Coronavirus is biggest nothingburger in history

-only 229,399 deaths.
Congratulations schizos for destroying economy for over next decades, because of the flu.

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Not to mention the personal price everyone had to pay. Many of us lost our savings or our major plans delayed.

All to protect a bunch of boomers scared of their mortality

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>229k in 4 months

that's a good amount retard-senpai

and that's also without China's real numbers

crab in the bucket mentality

I paid two months rent in advance and was to move on the first of April. Country locked down on 24th of March. I got stuck. Now paying rent on this house and also on the one I'm not living in. Fucked basically. Not sure if I'll be able to afford another advance and would have to give up on the new house or the move. :-(

>85 million pop
>6000 deaths
>including preconditions and 90% old people that might have died even if it was just a classic flu wave

>330 million pop
>100,000 deaths
>excluding "vapping deaths" and real US army numbers

its a fucking nothingburger even if you are a 3rd world shithole

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>Congratulations schizos for destroying economy
You're welcome unironically. The economy is a jewish control scheme.


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Its all so tiresome

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I had a new job lined up until this horseshit took over the world and drove everyone insane.
Biggest trick ever played out on us.

>waaaaaaaaah I won't get to wageslave how will i ever recover?

How cheaps fuel though?

shutup and start puberty son.
we have to eat, you don't work you don't get money.

This hell burning itself away is a good thing faggots.

>Waaaaah how will I ever survive without goy points?
Holy shit this is the most pathetic post I've ever read.

you baby,.

Same here, big opportunity to grow into the rest of my life destroyed by this. Things will come around again if I keep working on myself though

>house is burning
>"bro its just a fire, totally normal bro dont worry"
>non-retards put out fire
>"lmao see i told you bro nothingburger confirmed"

>You're the baby for not being 100% dependent on the system

>i am retarded, so everyone else must suffer
loser faggot mentality

And average age was 80.

But he's right and you're the pathetic one.

the industry I work in will not recover easily & the knock effects on suppliers etc..

how ignorant you come across, don't worry mummy will still cook your food for you.

>Trying to pay rent in advance when it was clear the whole world was going to lockdown
But why? You only have yourself to blame for this.

I'd coof on that old hag.
I hate lazy, entitled boomers. My boomer grandparents are all over 80 and they simply didn't care about this shit.
Grandpa told me: "I had the flu quite some times, don't worry."
They still work in their jobs instead of being entitled.

More like

>Stove is on
>someone kicks the door down and dumps water over to it
>then clap and say they saved your house from burning down

>destroying economy for over next decades
It will not take decades to recover.
In fact the Democrats will shit their pants when they see how fast everything spins back up.
>But there is/was a downside and to deny it is to fool yourself.
The businesses that survived this will be stronger and gain a bigger market share.
Those businesses are not the small mom and pop shops.
The biggest winners from all this is bigger businesses because it artificially destroyed their competition.

> Visual aids help. Newsom does not use a teleprompter during his briefings, in part because he suffers from dyslexia, a learning disorder that makes reading difficult. It takes an hour of preparation for every minute of a prepared speech he gives.

>His dyslexia has made it difficult for him to write, spell, read and work with numbers.[12]

>The biggest winners from all this is bigger businesses because it artificially destroyed their competition.

its all good for huge corporations.
captive market and a captive workforce.

>meanwhile, trillions of dollars has just ended up in some people's pockets.


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Tuberculosis killed 1.7 million in 2017 and that shit has been around since your great great great great great grandpappy

>hurr wagie cagies! I'm totally 100% independent despite waiting for the gubmint handouts because of big bad corona while totally being NEET when the days are ordinary
Do you even have the capacity for self-introspection?

>because of the flu
weird, all flu death statistics from 1976 up to 2019 seem to be lower than from covid, and that is for whole year, not two months

Attached: United_States_Flu_Numbers.jpg (2633x605, 116.69K)

We got rid of it in UK and now it's back up to 1940 levels because we started importing third world shitskins

