Every single religion in this world is a cult. Change my mind

Every single religion in this world is a cult. Change my mind
>Tip: You can't

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Why i would change my mind?


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religion is genetic warfare strategy.
>have lots of kids
>love your neighbor and stop killing each other

Mormons are right

Yes and what's the problem with that ?

You are correct.

Duh. Anyone who doesn't realize that all religions were put together by humans from start to finish is a goddamn idiot.

>Implying scientism isn't also a cult
>Implying cults are bad

A french girl literally tongued my anus out of no where once when she was giving me head. Your all based af.


I hope you were clean. How did you meet her?

why are americans so obsessed about sex

>tfw too intelligent to get laid

Go back

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Every single person on this planet is a fucking retarded nigger (including me). Change my mind

Define ''cult''.

this is a real struggle fr

what about taoism?

>you can't change my mind
Have a sage then

All beliefs are cults

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>Either you believe in tales written down by sandniggers 2 millenia ago or you are a redditor

>pick a side and believe everything we do or you have no serious convictions or beliefs
People that sperg about centrists are actual brainlets

Go back you dumb nigger

I can't. Fuck religion.

I see, you're drunk already, Bruce. Probably time to go to bed, so you can wake up early to thank the good ol' kike on a stick.

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hey pedro kys you arab rapebaby
dumb shitskin go back

It is a cult. Trust me.
Don’t ask me why I know

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>the eternal midwit

I can.
And I just have.
Fuck you kike.

Christianity isn't a cult because it's true

Who cares? Genuinely? What is there to prove or disprove? Im athiest but I dont see this as an excuse to act a nigger or pseudointellectual (making gay slide threads that literally accomplish jack shit) like OP. Sage.

>Every single religion in this world is a cult. Change my mind
I agree Jesus is mushroom cult transformed into a slave religion where the worshippers think Jesus was man or something like that.

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