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I hate Americans but i hate even more nigger american

>Do not have ancestors
>Ancestor's is in hell

well, which one is it nigger? Something cannot no exist, but at the same time be existing in hell.

They died for this...

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We don't have ancestors, but we do have ancestors, and they're in hell. Am I following this nigger logic correctly? Anyway, hell with white people would become heaven and heaven with blacks would become hell.

We wiz ancestors n shiet

Black ancestors mistreated their own far more than mine could have hoped to.

And monkeys don't go anywhere after they die.

A thread died for this.

My ancestors in hell are smiling upon me, untermensch

>slide thread

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I don't wanna goto heaven if its full of negros anyways.

>expecting logical consistency from a creature which does not posses logic

84 IQ on display
It hasnt even realized it contradicted itself

My ancestors are smiling at me, can you say the same, imperial.

>Replying to a Chinese bot reposting a Chinese bot post from a different site

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> Brazilian
> Calling People Niggers
> is a nigger
The absolute joy this brings me.

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Everyday is hell on earth with niggers around

Sometimes I wish we had people in my half of Bosnia that hates us whites, Ill beat the shit out of them all.

Burger education

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I guess someone has to whip the lazy niggers even in hell

It's Tweets like those that cause racist thoughts to appear

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>goes to pre-2015 monument
>get emotional
>monument removed

uhh oh...

Wait what is the actual message in this? I read it like 10 times. Education is bad? Getting emotional is bad?
>every picture there is of a female

Pls come to my country and show these niggers who's boss

She obviously has a jewish landlord.

I lived in Sydney for 4 years, full of asians, never been in NZ tho, too far from Europe bro. Do you even have a lot of non whites?

They they’ll have the gall to ask why, when we start putting them on boxcars.

The message is pointless, since the dumb nigress is too stupid to speak English

I had burger education. I was writing papers on Shakespeare in HS. The problem is that niggers cry racism any time anyone tries to get any work out of them, so nobody does.

is this a Yas Forumstard pretending to be black on twitter
or just an actual retard tweeting from some asylum

Yeah we have disgusting Islanders and maoris, as well as Asians. Now we have more and more Muslims and niggers as well. School kids are less than 50% white already.

>1 post by flaggot OP

Stop bumping slide threads niggers

The nog is asking if we white Americans visit the places in Europe our ancestors are from. Like their shit spiritual journeys to some remote African shithole to look at legit nothing. "Yes Laqueesha, this mudhut may have been your great great great great great grabdfather's, if only they stood for that long".

Half of Bosnia is muslim as well, luckily Im not haha and live in other half of it. Its like 2 countries in one. Yeah, maoris and islanders are just as bad. Its sad bro, come to Europe there is still white countries left.

I'll never get how people think being racist to white people is completely ok.

Kill all nigger babies

White retard pussies tolerate it.

Ummm guys...

Are niggers /ourguys/ nap?

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