Be society be better off if anime was banned?

I'm talking about Japanese and American society. Would there be less hikikomori in Akiba and less incels in America if anime was banned?


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No seriously. Would people start to feel better with less depression if they couldn't hide themselves inside houses?

OK fed pedo

Thats my fetish

No, anime is kino, based and redpilled.
What we need to do is ban joyless faggots like you.

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But if you couldn't watch it, then maybe you would be more productive with your lives? Find a real woman and by happy, instead of watching cartoons.

I have a real woman. We watch anime together. You sound like the politicians that blame gun violence on video games. Anime isn't the cause of anything. Nigger culture promoted by kikes is the problem.

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yeah, anime is the problem with society

ok, heres a bump. if anime wouldn't exist, porn and video games still would. these two are a bigger contributing factor to one becoming incel, anime is a side effect.

Social media is far, far worse than any other form of media in the modern world.

Anime is just japanese cartoons

Anime is as diverse in subjects as literature. It is almost entirely based on manga and light novels. Sometimes visual novels (games) it is harmless and actually requires using your brain as opposed to watch sportsball

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Not all anime but most should be censored until weebs are dealt with

Fuck off

Niggerball is more degenerate than anine. Let's ban that instead!

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If you have a girlfriend, why are you on Yas Forums?

Then ban porn and perverted games as well. They just lead to degenerate behaviour, do they not?

No, if someone becomes a degenarete because of anime, they would've become one regardless. The weak minded will always be weak minded.

Get off of pol/ r*ddit glowie faggot punk-ass bitch-ass nigger-tranny.

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It would be better if we deport all kikes off this planet to Jew_peter

>trying this hard and still isn't funny

How about you ban the CIA, have traitors executed, and look into whether there is a gynocengric bias in the legal system.

I guess the same reason she has me and is on fb, pinterest, etc. We both stare at our phones too much.

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Hmmm, kikes bring in third world slave labour to displace natives from jobs, brainwashing women to be whores, passing legislature to protect the woman but destroy the family....

And your conclusion is that anime is degenerate and preventing people from breeding?

Have a cookie.

Kill your-self buttfag

>Complaining about red-pilled anime on an anime board

The average weeb knows how to use a VPN, you can't actualy do anything about it.

This 100 percent

Maybe it's time to break up and stop lying to each other then

Kikes bring in slave labour? Do you know how diverse Israel is? They have tons of different people, so don't try to use that argument.

pedophilia promoting moeblob anime is every bit as degenerate harmful to the future of the white race as transvestite childrens theatre is. Make no mistake, Yas Forumsutists will be the first to hang on display on day of the rope, but for now we have to swallow our disgust and participate in a dirty game as good sports. For now they are useful idiots and the time to clallenge them is not yet nigh. But it is approaching, have no doubt. Manime is pretty based and redpilled.

If anime would be banned, the Hikkis would consume another escapist medium or watch anime illegally.

Also that butt isn't on the flabby side, she just flinches which makes it look that way. Fucking plebeians.

Lol I married her 7 years ago and we are happy. I have a woman who watches anime with me. She even introduced me to some good animes.

Why would I want a real woman when I'll never find one as good as her?

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anime is retarded just saying fuck you homos


it's 'anime' it's plural already.

>Also that butt isn't on the flabby side, she just flinches which makes it look that way. Fucking plebeians.
I think you missed the fact that only her buttocks and thighs move, the rest of her body doesn't flinch at all. Not saying it's flabby though.

If all the real women are too fat for me to carry on my shoulder and spank, whats the point?

ib4 lift mor fag

I /think/ society would be better off, but it might be a correlation that a lot of people with not much going on for them are absolutely enthralled with anime.
Like other art forms, some of anime is great, but most of it seems to be derivative or mindless, with a lot of horrifying smut creeping in with the art form. Strangely enough, some of the best works of anime seem to be entirely derivative and mock established "norms" of the anime culture. There are a few great original ideas in anime. Haven't watched it in a long time.

American women are fucking hideous and I don’t want my children to adopt the same obesity habits the women here have. So yeah, I’m happy with being an anime loving neet. Unless chicks become skinny and modest, there’s no chance in hell im ever going into a relationship again.


They aren't english words, so english grammar doesnt apply

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>pedophilia promoting moeblob anime is every bit as degenerate harmful to the future of the white race as transvestite childrens theatre is.
Says the guy who worships a literal negro empire.

Good point. Though I think it was just laziness of the anime artists to draw everything, because I inherently refuse to believe that such a small butt can be anything but tight.

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Dumb question OP, even if you wiped out all of anime, there'd still be manga, wipe out those and there'd still be light novels, wipe out those and there'd still be video games, wipe out those and there'd still be visual novels, wipe out those and there'd still be novels, wipe those out and there'd still be jewish hollywood entertainment, wipe that out and you'd still have the music industry, wipe that out and, well I guess you'll have gotten rid of everything that consoomers can obsess over to the point of becoming an incel/hikkikomori but at what cost.

Be society be better off if imageboards were banned?

May I ask the BMI of you both? The reason is because I think you found each other out of desperation rather than attraction.

*can't be anything but tight

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I actually think manga would suffice you retards, you don't deserve colors.

Slopes make this shit for slopes, it's ok to watch it if your not a slope but I don't watch Bollywood and think about running around with a turban on my head.
>Quit the slope shit bud!

The problem is that anime creates perfect women so that some losers think it's better with anime women than real women.

And most of all, anime women don't require effort, so it's the easy way out.

Still don¨t buy it, because spanking scenes in other animes don't anime the butt. They just wanted to show that it jiggles, like all butts do when spanked.

Go fuck yourself, roastie

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When people run out of points, they usually use name calling

Why do so many people want to ban everything that they think is even remotely "bad"?
>hurr, ban fast food
>ban porn
>ban sin industries
>ban the wrong opinions
Because we wouldn't want anyone to do anything that can be considered subjectively immoral, even if it affects no one else, now would we?