Why did so many people believe in this scam?
Americans have never been on the Moon
Amerilards have a low iq
Because Jews are very good at psyops.
>pic related
yea coffee tastes pretty good.
Thank you for your scientist
they are too fat to fly there
Stay jelly ivan
Would someone be kind enough to explain to me the ins and outs of this particular meme.
Plenty of men have landed on Uranus you little internet faggot cock sucker.
Because boomers adopted the TV (Talmud Vision) as their holy source of all knowledge.
TV man says man on moon - so americans put man on moon.
lol you chinks dont even have a navy!
Cold War propaganda.
Now that it ended 20 years ago nobody talks about it. I wonder why?
That lie already served it's purpose. It doesn't even appear on history books anymore.Today's youngest generation will grow up without ever hear about it.
It was faked but filmed on location
>everyone who doesn't suck zogamerica's cock is a chink
ok mutt
Its a reference to shill who post a sexually posed girl as their picture of a new thread,
while the topic of the thread is a simple unrelated debate enducing question that has nothing to do with significant political discussion. Creating a slide thread that gets constantly bumped bc coomers cant help but click the thread with tittys and ass and then they cant help but join a debate about nonsense.
The original meme post was a dude holding a protesting type sign with a big ass on it, and he was asking a crown of people if coffee is good for you
You're right, Ukraine bro. It was actually Czechoslovakians. They were found to be the only pilots who could shit in their pants and sit in it comfortably for 2 weeks.
not an argument
>jannies pls move it to x they can't be debunking american propaganda
cuck response!
not as good as nazzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiis though
yeah probably this. they won't show any video at all of any moon landing in the classrooms already. Meanwhile, every kid in the district i used to work in is required to do a week long (sometimes longer) holocaust training course.
It’s easy to trick High trust societies
Why do you think we were incapable of landing on the moon? Were all the other Apollo missions fake? Why wouldn't the Soviets say anything about it being fake?
because it happened. tens of thousands of people all around the world worked on it. it would be harder to fake than to do it.
Nice flag faggot.
Im not so found of muricah but pesky jealousy is ridiculous. They're far from perfect but they're the only decent white empire today.
They're not really decent, white or an empire but this era sucks ass so it's all we can afford.
>meme flagger
y-y-y-youre a chink!!
y-youd dont have the same ZOG funded army to fight for Israel as america!!
Us army is founded by usa you retarded faggot. They're rich because they are powerful stop being a fucking bitch.
turn off vpn john
Because the space program was a front for development of ICBMs they have definately been there.
OK kike