Anyone else experiencing this? Wagecucks making $9/hr seem to be getting a rush out of all this.
Anyone else experiencing this? Wagecucks making $9/hr seem to be getting a rush out of all this.
Just follow the rules retard. What are you, some kind of nigger?
Where you gonna buy the meat then fatburger?
of course they are when faggots like you don't listen to them the first time and keep demanding shit from them
What kind of shit hole do you buy meat from where there's less than 6 feet between you and the butcher? Meat displays are huge
No. I’m not a child. I don’t need to be told about the rules every five minutes.
Lol I love when boomers like you lose all power. Im airport security, i own the checkpoint when you come through and when I give you an order you follow it. I just love the defeated look in the face and them going "y-yes s-sir" after I completely dominated them with my power of authority.
Did you line up for a mile to get your food?
Way out west.
Check it.
Honest mistake. I was just taking a peek at the pork chops for a second when the wagie started barking orders at me.
They, like the health care professionals are being puffed up and made to feel like hero's. This social conditioning is part of the package, creating this new dichotomy of "essential" vs. "non-essential" workers, which will inevitably turn into "essential" vs. "non-essential" people.
Here's an idea. Be respectful of the man at work. If he feels more comfortable if you BTFO then do it immediately and without complaint. Or, enjoy going home without your order after he throws you out of the store. Extra points for him if he kicks you in the ass.
Just stand a little further and close your mouth when you breath and everything will be fine boomer
Next time fart on him
They just want to protect themselves, there's a pandemic going on, you dimwitted nigger.
yes and its funny because everytime i say "okay wagie" and they have no fucking clue what i am talking about
bro you just posted cringe
Like 46 boomers in nursing homes who were dying anyway have died in my state.
Nah, but I'm a decently attractive tall white male so life is easy mode. You all think woman have it on easy? You have no idea
>Be respectful of the man at work.
This. Be kind and respectful to working people.
People will abuse any amount of power they can get. Even something as small as this, the min wage employee has never had power in his life, so this is the first time. And you know what they say, "power corrupts"
Found the bootlicker fed
>9$ per hour
Oh user
wait til you normie faggots get a load of what's next: funny 'money' that doesn't work anymore
Which state? You probably have the pussy ass West coast version of the virus. Out here in the east, we have the Chad 270x Viral Load Boss Ass Nigger version of the virus
So you work at Tesco or Greggs?
No, because I don't look like a weak faggot
>Refusing to take shopowners advise
I bet you are waiting to sue his shop into bankruptcy at the first cough.
Kys joomer
If he wants respect he should get a real job.
Oh yah. Big time. Pathetic grocery store plebs are really full of themselves and are flexing hard.
>have to get closer than 6ft to kick
fuckin loser neet, you are a fucking nigger-tier pimple on the ass of progress.
It's a Harris Teeter butcher. They're basically paid actors dressed as butchers to make customers think they're getting freshly butchered meat.
It's been funny money for over 100 years user.
Talked to a cashier wagie and she was very authoritative when I mentioned that it looks like we're starting to get better. She was tripping on MSM regurgitation so I just laughed and told her to stay safe.
Exactly. If it helps a store clerk to make it through the day by being a little curt with me, I will let that go every time. There are plenty of pricks out there that give them grief all day. My piling on only hurts me and doesn't exactly thrill God either.
50% nursing homes and overall average age in the 80s with comorbidities on the east coast.
Follow the rules your a boot locker
Break em you’re a nigger.
I guess if I had to choose
I was buying material so my wife can make me a shooting bag/rest and the cunt says SIR step back from the counter. I said maim the counter is 2 yds long, so im 6 feet from you. She slammed the scissors down and said SIR I WILL NOT ASK AGAIN. When she was done i said you know this whole covid 19 is a haux right? She flipped
Congrats you're a nigger.
so that's what niggers think when the police tells them to freeze
you are a nigger, aren't you?
Just ignore them and pretend like you can't hear them.
OP needs a good smacking on the head.
"Now that you cut all that you can keep it for being a cunt."
I’m confused about who you’re claiming to be, if everyone is a normie with funny money, then what have you experienced?
I have a feeling you’re just a dork larper
How are you gonna package my meat from that distance you filthy whore?!