Landlord here
You have no excuses not to pay your rent now with that $1200 check. Pay it prompt and on time.
Landlord here
You have no excuses not to pay your rent now with that $1200 check. Pay it prompt and on time.
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>You have no excuses not to pay your rent now with that $1200 check. Pay it prompt and on time.
The cunts think they can just not pay rent during this and nothing will happen.
Guess what. You cunts are all getting evicted at the end of this if your rent isn't paid.
>end of this
user I...
They're evicted after a month but the landlord ends up losing 2 months of rent, plus the loss from the time spent searching for another tenant.
1200 dosent cover half of rent for a 600 sqft 1/1 where I live
Renting and landlordism is a cancer.
No one feels bad for you kike. You're a banker that lends housing.
That’s a you problem buddy.
You’re forgetting the extra $600 in unemployment. Someone who qualifies for the full amount of unemployment is making around $4k a month.
Landlord deaths and assaults are up.
They are not investigated. Everyone laughs.
This. Fuck Landlord leeches.
>not keeping three months rent in the bank while waiting to buy
fuck poorfags and fuck their jew landlords
I honestly can't wait for this
Landlords throwing niggers out on the street is the spark we need for phase 2 of watering the tree of liberty
I aint payin, I am still working and I got the 1200 and I aint payin. FU
t. seething poorfags
>pic related
They're all getting section 8 vouchers anyway.
I'm not paying a single dime this month. If my landlord so much as knocks on my door I'm firing my shotgun through it. Hope he enjoys lead. #FuckAllParasiteLandlords
>I'm not paying a single dime this month. If my landlord so much as knocks on my door I'm firing my shotgun through it. Hope he enjoys lead. >#FuckAllParasiteLandlords
You won't do anything you nigger.
You know, my question about this whole rent strike malarkey is what are people renting rooms gonna do? Are they gonna pull this stunt too?
lol no you wont dork
>vandalizing your own property
and this is how communists actually think. remember Yas Forums, pic related is what we're up against
It's my human right to live in a desirable home in a high demand area for free.
I have plenty of money, but im not going to give it away to someone who doesn't do shit for me.
Bought my home, paid in full.
LOL@poorfags. Keep paying jew banks and jew landlords
>vandalize your own door
that'll teach 'em
Indiana is announcing the end of lockdown today at 2:30pm. Other states will follow.
They won't hesitate to vandalize and fuck up their own property but god forbid if YOU do it.
Then they'll report you to the cops.
can’t wait to help landlords evict destitute tenants, really hoping i get to throw one of you poor niggers right out of a window
but you have to live in
Lol, relax dude. You don't have to shoot anyone... You still have to pay rent in prison.
livestream for the rest of us please.
Come try me kike. I will paint the sidewalk with your brains.
I'm not a communist. I'm a capitalist. Parasite landlordism is something else entirely and they all need to be ended.
Hope you like the feeling of cold steel peeling through the front of your skull.
U wont do shit. U will get knocked out.
I am relaxed. More relaxed than I've been in a long time. In fact I feel eerily calm.
Yes, and it is a based country
buy a house shitfuck.
Sorry you can't join the jewish master race. You don't have the wealth
9/10 this was a nigger trying to add fuel to the fire.
You're living in his property nigger. Go live under a bridge then faggot.
well i already know you won’t do shit about it because it’s why you rent a box every month to live in like the cockroach you are
enjoy the homeless shelter, you guys can compare neck tattoos
>he thinks the cops are going to be his personal army to evict hundreds of thousands of renters in coronavirus stricken urban centers
Damn ok, you got me there faggot.
That was last month. We don’t have any money now. And my rent is more than 1200. Then car payments, car insurance, regular insurance, renters insurance, electric, water, phone, internet, cable, student loans. 1200 doesnt come close to covering it and my job is gone for 5 months.
Doubt this. Most land lords are Jews. Thus non payment becomes a hate crime and you wind up being raped by niggers for 15 years. Yay trump!
unironically this. during HIV/AIDS, responsible people stopped having orgies. people who wanted to have sex did it safely.
so what i'm saying is that if people want to continue to pay their rent during a whatevernothingburgerplandemic, they have to be responsible enough to use the money they will miss out on by choosing not to safely return to work or irresponsible spending of stimulusbux. REEEEing over "muh next stimulus check" isn't going to work forever, lazy fucking losers. get evicted.
yes user.
fucking kike landlords