Why do incels all look like this

why do incels all look like this

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too much fapping, video games and Yas Forums
it fucks their dopamine system and reduces their testosterone gland, also the glasses because too much screen time

Because they’re all too retarded you wear contacts

genetic trash

What do you think they lack?

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It seems to be whenever I look at incel forums most of them seem to be curries, asians or blacks and most of them are angry at whites because we take all the women.

That's why I'm growing my wavy hair, to break the goddamn pattern.

square jaws, utilitarian autism hair, a time machine to go back and not get bullied and also not get cucked by their looking at screens more than 1-3 hours a week maximum

they dont know to get a real haircut

Wel not really, they lack self-care and hygiene.
But why do you post these threads, what's your purpose with these threads.


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the vast majority of incels are shitskins. old boards like incels and justbewhite taught me this fact

>testosterone gland
Theyre... they're called testicles user.

>why do all the people I picked to look similar look similar
hm I wonder

>fapping, videogames, and Yas Forums
Wrong memeflag, it's all in the diet and exercise. Those guys are all on high-carb shitty diets with very little meat and eggs, on top of not lifting a single weight their entire life.

Anons, beware suberters and psyop glowniggers telling you that videogames do that sort of shit to you. Do not trust what they say.
Instead, drop wheat products completely like bread, avoid sugary shit (fruit included) and eat some fucking meat

sounds like a cope. the biggest takeaway is limiting (((internet))) and (((video game))) and all other screen usage to 1-3 hours a week maximum

This is correct. Most incels are indians and chinese. They are respectively referred to as currycels and ricecels. (LUL)

What the OP's picture is depicting is some weird INTP nerd thing among 4channel users. INTPs are trash, I admit. But it isn't related to being an incel either. 90% of incels are non-whites and manlets. Being a nerd isn't the only thing that makes one an incel.

Whats an incel? Never heard of the term.

he's right, nutrition is everything
everyone eats sugary shit with no protein nowadays and people are all kind of physically and mentally fucked up

No he's kinda correct it's really all about fitness, diet, hygiene and nofap (kinda). Screen time has more to do with the eyes.

>INTP is trash
You sir haven't a clue

look at this glowing screen addict cope

This is correct actully. R/incels and r/braincels have ethic breakdowns. Amongst americans whites, blacks and latinos are always underpresnted. Of course there will be lots of whites because they make up the majoirty.

But middle eastern, indians and asians are always extrmely overpresnted. When you consider asians, indians and pakis combined make up roughly 6 percent of America there reprensation on incel board and Yas Forums is enormos compared to blacks and latinos in america

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Ask yourself and your brain dead parents that turned you like this not us

>unironically using the word incel

>why do incels all look like this

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Most of them look like jews, good point.

It's so weird that they all look the same...

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goddamit i look just like that

none of those dudes are getting laid at all?
I mean thats a fucking choice then bud.
They just need to go hogging to build up their confidence or something I'd.

Probably got some weird hate for women combined with homophobia so they just shoot schools instead of loads