Shouldn't cities be formed by people sharing the same views and beliefs?

Shouldn't cities be formed by people sharing the same views and beliefs?
Is it possible in this day and age to form new cities with this parameter, in the same way as the US were formed by Christian groups seeking for freedom?

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Shit, i promise you i think exactly the same.

I thought about this the other month, scary dude...

Get out of my mind.

They should be. Every since I saw the TV show eureka I wished there was a city like on that show, everyone in the town was some kind of scientist or engineer. I want to live in a place like that.

I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Into ways of forming a city with people with the same believes as me.
I even looked up a small city with 1000 people.
It'd be possible to bring these people there and "conquer" them by running the executive and the legislative.

Fuck cities. Niggers always move to them. Wait... never mind cities are cool.

For a moment I thought you were talking about Eureka's Castle. Then I looked this show up

>western movie larp commune


What place do we colonize and what do we call it?


Eurekas Castle was great. One of the last non pozzed shows.

No, because nobody wants to be around drumpftards and their stupid fucking ideas THUS where they reside will never become a successful city.

Sounds good, all of us could live in Antarctica and form the Yas Forumsack empire

Nobody wants to be around beaners either but you force yourselves upon us anyway.

I'm not talking only about drumpftards. Leftards as well. Why don't they form their own woke city with open borders and diversity quotas? Environmental fags living in a place with plenty space to farm and use clean energy

You don't need to move to Antarctica tho. You can buy a farm in some place cheap and start your own town. The main problem would be the first years or so, due to the lack of infrastructure. Which makes moving to a stablished city and taking over there, running the executive and legislative and implementing your thoughts and ideals seems easier.

The problem is that the city would be in a country, all of the people of that country could move to your city without any consequences

>implying you don't love the cheap labor they provide

yeah, ok. See how much the price jumps to have a white guy mow your lawn which we know won't happen because a business will shut down before they do that shit.

>inb4 i mow my own lawn

it's not enough. Cities basically are as left as they can get and it's still not enough though really. People in cities or anywhere for that matter won't be satisfied as long as other parts of the world/country are not following their path.

Might as well just make it a state thing. Let's throw all conservatives in Texas, all liberals in California/New York, but there's always going to be issues and truth is you shouldn't be able to say let's keep people conservatives out of California just because it's a liberal state. every place is beautiful and it would suck to say some aren't allowed in because it's been overrun or belongs to another group of people. If we're all a part of the same country we should be welcome everywhere.

No. There will never be a new city. Even though more cities is literally the solution to most of our problems. The WW2 generation was the last generation of builders. If it didnt exist before 1950, people think it must not be necessary.

Yes. There's an "international" town in India that lets people from everywhere in the world move in but the Indian govt gave them this exclusivity.

Why wouldn't I mow my own lawn, you think I'm going to pay a bunch of gang members to do it? It's not even half an acre. We can easily do without your menial contributions, when the lazy boomer generation passes on you're going to find yourselves out of work.

I wouldn't want to live in an interracial city, take a look at London.

Yeah, they don't use any form of currency there and you basically have to exchange some form of labor for shelter and food. Bunch of hippy stuff

>gang members mow lawns

The entire point of leftism is forcing your dogma on everyone else, and blaming any problems your dogma creates on those others too. When diversity doesn’t create a magical paradise their response is to force more diversity on the town next door.

You bring your gangs everywhere you go, any of you could be members. All of the MS-13 homicides in my area have been committed by teenagers and 20 year olds who were arrested at their job or their school. Unlike black gangs who tend to make themselves quite obvious, any hispanic that you see could potentially be affiliated with a gang.

Open up jewflix and watch wild wild country

If you're running the municipal government you can pretty much decides who gets to be in or out.
There are examples of Mormon and Christian cities who do that. So it's feasible.

My ideal is to build a smart city completely dettached from the federal government that could be self sustainable in matters of food and energy.

Move to puerto rico and then beg for the United States to save you when shit happens

Sorry for derailing your thread Brazilbrah. There really needs to be a spic hate general for people like me.

Lel. No problem. I also hate myself

In my state there are ghosty towns everywhere. Most were farming hubs on the railroad. All the infrastructure is there, nothing in use. Some town even pull up rail lines under the communist ruse of “rails to trails”... beware of land trusts. I worked in civil engineering most of my life, land trusts are the ultimate scam. They were even on the irs top ten scams for many years. The lawyers worked real hard to make that disappear from view

that look 1:1 like the overwatch map