What is he doing? Every leader on the planet is coordinating to roll out the vaccine but him. He's ruining everything

What is he doing? Every leader on the planet is coordinating to roll out the vaccine but him. He's ruining everything.

Attached: vax.png (496x415, 99.3K)

>wtf Trump is forcing vaccines on everyone?

yes, he is ruining everything globalist psychos prepared in last 30 years
and its a good thing

Kek, they already know. Genetic (or diabetes-induced) susceptibility for aberrant neutrophil response ultimately leading to vascular endotheliitis and hemolysis in some patients ... likely easily treated with established medication once you figure out the fine details. Still requires an ICU ... but likely no ventilators. Cause of death is not lung failure but microembolism. Can't get oxygen into a patient if there is no blood going through the lung capillaries and the whole circulation instead shunts directly through the heart. Don't need a vaccine if you have a good protocol for treating the susceptible patients.

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He knows the vaccine is bullshit.

Remember how there were 2 strains in wuhan?
Guess what strain 1 does against strain 2?

Go away Bill

Maybe years from now. Their will be new viruses by then. These third world cities of Asia and africa are like petri dishes of nature, teemingvwith 100s of millions of people and animals. Massive sewage and overpopulation.

Rich countries will have stable sustainable populations in the future. Strict controls on who can enter and how.


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There are no other coronavirus vaccines DESPITE every country suffering death and reduces business capacity every year. There will never be a covid vaccine.

There is no need to vaccinate against the common cold user

You're an idiot. Bill Gates alone is pouring billions of dollars on vaccine fast tracking. Something called a "vaccine" will definitely be released and mandated all over the world. It might not be very effective but concern about the virus isn't really what's motivating this. What's motivating it is setting up the framework for a new normal of constant collection of biological data and restriction of travel, trade, and access to funds predicated on proof of compliance with disease control measures like testing and vaccination.

Attached: vaccine.png (488x786, 163.86K)

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That's not a good thing you fucking retar

Isn't this how most zombie movies start?

You'd be seething and screeching no matter what Orange Mad Bad does.
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome symptoms are showing. Get help.
3 years of your histrionic autistic screeching about Orange Man Bad down, almost 5 to go.
How frustrating it must be for you, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?
Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.
Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.

has Bill Gates been told about this?

Can one of you amrericans can give me a gun so that I can be safe during zombie apocalypse?

God bless this man.

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drink bleach faggot nigger

If you go forward with this you and your family will be killed. You won't change the face of the world without spilling your own blood you worthless, arrogant fool.

Get a load of this bleach drinker.


Attached: Vaccines 1.gif (885x588, 18.89K)

0.000001 biogeneratedcryptoyuan have been inserted in your internal microchip
your social score has increased by .2%

Vaccine is code talk for chip.
There will never be a vaccine because it will not stay the same long enough and there are at least 30 strains already. That would likely require 30 vaccines. By Christmas there will be how many Changing strains?
Gates is behind this virus like he was behind all those computer viruses and solutions - computer viruses don’t arise naturally, that would be a good place for investigators to start if anyone had the guts to investigate the little Bond villain bastard.
This is a globalist world takeover.
I have to go out for painkillers but I am not joking or swinging wildly in the wind there are lots of good solid reasons and proofs that I’ll be posting ASAP.

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>What is he doing?
Doubling down?

Attached: Trump — Coronavirus will disappear like a miracle.png (403x139, 9K)

People who drink bleach in America do so to oppose the President. I know it seems foolish, but the opposition has grown increasingly desperate.

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>Guess what strain 1 does against strain 2?
Causes it to become more lethal.

>Something called a "vaccine" will definitely be released and mandated all over the world.

>This is a globalist world takeover.
Would be unsurprised.

Attached: Depopulation – 6.jpg (438x354, 19.69K)

>96% with no symptoms
The more and more I see people post these "heartbreaking" stories of people dying it's always very old people or some fat ass who claimed they were perfectly healthy. I'm fairly certain my girlfriend and I got this shit back in late Feb and we just had a sore throat, some cough, and felt tired for two days.

Attached: dangerous.jpg (840x367, 33.66K)

Or the vaccine might cause cytokine storms and kill a whole bunch of people

*coof* NSO's Pegasus *coof coof*

Farmers are destroying milk eggs and bread and this guy spends his time tweeting bullshit. What a fucking shit show.

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What does Trump have to do with the retardation going on in your own shithole Canuchink?

Exactly why are people "against" Trump?

Oy! He blued himself.

He's Zion neocon don