Blacks have more muscle but less strength:

Blacks have more muscle but less strength:
> total body lean mass was 2.43 kg (approximately 5%) higher in black compared with white men, black men had a physical function score that was approximately 20% lower than white men.

Considering blacks to be physical supermen is a very weird American cultural thing:
>"We found that these estimates were consistently biased. Participants judged the black men to be larger, stronger and more muscular than the white men, even though they were actually the same size," said the study's lead author, John Paul Wilson, of Montclair State University.

Attached: black vs white4.webm (960x720, 2.85M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Whyboi can't jump

Why are the vast majority of high jump medalists white then?

The mainstream media pushes the black Superman thing constantly. If anything, pol understates it.

To be fair the majority of niggers are too busy dodging malaria in Africa or bullets in Detroit to pursue a career in the Olympics.

blakboi cant swim or play hockey

No body fat and weak ankles

Attached: -ayoola2_.jpg (240x240, 8.6K)

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but I thought the only difference between us was our skin color? surely if one race can be naturally stronger than another than one race can be naturally smarter than the rest too right?

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Nignog can't build a civilization, Invent a wheel, grow crops or in general exist above the level of primitive animals.

>Yo *snacks niglips* hold up wypipo, at least we can jump slightly higher.

Attached: zg3Ptvp_d.jpg (640x368, 53.28K)

Then why hasn't there been a white boxing champ since, oh, end of slavery? Every professional sports are dominated by blacks but muh, muh, muh white bois have more muscles. LOL. I sincerely think there is not a more pathetic group than white men. Can't control their women so they become the woman.

>Then why hasn't there been a white boxing champ since, oh, end of slavery?

Blacks only appear good at fighting as boxing favours them - 75% of boxing fights are won by the fighter with longer reach, and blacks have longer arms on average. They have less weight than whites and lower fat levels, making it easier to hit weight limits in boxing, and they have quicker short-term recovery, which favours them in short boxing rounds.
Once you get it no UFC, their advantages disappear, as do the numbers of black winners. Unless they're career drug cheats like Jon Jones.

found the angry nigger

Niggers so lazy even their muscles refuse to put in effort.



You are singing, dancinf, running, jumping entertainment monkeys for whites to enjoy as clownshows. It is only because whites created excess wealth thus excess time for futile leisure interests, that your entertainment monkey kin have become popualr. All it takes is a severe economic downturn, happening now, and the clown world of Boomer entertainment sports ends. It is precisely the reason the poorer Eastern Europe isn't into entertainment monkeys, as life hasn't given them the excess to waste on watching niggers run and jump.

Says the southern slav

Most blacks I've met were scrawny and short. Every Somali ever was like a manlet with a disproportionate head. Unless you're dealing with a horde of them you're not in danger.

PS we don't have these American roided out mega groids here in Europe, you know, the ones that don't live past 30.

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Americans worship niggers. It's disgusting. I need to move.

>Why are the vast majority of high jump medalists white then?
Track & Field coach here.

Black athletes typically have better "hops" in terms of raw jumping ability, but the high jump is a highly technical event.

That's why you don't see very many black athletes succeeding at high jump, pole vault, etc.

Blacks are the group with the highest obesity in the US.

Unironically, they're whiter than brits. And then there's pic related to top it of. LMAO

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The United states is obsessed with and worships negros. In other news: birds fly, fish swim, traffic was bad at rush hour yesterday

>Every Somali ever was like a manlet with a disproportionate head
>disproportionate head
some Somalis use torches to try to reshape their heads to look more normal. Needless to say its not very effective

All white vs black threads are gay as fuck. Everybody knows whites are better than blacks, reality speaks for itself. Sage.

>that list

Attached: celt.jpg (680x605, 70.53K)

Somalis and in general Horners are the most subhuman Africans objectively speaking, they really aren't the best group to stereotype Negroids. Most actual Negroids are short and stocky except the Sudanese and Maasai. It is just the American Negroids who can have weird and unusual body proportions.

Because white people arent stupid enough to get their brains turned to jelly for cash

Western hemisphere blacks evolved into their god-like physiques through repetitious manual labor. Therefore their muscles do not emphasize strength but endurance. This is the same principle behind hypertrophy in weight training which is medium weight and medium reps vs strength training which is high weight and low reps..

>Blacks have more muscle
They don't actually, they just retain a lot of water in their skeletal muscle due to their way higher creatine kinase activity. This is why you see black bodybuilders that look insane but no black strength athletes really.

Many of you seem to be forgetting that in America almost no nigger is pure negroid. Most of them have significant European admixture. They're not really representative of African negroids.

Attached: American cuck cam.webm (852x480, 2.95M)

From yesterday

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Whites DOMINATE strongmen competitions.

Find a black guy that won a strongman competition. It's almost exclusively European.

look at the hair. she hasn't showered for ~3 days

cope harder

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