Pay yourself for your debt, medniggers.

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Do these fucking brown sub-humans Italians have no honour or self respect? What kind of man goes around begging for gibs all the time?

Probably a man that lives with his mommy until he us 35 like most Italian “men” do.

Agree nordbro, when we got the euro we slashed gibs, got more productive and balanced our budget as good as we could despite the great recession.
What did they do? Use the cheap credit to get gibs. Now that Investors beginn to distrust their economies they want to leech our trust.
Fuck eurobonds.

Fuck the EU in general we need to get rid of the slavic gibs as well. Just a trade union with BeNeLux, Germany, Austria and Denmark. Fuck Sweden and Norway.

We might be 2 of the few countries that can even leave the eu without our economies collapsing.
Others rely on cheap credit that they get because investors expect us to save them like greece when they're in risk of default.
It's one thing to pay for weaker countries but being chained to sinking ships is too much.

ne avete + voi di debiti, ebrei tedeschi...

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Fuck off its not our fault we had to live under communism so many years. Gib more now toothpaster or what is the point of this union?

e salutami angela kasner....

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Yes us and Denmark I think. We three are basically the engine of this ship but the crew is Italian and Polish so we will not be going anywhere.

You ask for gibs now, fernando.

>It's not our fault we are poor, we were slaves for 400 years.

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non temere nipote di una donna stuprata da un mongolo dell'armata rossa, quando vieni in vacanza ti sputiamo come al solito nella pasta e ci scopiamo come solito quella puttana di tua moglie...

China is still under communism dickhead and they aren’t even near as third world as you guys are.

MUH communism my aquafresh ass


Papi di Poopi?

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Like clockwork, you are called out for being leeches and cope with

i always welcome every little thing that can make Italians snaps again.
Please continue.

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French numbers may not be true. France has banned taking demographic data on race.

Split the fucking EU already, the BeNeLux faggots will have the ride of their lives with only Germany as an ally.

Good luck trying to outjew each other fags, I welcome this shit.

These niggers try to use the African muh colonialism argument.

Another proof that slavs are just low melanin niggers.

Sage d&c shills

Just stop voting for retards that don't even know what intrest is, slash gibs and raise tax.
And the mafia in the south you could also try to fight.

You are even less human than the neanderthals, "nords" subhumans. At least the neander cared about their ancestors, about the elderly that had raisen them and work all their lives. You lack minimal empathy, only care about 1) Yourself 2) Your boss benefits. Go to hell. Here the politicians are as well like that, but the population not, unlike the generalized psicopaty of the netherlanders. And I have my job, so don't cope.

>Muh D&C
The only one playing this game are med-politicians that blame their rotten economies on the north.

Your populations are just economicly illiterate, they don't get that gibs are not eternal but have to be actually payed back by someone.


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Show flag.

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>we are so productive!!!
>spends time on Yas Forums during working hours

I can't speak pasta, rome never got over the rhine you know...
I know this is an afghani goatfucking site here, but could you atleast write in english?

Based italian bro

>Working hours
We wake up early.

>No, what are you going to do about it?

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you're fooling no one, I know you and the other wannabe-german cucks are shitposting h24. To make it short, you're just a genetic deadend neet trying hard to protect his neetbux

medniggers aren't native to europa. They need to take their shit religion and go back to the middle east and africa with their nigger kind

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>corrupt politicians begs for gibs to fill their own pockets
>blame it on common folks.
You should know by now that western government doesn't represent the will of the people (expect america maybe).

>t. mongol


It's the common folk itself that is corrupt, when they let themselfs be bribed by gibs.