Japanese news is now saying that at least 8 countries are planning to demand financial reparations from China for an amount totaling over 100 trillion dollars.
That is more than 7 times China's annual GDP.
Japanese news is now saying that at least 8 countries are planning to demand financial reparations from China for an amount totaling over 100 trillion dollars.
That is more than 7 times China's annual GDP.
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Reminder that Israel is still receiving holocaust reparations 80 years later.
They're either going to be slaves to the rest of the world for the foreseeable future, or we'll have the first world war where it's every country versus one
We can just keep their $1.2 trillion in US Treasuries, and that'll cover almost all of the bailout money.
Get fucked dog eating bug-people.
Big if true. Any sources?
The virus research was funded by Eptstein, soros, and other jews. we should be asking the jew for reperations and also seize their research and vaccines.
Sauce or gtfo
just like chernobyl was the beginning of the end for ussr. Corona is the end for ccp
What army are they going to enforce it with?
Developing story, reported just an hour ago.
Original source seems to be French.
It's going to be the quickest war we have ever seen in modern time. I don't think the Russian will take side and just nope the fuck out of this one.
the UN army
If Trump manage to pull this out he should have his face on Mont Rushmore for Posterity.
Yes, but they are a People Of Suffering, POS if you will
Rush is almost bankrupt because the towel heads dont care about money. They couldnt afford a war if they wanted to.
Could you imagine being a Chink going on holiday in Spain/Italy/France after this
>enjoy your spit smegma & pubes batmuncher
Realistically this is what going to happen. The World will demand the removal of the CCP. No more one party rule in China.
This is the best solution overall.
Russia, NK, iran, venezuela, cuba will join them.
FYI The Russian have increase theirs Gold reserve in the last 5 years. They are very ready. Low debt and plenty of reserve...... Gold reserve.
Look it up.
>muh money
Just print it.
We should just occupy the islands they've built in the South China Sea.
Get on the front foot.
Claim them for the Flips & the VC.
See them seethe
You are one of the countries that is making the demands for reparation. You tell me.
No they won't
Russia will sit on the sideline as long as they get their cut
Hopefully the Greeks lead the way. They are the best at getting gibs from other countries.
C'mon how is Venezuela able to do anything. The Syrian sure hate the American but they are not suicidal! The Iranian could maybe pose a small challenge but then again they are too weak. And NK is a meme!
As for the Russian I don't think they would join China either. Being on the loosing side is not something they would like to do. Better just to grab some popcorn and let the other do the dirty work.
China is all alone!
>We should just occupy the islands they've built in the South China Sea.
>Get on the front foot.
Nahh I would have those evacuated and then NUKE! You know just to make a point! After that the CCP would crumble from the inside out as everybody in the military would be running for theirs lives.
Québécois on Yas Forums?
>Nigeria (wat)
>Chinese foreign affairs stresses that they provided information to WHO and other countries at incredible hihg speed, so this is all vexatious litigation
Chinks gonna chink
China has had its eye on Siberia for years, and have basically said it's rightful China clay. Right now the relationship between China and Russia is one of convenience. If all out war started it stops being convenient.