Explain yourselves mutts!

India only has 1000 deaths, you dumb mutts literally have no excuse for this! Even the country where this virus started has less deaths than you.
>believing chinese numbers
COPE. If dirty poojets can do it you dirty mutts have no excuse

Attached: india2020.png (787x638, 477.66K)

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>India only has 1000 deaths

0 test = 0 infected

slide thread

Americans are truly the stupidest people on Earth.

>believing Amerimutt statistics
>making the effort to post poo threads on /pool/ and expecting them not to be slid immediately of the board

>shithole country with a superiority complex reports impossibly low numbers

the fuck is going on with the cock-tentacle rickshaw

These people wallow in utter filth daily and have adapted to it
Corona didn't stand a chance

Indians get exposed to worse shit than covid on a daily basis. You cant even drink the water in India without getting sick if you aren't a local

Maybe Indians don't have typically American comorbidity variables? Or their immune systems are stronger?

doesn't explain why their hospitals/clinics aren't full of sick poos and poos dropping over in the poo filled streets. even Russia is now getting BTFO and they can't hide it

I assume most Indian death certificates declare cause of death as "stopped breathing"


It's amazing how few governments have realized this.

First off, there's 2 strains of the virus. One is far less deadly and that's the one going across Asian and the US West Coast. The other one mutated into a far deadlier strain in Italy and is what's infecting Europe and the US East Coast.

India is dealing with the less deadly Asian strain. Don't worry, both strains will make their way across the globe, along with many, many other strains, some even more deadly than the Italian strain (Brazil might be dealing with a deadlier strain already).

Second, Indians unquestionably have the strongest immune systems in the world. That's what you get living in a world of poo, where rotting corpses float lazily down the rivers where people bathe and children play, and everywhere is a toilet. They already live in so much filth that the new virus is having a hard time finding a way to infect people. Indians are practically immune to bio-weapons for this reason, they're like disciples of Nurgle.

Indian government and institutions are not conspiring to inflate covid numbers, so they can establish a "new normal" for their cattle citizens.

Maybe the heat and UV makes any lockdown more effective. And maybe the sars-ncov-2 is getting it's shit kicked in by local viruses. Like when the hard kid from a little school moves to the inner city.

>shithole can't be better than us, that would make us worse than a shithole country

India's using Indian software to track deaths. We're lucky it didn't report fractions, negative numbers, or the letter G.

>India only has 1000 deaths
Top lel. imagine believing india can actually detect most of their deaths

Btw most hospitals in India will literally turn you away at the door unless you pay upfront. My missus' gran was stroking over there and she was refused admittance until and initial payment was handed over.

wow its almost like the numbers are all fucking fake and they're just trying to scare you to take away your rights.

We have a very young population. Most of the cases are being reported in people in their 20s and 30s. They're recovering quickly and being placed in isolation to avoid infecting older people

We also locked down way early and stopped intl flights even before that

how many people are allowed to poo in the designated street at one time?

The biggest risk factor for complications and severity is obesity, which is why it has been a significantly bigger issue in the west.

ACE inhibitors. If show even the slightest symptoms of heart disease they will medicate the fuck out of us mutts. That's it really, all the pharma was just a ticking time bomb waiting for a virus like covid-19 to come along and exploit the poison people are on.

I'll wager India has a lot lower number of heart related illnesses and obesity than Western countries.

cry more hamburgerfags

I visited India before and everything they offered me gave me diarrhea.

And the locals enjoyed the fucking food and showed no discomfort whatsoever.

In fact I am really curious why the diseases never start from India. I had business trips in China and it is way way cleaner than India.

indians are just very competent


Thanks to this place when I see toll I think how much did they pay


The virus infection rate is low in India due to the population taking the anti malaria drug hydroxychloroquine. The drug is effective but many corrupt politicians and the lying media is covering it up.

Your yellow skin is showing. Tell Winnie the Flu to fuck off for me.

It's all about BCG vaccines, you dumb first-worlders

Attached: banenaro.jpg (716x822, 119.63K)

They fucking throw their deceased bodies into a river instead of sending them to a morgue

ppl saying we aren't testing are retarded. We've done over 8,30,000+ tests as of 30th April and ended up with a figure of 33,000+ cases. Keep in mind India is not mass testing because we still consider ourselves in Stage 2, so we are only testing suspected people which means we should be reporting a much higher rate of incidence.

UK for example has done around 8,18,000 tests and they report a figure of 1,65,000+.

Lockdown works.
Police beating people works.
Shitting in street works to booster immunity.
Publicly lynching Muslims works.
Not letting Christkikes do their evangelical water shit works.

What doesn't work is being a neocon racist on Yas Forums

Malaria. All these fuckers take HCQ all the time.

HCQ works as a prophylactic drug.

To be fair the average pajeet lives in such a state of filth that it would take more than a dose of chink flu to get through the mighty shit skin immune system.

India has a very young population, Americans and Europeans live sedentary lifestyles and eat shit too. 80% of corona deaths were obese.


Believing Chinese numbers is a cope, faggot - China stopped reporting in March, so unless you believe corona had enough of the Chinese buffet in the space of 12 hours, then shut the fuck up. Also, hospitals in America are ruling any death a corona death - get shot in the head? corona killed you. They're getting $35k per corona death.

Can you confirm this

yeah not having enough food for your population will usually negate any excess-food-related health issues. thank you for bringing this very obvious fact to everyones attention.

>India isn't exaggerating the effects of the virus in order to fear monger the citizens and justify asinine leftist policies
Based pajeets. Leftism is a cancer

Inject the bleach goy

superior poo in loo genes. India superpower 2030

I thought Chloroquine was of no use in India and Africa due to HCQ resistant strains. Caribbean and South American malaria are the strains that HCQ is still effective against.

India is ascending remember that


I can't confirm the validity of HCQ since I'm not a doctor, but yes, HCQ was a over-the-counter drug you could buy anywhere because people needed it all the time, until the Coronavirus thing happened.

Maybe it's because the cops will beat the shit out of you for just existing outside your house?

I see bad dragon still delivers.

it's pretty damn effective tbqh

also it's just the god damn fucking common cold. it isn't exactly cold in india either

Guess they shouldn't have killed their economy then and accepted a few more deaths.

>because people needed it all the time
But do you confirm that a large percentage of population already dis HCQ before corona?

Absolute degeneracy.

Attached: faggot parade float.png (780x492, 729.12K)

How many died in nuclear hellfire because your stupid emperor and his lackeys wanted better surrender terms?

You think people who writhe around and shit and throw it at each other don't have the best immune systems?

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