bats
So what are you going to use to assault an enemy then?
This is my country. My ancestors first settled here in 1653. So no, you get the fuck out.
The day will come.
I’m gonna go spend all my money on more guns now! They comin!
Canada has many cultures, except Canadian.
Didn't the shooter steal that gun?
What even is "Canadian culture"?
Its not about mass shootings, that's just an excuse. There could be 0 gun crimes and they'd still want to take them all. Its about power.
>chink thinks he is part of the team
>chink thinks he is part human
>die in fire chink
>no body wants you here chink
Obeying authority and feeling smug and superior to USA
Good. Owning a gun for any ofther reason other than hunting is as much of a manchild hobby as collecting anime figurines. And you don't need military grade assault rifles for hunting.
>what law abiding citizen needs an assault rifle?
Anyone who want to defends themselves against non-law-abiding ones who WILL have a weapon, because you know, they don't abide.
Real Canadian culture was stolen by the Anglo and diluted in a pool of shit. Real Canada is thr St-Lawrence valley. Real Canadians live there, rest are frauds. The national anthem? Stolen? Maple leaf? 80 percent of maple syrup comes from Quebec. They have no culture but what they steal. "Canadian" culture is a culture of theft. Disgusting.
>Implying maple trees only grow in queefbec
Any day now guys! We could organize and put a stop to such faggotry.