Canada is fucked

Covid has absolutely destroyed the leaf economy. It's all over bros.

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we can only hope this shithole burns down asap

What do you mean all over? I'm still alive and doing all the things I like to do. Aside from it being a little demoralizing seeing the lack of movement, this lock down makes things better for me in a lot of ways.

this damage control is hirlorious. it's the chinese numbers of d and c

Attached: npc_the_pole.gif (400x300, 751.1K)

It's only over when the grocery stores are shut down and they send food to your door step


good, hopefully all the landowning chinks go bankrupt and we get more mass shooters icing horsefuckers

Remember the good old days when a kilogram of ground beef cost $15.41?

Attached: $15 ground beef selfdeau.jpg (1816x1140, 629.45K)


No, but okay. What are you trying to say? I don't get it.

Ground beef shortages and a collapsing loonie have resulted in $30/kg ground beef in Calgary

You can't even buy beef in most stores now. McDonalds Canada has to buy its beef from the USA now

Attached: $22 kg chicken thighs.jpg (4032x3024, 3.5M)

We have independent farmers. I haven't bought meant in a grocery store chain in over ten years. I can't remember the last time I ate at fast food restaurant. Anything else?

It's far worse than that. Canadian grocery prices are fixed by a literal mafia, whose reach extends to

governments and businesses. The government tolerates this because of politics, they need the votes the

mafia controls.

As a result, Canadian grocery prices are between 50% and 400% higher than equivalent US goods.

Moreover, the government of Canada actively suppresses discussion of this. If you read this thread and

any random /cic/ thread in the archives, you will see literal government agent men attacking the idea

that groceries are expensive in Canada.

The in store prices (no sales or loss leaders) will prove them wrong, so they attack the idea of

posting in store prices, and sometimes post false flags in the form of prices on shelves in isolated

eskimo villages.

Don't be fooled. 50 to 400 percent more. CGDF is real. The lies are real.

amen, get em' to stop stealin our laaaaand, or atleast stop over pricing it ffs lmao

Attached: waw.gif (260x177, 694.32K)

Quebec's richest man is a fucking Cheese Tycoon that is wanted in Italy on mafia charges

Attached: cheese tycoon.png (1110x1298, 781.5K)


Attached: cheese tycoon qrd.png (1782x563, 191.96K)

aieeee me and my mate have been looking for those thighs lmao. fuck, I wish I could ask where you saw them, but.. yeah thats not going to happen on fowchan..
good price for freefrom lol :3
and I dont know, I still see ground beef, and everything...

Attached: buggcat.gif (450x400, 156.31K)

youd think price in veggies would go down based on gas... arent americans being asked to store oil in their pools? :s nya

A return to the woods.
Then your greatest fear will be cold and cryptids.

You obviously didn't read my post so opinion discarded.

wash your cunt

nvm says brampton ontario on the chicken thighs bro. opps.. ._. u made a booboo


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>Federal deficit could top $252 billion, says budget officer

Doing pretty good here. Maybe try your meds?

sounds like you need to take your meds?

No meds here. Only reality.

I'm going to bet that when the supply dries up, they'll quietly and temporally eliminate the tariffs. It would make the supply management system look bad if there was a famine.

*And they'll still charge Canadians at least triple for it like they always do.

take your meds and have sex femcel

>I'm going to bet that when the supply dries up, they'll quietly and temporally eliminate the tariffs. It would make the supply management system look bad if there was a famine.
>*And they'll still charge Canadians at least triple for it like they always do.


Attached: you didnt see negative gdp growth.jpg (282x245, 14.11K)