How can I raise my daughter so she doesn't ends up like this? What's the secret?

How can I raise my daughter so she doesn't ends up like this? What's the secret?

I will take any non-racists suggestions.

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Try talking to her and not being a deadbeat.

you gotta teach her to have some pride in her heritage and people. Not to hate herself or her ancestors. Simple as that.

I have a daughter as well.

I do plan on saying some semi racist shit to her when she's older too. Just simple stuff like "jesus look how big that niggers nose is"... stuff like that.

Stay in her life

>I do plan on saying some semi racist shit to her when she's older too. Just simple stuff like "jesus look how big that niggers nose is” ... stuff like that.
>jesus look how big that niggers nose is”
>… stuff like that
Enjoy your halfbreed grandkids
A hue hue hue

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Non-racist approaches make her end up like this in 100% of cases.
Continue at your own peril.

Move somewhere that doesn't have any blacks :)

Oh, wait.

Make up your mind.

My city is probably one of the most liberal cities in the world, I'm afraid I can't pull that one off.

Literally not the same person, idiot.

Assert your role as the Pater Familias. Make sure that your children are aware that their lives will be forfeit if they racemix/do drugs/dabble in homosexuality. Just be aware you probably will need to cull them, but the world is better this way.

Here Yas Forums I will give you the secret to daughters.

The key is to never tell them they CANT do something. Never tell them "You cant date a nigger". Just when they're growing up, show they why they shouldn't. Make comments like "yeah she dated a black and thats why she got beat". Make it so she thinks it's her own decision to not be apart of blacks by knowledge shes picked up from you. The moment you tell them you'd hate them if they dated a nigger, or they're not allowed, is the moment they start fetishizing and having forbidden desires for them.

>What's the secret?
You retard, just marry her early with some dude that you trust.
Dont send her to school especially higher education.
Idk why its so hard, you make it seem its rocket fkn science.
Also you are a retard.
There is no such thing as "racism". Its just fearmongering.
If everyone questions you about this statement ask the so-called non-racis person: How much monney did he donated last to a nigger? Or how many Syrian refugees she/he adopted to do its part? None? I wonder why?
Maybe cuz they are 2 faced slung hypocrites that all they do is virtue signal. Maybe thats why.
Press that point and you should be fine.

Explain how pot isn't gonna kill her but will make her lazy and less likely to achieve her goals in life.

Teach her to fear God and keep his commandments

Let a smelly one grope her, will hate them for life

>Red pill her at age 11
>Be a good role model. Don't act trashy or degenerate.
>Let her watch plenty of anime and pre-1990's Disney
>Keep her away from cable tv and roku. If she tries to watch it, teach her how propaganda works
>Never let her listen to rap music. If she tries, force her to watch the Owen Benjamin explanation of rap music.
>Never let her smoke pot. All mudsharks smoke pot. Teach her how it reprograms the mind and how jews keep trying to push it.

Just be a strict conservative father and keep your marriage strong and healthy

If she starts down a path of lefty dogshit, correct it asap or you'll be fucked forever

Just make sure to show her all the half breed goblin mama's there are. Really let her see the sadness past the Instagram shit

Educate her on genetic death if she has a kid with a black man.

It's not her baby that she will be carrying, she will be essentially a surrogate for his baby.


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There is literally nothing you can do to prevent it entirely, except go full 1933. There are too many variables that shit like teaching them don't completely account for.

White men you are pathetic, and you will continue to be cucked because you refuse to put in the necessary efforts to correct things.

This guy has it figured out. You have to teach her that nothing but bad things will happen if she hangs around coons. Make sure she knows she will be a single mother no white man worth a fuck will have anything to do with.

Killing yourself might be a good start

You really think shit like this will work? Do you think any father with a coalburning, mutt kid having daughter wanted that for her? Women are like big children, you can't decipher what's going on in those immature, illogical minds. The only way to be completely sure she won't burn the coal is to remove the coal from the equation. This solves plenty of other societal problems as well. Why the fuck have we not gotten on it by this point?

Show her burn the coal pay the toll threads. Show her that niggers will give her a baby and she'll be stuck raising a orc child by herself; that she'll have child that doesn't look like her and no self respecting white man will want her.

Deliciously cute feet.

you don’t need to be racist at all user

Just let the kid see how people are,
just teach the kid to appreciate values and be moral. This is a surprisingly low bar parents seem to ignore.

the kid really needs only a few messages to stick

Drugs are bad
Ancestors were pretty cool
Violence is bad
Lazy is bad
Don’t get pushed around
Take care of yourself

boom you got a based kid.

make her love her heritage and community
Don't make disparaging comments toward blacks, just ignore their existence, otherwise she will have daddy issues
Most of the "coal burners" i've seen said "my dad is sooo racist"

The whole blacked thing is jew brainwashing. It doesn't actually happen.

This. Reverse psychology in children means they tend to not listen and do the opposite if you tell them they can't have or do something.

Watch episodes of "The First 48" with her. That show is basically an hour-long PSA of what happens when you get involved with darkies. Nearly every episode involves some low-life ape committing murder, frequently their girlfriend/wife/etc...

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Coal burning single moms were 100% let down by their parents. The parents didn't CHOOSE that for them, but they definitely dropped the ball. Also worth noting that just having a father in the picture distances her so much from black culture that you reduce the chances of mudsharking by double digits.

>asks inherently racist question
>asks for non-racist answers.
OP, it’s okay to be a little racist you know? It’s a very natural thing, just like how little girls prefer white dolls.

Now, as to that answer - I don’t have it but I know one of the major things about parenting is controlling who your kids associate with and what cultures they accept.

My parents didn’t let me wear baggy pants, listen to rap, or associate with people who did. I turned out ok for it.

>Can I go over to Jimmy’s house?
Yeah, go ahead. We had a great time meeting his parents. Seem like good folk. Just don’t be late for dinner!
>Can I go over to Jamal’s pad?

*hits pipe*

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lol good luck. literally every white bitch in america fucks blacks and mexicans now

>Move in to a predominantly white town
>Put her in a school predominantly white
>Live in a neighbor predominantly white
That's it.
She'll still be influenced by YouTube, TikTok and TV shows and movies tho.

BBC is inevitable. Every white woman has at least kissed a black man.

>be black
>at a bar solo
>drinking chillin
>play pool doing a little dance between shots
>white girl comes up starts dancing with me
>spin her around and put that ass on my dick
>she starts grinding on me
>white dude walks inside
>play a game of pool with him and dance with this girl at the same time
>he keeps staring at me and her

I lose, go to the bar and she sits next to me. Tells me her boyfriend didnt like her dancing on me. I ask who is her boyfriend
>its the fucking guy I played pool with
>He came next to us and stood behind her talking to some people
I'm too drunk to car so I go for it
>I'll buy you a drink if you let me grab your boob
>i cant, my boyfriend is behind me
>ill make it quick
>alright but dont make it obvious

Literally put my arm around her and into her shirt for a $5 drink. And her boyfriend was literally right there.

100% deadass no meme

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Thats because people shelter women instead of letting them see the world, Its ass fucking backwards, women see it and think they are being oppressed and old men see it and think the solution is more control.

Its why old women are based af and young women are thots.

the trick is to get kids to learn before they are making decisions, and modern western culture hinders that.

Let the girl see the horrors of the world, if she doesn’t learn she is doomed anyway.


this is the trick

children have to reach their own conclusions.

My mom always told me to never date a nigger. She said if I do it, she would disown me and that she doesn't want a nigger or a nigger baby in her house. And I never did. I love my mom.

Also if you make up racist shit and she proves you wrong, shell lose trust in your judgement as well