/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3542

► Detected: 3,248,039 (+29,856) ► Died 229,313 (+1,283) ► Day: 112 (-9:25:00)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 4,115 strains have been sequenced —


Decomposing Bodies Found in Trucks at Brooklyn Funeral Home

WARRING CANNIBAL RATS emerge in US cities as food production crashes from Covid-19 closures

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Vitamin D Insufficiency is Prevalent in Severe COVID-19

Remdesivir does not speed up recovery from COVID-19 compared with placebo

CCP notice to destroy or send them coronavirus sample vials

Coronavirus may lurk deep in lungs after patients recover, study suggests

Self-reported symptoms of covid-19 including symptoms most predictive of SARS-CoV-2 infection, are heritable

Long-term persistence of SARS-CoV-2 and its ability to maintain infectivity in aerosols for up to 16 hours

Virus binds to ACE2 like SARS, first route found

Type "A" blood more likely to catch virus than "O"

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

Virus can go undetected while reproducing more than SARS

▶ 126 new cases and 5 new deaths in Moldova
▶ 118 new cases in Maldives
▶ 1762 new cases and 78 new deaths in the United States


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Other urls found in this thread:


Roll for Deep ones and ayy lmaos invasion in may


So is that Argentinian user dead or something?

As long as they look like this

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Aliens are watching over him


Attached: aliens.jpg (1040x910, 107.91K)

rolling for reality check for nothinburgers


Attached: EVVOSOrVAAAUtQb.jpg (1403x992, 1.23M)

Take your meds.

That's the best picture of Corona-Chan, would make a portrait with it.
t. archiver


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He got arrested by Argentina police for spreading covid-19 misinformation.


I just want this whole stuff of virus or conspiracy go to hell and cool stuff like aliens, eldritch horros or some cool shit become or apocalypse.

Attached: awhellyea.jpg (700x660, 36.99K)

The C-V is a nothingburger. Embrace it, live it!

Attached: Nothingburger Approacheth!.jpg (800x426, 176.39K)


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▶ 1138 new cases and 11 new deaths in Chile
▶ 2691 new cases and 143 new deaths in the United States
▶ 446 new cases and 37 new deaths in Germany

Attached: CVG.png (720x480, 221.23K)

Attached: txuvLGy.png (419x260, 246.05K)

>those trips
nothingburgers truly eternally btfo

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If that rabbies vaccine go to shit, you'll have your zombies.

mutts deserve a second wave

Norway joining the HERD from may 7.
Full on HERDGANG. Everything reopening!

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we really do

Only if we team up with natural dsiaster ravaging the planet too,at least our end needs to be cool

I don't want zombies they are boring too unless mutations with crazy shit

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(This kills the nothingburger)

everyone is joining herdgang

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Damn DC is getting BTFO'd, it'll reach the white house eventually. How long until Trump runs into the presidential bunker?


Woop woop woop we all gonna die.

>3248187 infected
>229349 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little pandemic won't cause an extinction level event

Attached: soy.png (600x800, 23.32K)

>Businesses are getting $500 BILLION with no requirement to preserve jobs or limit pay

So this is fine but Americans getting 2K a month is wrong? What the flying fuck guys

>it's another doomer thread

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Likely zombies to come out of that are the fast really bitey variety.

Hello /cvg/ schizo freaks. Now that greeting are done, kill yourselves

day time hours are the worst.
But I'll do my best to add some good posts to the general today.
>nurses having babies

Attached: nurses.png (980x646, 903.96K)

checked and nothingburgers rekt

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protests stream

Haven't paid attention to this in a wild. How the fuck did the USA get BTFO so hard?

This picture is evil and you should be ashamed

>Now that greeting are done
OH NO NO NO the big bad third world nothingburger is here! We better watch out, bros!

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God I want to breed them all.

>those gifs
The fuck am I looking at?

It was a simple mistake, user. The same, however, cannot be said for your /cvg/ and Reddit-fuelled hysteria and stupidity

>>>hairy pussy

user our death goddess is doesn't have a hairy gash. plz don't blaspheme

>liking little girls
no surprise for an Singapoorean

will you take care of the children? emotianally and financially?

WHO recap:doom&gloom

3 months since WHO declared emergency
time for a recap
31.12 WHO picked up cluster of pneumonia in Wuhan
1.1 asked China what gives
2.1 GOARN triggered
3.1 meeting in Beijing
4.1 WHO tweet
5.1 WHO shared information to member states (including possibility of h2h transmission)
10.1 guidance and checklist published
11.1 China shared genetic sequence & 1st death
13.1 first case outside of China & PCR instructions
14.1 WHO retweet China info about no h2h transmission found ("We post countries reports as is)
14.1 press conference that h2h was likely
20-21.1 WHO in Wuhan
22-23.1 emergency meeting 15 experts (581 cases 10 outside China)
experts asked for 10 days to observe situation before issuing global emergency
27.1 WN&WB in Beijing
30.1 emergency meeting decided on global emergency(82 cases outside China)
WHO acted quickly and decisively
We sounded the alarm repeadedly and often
WHO press briefings daily
30.4 emergency comittee meeting again(after 3 month pause)
"WHO warned you day in day out and provided equipment"
solidarity trial launched
shipped millions of test kits
2.3 million HCw trained so far
fighting "Infodemic"
brought together musicians to make you laugh DURING THESE DARK TIMES(thanks lady gaga)
One thing we haven't done: we haven't given up,we won't
One thing we ask for:"unity at national level and solidarity at global level"
Humanity has to stand together to defeat this virus
It can bring political,economic and social upheavals

sub- and regional level cooperation very important-WB
>Bolsonaro"so what"?
no comment
They can talk to us if they want-WN
test capacity very low rn
solidarity flights prioritize Africa
"Supplychain essentially BROKEN"
we try out best to fill this gap-WB
private data not shared with private companies
companies used to fight infodemic mainly-WN
aware of the UK report
seems to be very rare SO FAR but be on alert-G
covid attacks multiple organs
be watchful-WB
"haven't read the publications yet"
solidarity trial ongoing,hopefully something will work-WB
we look at all studies and rate them by "weight"
try to digest everything from pre-published to peer-reviewed
rn we work with GOARN and out experts to look at everything (30 topics rn)
Sweden put in place a very strong policy
relied on SD,cooperation and strict guidelines
"the amount of people with antibodies even in heavily infected areas is VERY LOW,
this is bad because it means a very large amount of people remain at risk of reinfection"-WB
over 90 serology studies currently,so far VERY LOW AMOUNT OF IMMUNITY
we need to wait for more info on reliablity of the tests-G
12-18 months
financing one of many issues to accelerate and ensure access
"thanks to my SISTA Ursula Van der Lein for financing"-WN
"we recommend that all countries test every suspected case"-G
when someone is discharged we recommend 2 negative tests
if testing limited 14 day isolation after end of symptoms
documenting lingering effects important but that takes time
we don't know as of yet IF ther is immunity and HOW LONG it'll last-G
Children less affected but they can transmit it
we need more data tho-G
maybe more likely to be asymptomatic and thus less infectious-WB

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We are the virus apocalypse its the cure,bring the big guns universe