Sucks to be Canadian eh?
Sucks to be Canadian eh?
Don't care much about guns 2bh
I'll exterminate any niggers, chinks, or spooks I can with my bare hands if I have to.
You acting like you have a choice. Before you know it... We'll need a loicense to buy plastic forks, spoons and knives.
Hate tho burst your bubble but the reason we’d all want ar15s is to be able to mow down 5 storming murderous urban gentlemen from 100 yards away in the event of a chimp out and in this scenario the urban gentlemen are armed.
Without a gun you’re done
That gun caused 0 deaths, you fucking moron.
if it wasn't the AR15 it would be the AK47 if it wasn't the AK47 it would be pump shotguns, bolt action rifles and pistols if it wasn't any of these it would be pipe bombs and finally knives then onto utensils.
The only true remedy is to surgically remove the hands and allow the robots to perform our manual tasks.
>be the cause of 1,600 children
What a chad.
kek true
I’d still instruct the robots to kill my enemies (regardless of any restrictions intended to prevent it).
Ak's have been banned in Canada since the 90s (excluding Valmet cause government gave a bunch to natives and didn't want to be indian givers)
Fucking shows how facts dont matter. Guy had a gun and no Loicense (Government not upholding laws already in place)
Guy had ammo for firearm (need loicense to buy ammo - see previous point)
Shoots female officer with illegal gun and then steals her firearms.
Government wants to ban legal guns anyway even though it would not have stopped this shooting at all.
Fuck Csnada.
>be the cause of nearly 1,600 children under age 15
what did he mean by this?
also low effort thread
Americans love to say this but when push comes to shove and the government actually infringes on your civil liberties (see this lockdown) none of you fight back with guns. All you faggots do is meekly accept it, maybe cry about it on twitter or Yas Forums but you don’t put those guns to actual use.
EEUU governments have made some things that you would shoot them for and in 243 years you haven't had a single armed revolt.
There is no legitimate reason for civilians to own AR-15s.
Haven't been following this. So he got his gun and ammo illegality? Do they know from where? Did he steal the female cop's gun?
This is a good thing. All the usual 'pro-gun' arguments of course come out to play but tell me this, what law abiding citizen needs an assault rifle?
Theres no legitimate reason for you to be here. Dick!
The ban passed last year while no one was paying attention. They just haven't put it into legislation that's being enforced. Probably because it's a shit sandwich that a minority govt doesn't have the power to deal with, there are thousands and thousands of them out there.
It has nothing to do with the denturist. The Lieberals had this planned for at least a year. They even held off implementing bill C71 (because, once in force, won’t allow politicians to ban guns)... just so Bill Blair and Justin can ban them. They were going to do this prior to the Chinese virus started in Canada (Thanks Patty, Tammy, Justy).
Best case ontario; keep your non-registered firearms and wait for the next Conservative majority.
Hopefully the Lieberals using an OIC to make their laws will backfire with Canadians in general. It’s not very democratic.
Daily reminder that there's about 4 million firearm owners in Canada and 40,000 combined active duty and reserve troops. If ever there was a do-or-die moment for western secession it is now.
I have no interest in being law abiding, particularly.
>Fucking shows how facts dont matter. Guy had a gun and no Loicense (Government not upholding laws already in place)
>Guy had ammo for firearm (need loicense to buy ammo - see previous point)
He didn't buy them on the street, he bought them from gun stores. Simple solution: Shut the gun stores permanently -- they're NEVER essential services.
Shut gun stores located on native land. Good luck with that.
>remove the hands
get a load of this tough guy...
I'm first nations and I wish the firearm ban had gone farther. There is no place in Canadian civil society for semi-automatic weapons of any kind, handgun or rifle.
>bans these in america
you are just Canadian that hasnt been tested I believe in evidence and past history and for me that was Virginia
>I'm a glownigger
>be sad because crying indian
In minecraft.
there won’t be a next conservative majority, they’re starting to brown the small towns too
better watch it junior or we'll cancel your allowance
Most leafs don't care, they don't have the delusion that an AR-15 would save them from "tha govmint"
Pretty much this.
There are ZERO legislative solutions remaining.
Ottawa will forever control what happens in the rest of Canada.
It's time for western secession. It's the only solution at this point.
holy fuck kike, you should be fully in support of wide open firearms access
>muh 6 gorillion
Learn to read nig
youre next burger bro
the virginia faggot march and your willingness to comply with government regulations shows your guns are nothing more than a massive larp
>But muh are filthy shitholes packed with niggers that are chimping out
>I need my AR-15 to mow down niggers
>I've yet to mow down a single nigger
And you never will.
This one is glowing.
Vote RED no matter what!!!!!!!111!!!!!! vooting will fix this!!!111!!!
The day is coming when the state will not be able to pay for its own upkeep using the taxes of future generations, a lot sooner than you may think.
>there won’t be a next conservative majority
The cuckservatives are only one step off from lieberals now. The 2010's have forever ruined politics. And all parties did straight up illegal shit to stop PPC from gaining any kind of foothold.
There's that word again.
checked and based 8 month prego bitch dropping home invader niggers with the 223
>one of them shot at a pregnant woman
He never will
Statistically, gun owners are more likely to shoot and kill themselves or a family member than to use their gun for self defence. The best way to keep yourself safe is to make your home gun free.
I post this in every shitfaced gun grabber thread. There's a new self-defense-with-firearm situation every day, and this site is a catalog of them.
Soon, kike.....
Soon :)
Kikes get the gas first
here comes the israeli to derail the thread, once more
because when a government is formed, people give up some rights for protection. any look at a history book tells you that those protections can quickly turn to attacks on the people by the government. to make sure that doesn't happen, people can resist unjust government attacks.
>muh retard with gun goes on a rampage once in a while
rather that than living in china with a social credit score and government surveillance
Under 50% white and the government is disarming you. The amAR-15 is barely used in any crime. It’s not a safety reason to ban it.
When do Canadians think they should fight for their survival? It will be South Africa with niggers killing their neighbors and they will fucking apologize to the killers.
Their weakness offends me. Fuck Canadians you deserve extinction.
>*Angry glownigger noises*
There's 4 million firearm owners in Canada. How many glowniggers are there? I hope someone makes a misstep on their little gun grab and I hope the genie comes straight the fuck out of the bottle. I can't wait to see people chopping glowniggers down like weeds.
From my cold, dead hands