It’s fucking happening!!! General Flynn will lead the revolution!!

God bless the general!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever happens.

still torn up over dixie down here

This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This This

>Nothing ever happens.
>imblying you aren't alive as nations intentionally and collectively crash their economies with no survivors.
We are living in the biggest happening since the lines on the map changed in 1991.

God happeningfags are the fucking worst.

Attached: 01.png (809x730, 1018.53K)

Nigga this is biggest Happening since WW2

Godspeed, Pedro!

Attached: 1587975117431.jpg (690x388, 228.94K)

what revolution , you are owned by the jews.
you whites have nothing going on.

No, faggot shills like u are the worst, you're shilling kills your mother a little bit more with each post and condems her to hell a little bit more each shill.

"Capture the flag"

How many happenings have you claimed are coming so far the past 5 years and it's nothing as usual? Fucking take your meds schizo

Attached: InReality.jpg (389x466, 84.4K)
>no tanks
>no soldiers
Not happening.

The handwritten notes to set up Flynn were from (((Priestap)))

Every Fucking Time

That’s the faggiest thing I’ve ever seen.

I dunno, if I were a shill I'd constantly post false happenings just so I could say this when something actually does happen.
Seems pretty despicable, but that's why shills get the rope, as they say.

>UN on suicide watch.

>Flynn busted working for Israel
>Yas Forums: OMFG NO NO NO :O

> ameribros, assemble

I love it when a plan comes together.

Attached: The A Team.jpg (1600x1200, 368.38K)

Q predicted this

>The black man fears this.

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ding dong diddly finna freedom

This will be the ultimate victory meme


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>imagine being a nothing ever happens fag in 2020
denying Q is real at this point is pointless

>Nigga this is biggest Happening since WW2
>>Nothing ever happens.
>>imblying you aren't alive as nations intentionally and collectively crash their economies with no survivors.
>We are living in the biggest happening since the lines on the map changed in 1991.
The biggest shakeup of on a global scale happened during WWI. The map of Europe was redrawn, monarchies fell and the rise of communism.

Attached: Jared Leto - I'm Not Joking.jpg (284x177, 8.51K)

Skyking answered. Sounded Israeli.

Where's that pic from, and is that Peterson in the front?

drink bleach, Qtard

>imagine being in 2020 and thinking this retard could coordinate an intelligence operation to round up hundreds of pedo elites.
Nigga can’t even tie his shoes.

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Mr. Guilty Plea still around huh?
thats what happens when you admit your guilt and cut a deal.

gonna be funny when nothing happens and little roger stone is behind bars with the rest of Dumpfs lackeys.

Imagine losing to someone who cant tie his shoes

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besides, there would be no way to hide all the specialty troops we haven't developed. the underground cities will have tunnels full of indiana jones style bullshit. there might not even be any oxygen down there. what are they gonna do, combine a space suit with a CBRN respirator, paint it camo and put a marine in it? even then how would you hide that entire branch of the military from the enemy? it's not like you could just pretend it was the Space Force or something.

Attached: w645653.webm (664x370, 2.97M)

Flynn plead guilty, end of story, if he was innocent he wouldn't have copped a plea. This wasn't some nigger with a possession case and a public defender.

Threadly reminder that it was Bill Priestap who wrote those recently released notes.

so what does this all mean?
any chance Mike Flynn will hang Bill Gates and all the China Virus plotters?
I remember Trump talking a lot about the Invisible enemy, and I'd like to see him stop being a punching bag and do something

>under duress because his lawyers were blackmailed
whole case is thrown out and you know it.

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