Have you lost your job?

According to our news 30 million Americans have lost their job, in Germany 10 million are on short term work now. Share your misfortune

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>laughs in French public worker

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No, actually the opposite. We're so busy I am forced to work an extra 2 or 3 hours a day answering emails and getting shit done after my normal 8 just to not get buried by my work load. Construction is booming

>Chortling in Aussie government worker

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still got 417 bitcoins, work is for morons

I got furloughed, which means that I retain my health care but don't have to pay monthly premiums. I'm also getting $932 per week in unemployment, which is more than I make working. All while getting to stay home in my underwear eating tendies and shitposting. This virus is one of the greatest things to ever happen to me. I hope it never ends. Thank you Corona-Chan!

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My job is to shit on the streets, drink cow cum, and rape little girls
Now show bobs and vegane bitch bastard

>Kvetching in American public accounting worker

same. Im getting almost twice what I made working while not working.

based and parasitepilled

I'm an artfag and business has only picked up if anything. Got the most money to my name that I've had in years. Assuming I don't actually get corona this has been pretty sweet.

nah got a new one that pays more and only work halve the hours for full pay
corona-chan sure is a blessing

The Unemployment rate in America is the highest it's ever been.

I plan on creating as many jobs as I can when the lockdown is lifted. The government is going to make it rain debased German Reimarks, I mean US Dollar.

The government websites are doing a great job not even reporting on the unemployment rate though.

Unemployment systems have halted and money isn't being paid out because of the unemployment lines. And the government unemployment rate chart for this month is down.

Germans you get to have a last laugh. America is following in your footsteps in 1935.

I'm making double on unemployment what i was making wage slaving 40 hours a week with a 2 hour daily commute

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I’m furloughed. I’m making less on unemployment than I would working, although not much less. I am using the time to look for a new job and exercise a lot more. I would get depressed quickly if I reverted to NEET faggot life, and my fiancé would lose respect for me. If I play my cards right I will come out of quarantine making more money and fitter than I’ve ever been.

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I'm an essential worker: me going to work is essential to me staying in business.

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No but I went on leave and chilling for another month, then it's back to wageslaving.

I think there is no better life in which a man finds his job, which makes him want to get up every morning to do the day so that he can sit on his veranda in the evening and be satisfied with what he has done and with what he is.

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I've never had a job, I'm 25 and I live with my parents who work, I get $1100 every 2 weeks now because they doubled neetbux.

Lucked out and got a job right before covid lockdowns started, made very little money in May-April because faggot Pennsylvania shut down everything, but things are looking up for the summer

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True, but how many people actually find that job that provides that sense of fufillment and accomplishment? The reality is that most jobs crush the soul and the spirit.

I manage a factory, everyone but me has been furloughed as I can work from home.
We're planning to restart production with minimal staff and safe distancing measures soon. It'll be my job to check everyone's temperature daily and the risk assessments were a barrel of fun to do.

Must have kangaroo DNA for staying in the pouch this long mate

I hope rectal

Unfortunately, no. My boss call me this morning, we are reopening this monday... Fuck, it was so comfy and cool to be free from work and school.

>Construction is booming
all those immigrants needs housing

Forehead gun but i have made that joke to some of the staff, fortunately no woman.

>security guard for a key industry
>spend all day playing on my switch at work
>do this during overtime too
I hope the lockdowns never end.

But if i can't get this?
Why should i go to work?
Because i need food?
God will lead our ways even without jobs.

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kek, nah I'm not moving out until I can save for a home deposit, I've looked for work for 3 years, hope I can find a job now with the way everything has been shaken up because of the virus, big barrier for me was not having my drivers licence, but I'm very close to getting that but they shut down the driving school lmao

Im technically employed by a Scandinavian government but I can't go to work because its shut down, but I still get full pay, so...


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Yea from others people's pockets. Fucking disgusting.

>working in residential construction

Nah bro, I'm actually skilled.

I am also one of those who got the licence late with 22, no shame in that. With a car everything changes

>Share your misfortune
I'm surrounded by goys and niggers.
How do i leave this planet?

Realize I'm there.
I don't want your belongings.
I want to be able to live happily with you in this world.

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Found the nigger.

I am literally paid to study, I am saving tons bc living at my parents during the quarantine

True, I work in manufacturing that provides construction companies and we are booked for months

Laid off April 15th, got 1200 stimulus and have been collec r ing unemployment for the duration. Restart work this coming Monday. Finances were not an issue throughout this entire thing. Anyone saying otherwise is either too stupid to navigate unemployment requirements or are invalids that already lived off the state before this started.