What the hell is going on? How come Biden went from "presumptive front runner" racking all the endorsements to become pretty much an already replaced "convicted serial rapist"

Is Hillary this powerful? Is she this eager to become president? What you guys think

[1] archive.is/wip/0i1FX (thehill.com/opinion/campaign/495371-as-biden-struggles-hillary-waits-for-the-call)

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-30 As Biden struggles, Hillary waits for the call.png (1307x794, 619.67K)

can't wait for the sequel to What Happened

Oh for fucks sake

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Trump is forcing the pedos to nominate his controlled opposition again.

Careful with those digits, user.

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>sluring words
he can barely read the damn prompter, she'll swoop

It's an opinion piece retard

Id like to say I cant image dems pushing forward shillary again; then again I couldnt image her being pushed in the first place either; or how creepy joe is supposed to represent the most inspirational person they can find amongst the 150m people they are representing.

since this is clown world anyway, it might as well happen.

one can only hope to replicate the saltmining of 2016; it will yield enough salt to singlehandedly revive the economy

lol either trump or nuclear war with russia

If they’re smart enough to replace Biden, they’re smart enough not to run Hillary.

Anyone else suddenly feel four years younger?

Attached: Hillary_Corona_Incubator.gif (391x480, 743.66K)

make it...

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Indeed. Hillary lost to Obama in the primaries, and Trump in a general election. She has a lot of baggage, she's not really the strong candidate everyone made her out to be in 2016.

Running her again against the person she lost to seems retarded. Or maybe I'm missing something?

At the very least, I think she was a better candidate than Biden is now. But running her again would be just doing the same thing and hoping somehow there's magically a different result. Plus they're out of time to push anyone new. They have to roll with Biden and hope Trump does something monumentally dumb to give Biden the edge

It would seem that the Biden campaign's current strategy of just keeping Biden quiet while Trump continuously bungles the coronavirus response is working just fine considering that Trump's approval numbers are plummeting while Biden is polling in head to head scenarios better than ever. Of course, this could all change as soon as Biden opens his mouth again, so I hardly consider anything to be set in stone.

lmao, jfc

>she's still alive
What the fuck are you doing?

I somehow always knew Trump was blackmailing Hillary. No proof, just a hunch, like she was being blackmailed by everybody in the game, but Trump gave her the best deal.

We all knew this was going to happen.

You know what's weird Hillary wasn't on the Epstein Flight logs.

You mean the Haiti comment at the dinner?

"It takes a village only really makes sense in places like Haiti, where she has taken a number of them"

>At the very least, I think she was a better candidate than Biden is now.

I don't think so actually

Biden does GREAT with the low information retard/black Dem voter. He just seems "stable"(though he obviously isn't...at all)

People actually despise Hillary plus tons of minorities won't vote for a woman

If you didn't know Hillary was going to be the candidate by the end of 2018 you are not very smart.


*slow claps*

*steps out of shadows*

Well kid, you did ok for a while. Wojak was a chuckle, Pepe was almost genius, and who could forget your little stump the drumpf videos. Unfortunately, it's time for some serious meming and let me be the first to tell you that you are seriously outgunned this time. For four long years we have sat in Northern Virginia basements playing neurological games with you over your texts and clicks. We have your number and you don't even know it yet. You might not even call what we do this year "shilling" it's uh....it's like an entirely new thing. I.....well.....by the time you figure it out it will be too late, so I'll just leave you with this.....

pic related.

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Let me guess she will be VP. How is that running?

*waves in the wrong direction of the crowd*
>oh hello, I'm john biden
*half his face droops from the stroke*
>thank you for electing me a governor
*colonoscopy bag peeks out from behind podium*
>I'm afraid my blood sugar's a little low right now
*nods off, awaken by feedback in earpiece*
>what? did you get those viet cong back there?
*wheezes, sits down for a minute*
>I didn't molest the staffer, but back in the day I was very popular with the ladies
*campaign manager gestures frantically*
>I promise to do everything in my power to bring down the USSR

She will be the candidate.
She will stand on stage and say "I thought I would be in jail?"
*mic drop
Donald loses, barely makes it off stage.

>Delusional or hammered drunk
But checked. Kek is fucking with us.

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You want salt?
You REALLY want salt?
Or you just pretend to be in it for lulz?

K cornpop


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A good VP pick could help, but not by much.

Yeah it's kind of funny that he's nabbing a good portion of the black vote in polls

*silence settles over the crowd as Biden grasps the podium for support

Crowd roars with applause


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>"presumptive front runner"
No. He won the primary. Biden is the dem candidate. Joe got the most delegates and everyone else dropped out.

If they swap him for Hillary, what was the primary for?

Joe got the delegates because everyone else 'mysteriously' dropped out. The DNC is a private corporation user. They can pick whoever they want. The votes don't matter. Don't you remember that lawsuit in which they said that?

No reason to run this fucking loser.
They have absolutely no reason other than "Hurrr third times the charm!" that is all they fucking have and it's hilarious.

>The DNC is a private corporation user. They can pick whoever they want.
Yes, I'm sure all the voters they baited and switched will just accept that.