Nigger falsifies flying hours

>nigger falsifies flying hours
>nigger get cited for a company hearing and know is about to get fired
>nigger boards a cargo plane with hammers and a speargun with the plan of killing everyone in the cockpit
>nigger wants to get life insurance money for his family before he is fired
>nigger starts hitting everyone with a hammer on a surprise attack
>crew starts fighting the nigger and almost crash the plane because they are fucking wimps that refuse to kill the nigger that is attempting to murder them all
Why have white people been conditioned to being such cucks?

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>because they are fucking wimps that refuse to kill the nigger
pretty sure it was because they all took a hammer to their head and were fighting for their life as good as they could

They could have killed the nigger on multiple occasions and instead chose to "restrain" him.

What does this have to do with race

>They could have killed the nigger on multiple occasions

Idk why everyone masturbates over the Fred Smith story. UPS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DHL>USPS>RUPOST>FEDEX

The nigger was willing to do anything to get what he wanted, the 3 white people didn't have the guts to kill the nigger to save their lives.


>The flight crew eventually succeeded in restraining Calloway, although only after moments of inverted and near-transonic flight beyond the designed capabilities of a DC-10. Sanders took control and Tucker, who had by then lost use of the right side of his body, went back to assist Peterson in restraining Calloway. Sanders communicated with air traffic control, preparing for an emergency landing back at Memphis International Airport. Meanwhile, after screaming that he could not breathe, Calloway started fighting with the crew again.[7]

>Heavily loaded with fuel and cargo, the plane was approaching too fast and too high to land on the scheduled runway 9. A fully loaded airliner could break up upon landing at these conditions. Sanders requested by radio to land on the longer runway 36L.[7] Ignoring warning messages from the onboard computer and using a series of sharp turns that tested the DC-10's safety limits, Sanders landed the jet safely on the runway at 16,000 kilograms (18 short tons) over its maximum designed landing weight.[3] By that time, Calloway was once again restrained. Emergency personnel and police gained access to the plane via escape slide and ladder. Inside, they found the interior of the galley and cockpit covered in blood.[6] Calloway was then arrested and taken off the plane.[7]

nope, they could only barely restrain him and thats what they did.
they solved the situation in the best possible way.


No, they had to restrain him 3 times because they were too big of a pussies to end him the first time.
Ignoring the evidence and saying "nope" is not an argument, Ahmed.

Prison is a better punishment anyway.
>He received two consecutive life sentences
if they killed him they would have given him what he wanted.

I dont see what that has to do with race

> pay millions to house a nigger in nigger university
Killing was the right thing to do schmuley

Its about Punishment

The only one being punished is the white taxpayer.


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Good, you pay for it if that's how you feel.

Proof that blacks belong on plantations, not on planes.

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>white person does something
>Memeflaggot: Why do all White People...

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the nigger got what he deserves, life in prison.

>implying this isn't a culture-wide issue

Pay for him to go on his permanent gym fitness holiday, germcuck.

why didn't one of the passengers help?

Don't you have a praying mat to be?

the nigger was smart in one way
he only used weapons that would leave damage that could be misconstrued as injuries sustained in a crash
if he remembered to pull out the harpoons anyway

Nigger sent like 100k to his wife the day before doing it, you are dreaming if you think the insurance company wouldn't have found out.

well, i only said he did ONE thing smart

UPS 88

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>the 3 white people didn't have the guts to kill the nigger to save their lives.
But... they saved their lives. What are you talking about?

Niggers always go nuts when they get caught at work doing shit.