Star Trek no money future when?

Star Trek no money future when?

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now. They've made it an even bigger fuck up than star wars and normies weren't interested in the first place so literally nobody cares anymore

fuck this gay shit
Real men want Starship Troopers

When We insert your microchip you damn savage

You mean a dystopian future we are getting melted by Islamic space insects...well it’s happening as we speak

Love ST, but the "economy" made no sense at all.
Ferengi are the best

>Islamic space insects
that kind of happend in star trek: enterprise.

DS9 had money, which weirded me out. How could Bashir and O'Brian pay for all the drinks and holosuit programs they had at Quarks? They don't get paid, are they issued R&R money? Does Quark just stuff if and have to give Star Fleet personnel whatever they want for free or else Sisko throws him into the wormhole?


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'Picard' has undone that future.

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Always bothered me too.
When they had an auction, I thought: "So federation citizens can't buy anything at an auction, ever?"
Unless they open a Ferengi account or something

When we build replicators and can make food out of wacky scifi nothingness

Roddenberry was a Marxist with no understanding of economics

Real men want warhammer 40k.

>real men want to go small arms foot soldier against giant bugs when indestructible tanks and mechs exist or they could literally nuke the entire surface from orbit with 0 casualties
yeah no thank you
they’re bugs. what are they gonna do against several inches of steel alloy

Literally impossible.
Conservation of mass is immutable

> He still somehow doesnt realise it was satire


Money existed 4/6 of those shows, user.

>He's never read the book
They do use mech suits
I'd rather be in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress fighting off the earthlings with my loony allies

Read The Diamond Age. It handles the economics of large scale replicators way the hell better than Star Trek ever could.

He never watched the Sargon vid

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In the novel, the troopers were in mech suits that launched tactical nukes.

>not wanting a transcendent psychic sex cult of Stranger in a Strange Land

Star Trek wasn't a "no money future".

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Budget restrictions for the movie probably.

>bro just bomb them

You clearly havent heard of ww1

He tried to make it a satire, he made a utopia instead.

Thanks for reminding me
>Gold will do nicely as payment
and in a different episode
>Gold, worthless gold!
Always bothered me too

I think this was brushed upon somewhere but I can't remember it when.

Essentially Federation has money but they don't use it because they don't need it. They all generate income working and are all payed their wages but they have nowhere to spend it on in the Federation. When they travel abroad they have access to their money to spend it there and foreign nationals can use this currency to purchase goods and services within Federation territory.

Everything that is produced or served in the Federation has it's price and value is transferred but it is just useless info on a screen somewhere that you may or may not look up if you want and is only used to track macro economy stats and Federations GDP. I even remember that Spock or McCoy spoke about how much their Starfleet training and education cost the Federation in i think "credits".

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neH vaj SeH tera' tlhIngan wo'.

Attached: tlhIngan wo'.jpg (1024x653, 34.63K)

Right after you invent a machine that can turn random atom particles into food and computer components.

I haven't got any money now though.

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Next Generation and Voyager are the only trek kino.

Quark was 400 years in the past the first time.

Replicators can make anything except Gold Pressed Latinum, which is why it is valuable.

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Yeah, Jake was a fucking NEET who had to beg Nog for Gold-pressed Latinum to get his dad a birthday present.

Imagine a Federation of NEETs.

>ywnb a eight feet tall post-human warrior in woven ceramic power armor taking down monstrous daemons and alien threats to Mankind along with your fellow bros
why even live lads