Christianism is responsible for the genocide of the white race by encouraging shitskins to have a lot of children. Yeah I know there's Islam but Christian shitskins are about the same
Christianism is responsible for the genocide of the white race by encouraging shitskins to have a lot of children...
>Whites fell to the system
>Must have money to have a family goy
>Must have a Carrer to have a family goy
>But we are too many dont have a family goy
>Blames Christianity
Every atheists ever
Varg you're not relevant. Stop the seething.
>france owns half of africa
>spends 200 years destabilizing it
>brings their pet niggers to yurop
Literally no one refrained from children due to overpopulation. Wanting to raise children in a stable environment is a pragmatic decision everyone should make. It’s something actual humans do but brown “people” are incapable of doing. Christianity doesn’t recognize that fact; they just promote having a bunch of kids no matter how shitty their life will turn out.
They're in the business of collecting souls. They go into jungles to hand out food at teach about Jesus. So where these people would have gone to Heaven anyway (having not heard of Jesus) now they're going to Hell if they reject His teachings. They are literally bringing Hell to these people. And they say, well it's because Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit and Jesus came to fix that by dying for you sins and whatthefuck whatthefuck?
Don't blame the protestants. Blame the Catholics.
White Christians are the only whites having large families still. In America, the conservative white birthrate is high. It's only white liberals who aren't reproducing
>and that's a good thing
Cope, muzziekike.
Whites are poor and dont have familias
They think the are something. But arent.
Maybe you were something. Not anymore.
Not having familias = being worthless
It's a truth they will never admit to
It's the fucking Catholics' crazy shit. In Croatia I can't get laid to save my life, unless I want to marry some cafe/bar chick and join her whole crazy family and go fishing at 6am with her brothers who hate me because I'm fucking their little sister. They'll throw you overboard if she's not whistling Dixie out her asshole 24/7.
No prostitution AT ALL anywhere, not even a happy ending massage because of Jesus and fucking Mary! They have crosses in government offices.
I think you mean Easter worshippers
True. That's why we wanted that kike dead, he wanted jews to mix breed.
Fuck off
imagine going to church dressed like a sweaty latino gangbanger, even if you are one
Have yet to find a religion which isn't satanism that doesn't preach against racism.
Braindead stupidity. You really must be thinking about the agrarian revolution. Eating snails is bad for the brain
> no mass immigration to Europe happened before WW2
> christian europeans colonized the planet and invented "white supremacy", "scientific racism" and all sorts of pro white racial policies that were normal before the 1960s
Top lel
Christianity is irrelevant in Europe. Nobody goes to church in france, are the viciously anti christian masons, jews and marxists who run your country the "christianists" (lol) you speak of? Pretty much all pre ww2 ideologies are gone: christianity, paganism, communism, nazism, fascism... all these movements are now completely fringe. Ww2 was the "year zero" for Europe, and 1968 revolution plus 1989 triumph of (((american))) globalism is what led to todays politics. The entire political spectrum is about the best way to not be a nazi, and the Holocaust and its interpretations (and how to prevrent it) is the root of all moral teaching.
Your president is a gay rotschild banker, you have to be a mason to matter in politics, the media and academia are controlled by zionist jews like BHL, you have neen dominated by Americans and CIA for decades and everyone is obsessed about not being Hitler and you blame "christians" for mass immigration
T. Atheist
> generations of your ancestors married and had children like normal people without whining
Stop being a degenerate, sex is for making babies. Too bad the brothers of your gf just "hate" you and won't beat you up for banging her without marriage as they should. Guess being gay is now normal for all croatians
White people rebelled against Catholicism which is a nation preserving ideology so long as you are loyal to the pope. They did this to themselves.
>muh white genocide
grow up
epic meme cathoshit
they're good things, discipline is important, don't have sex if you don't want to have children, and don't have sex before marriage
If it's a choice between one or the other, I would choose Islam. But both are shit.
We did this :^)
you're scared hooknose
Promoting births is retarded from a Christian perspective anyway, since most of those who are born will burn in hell according to the Bible. Anti-natalism is the only reasonable position for a Christian to take. If you know your kids will have some ~99% chance of going to hell, why have kids? Better to never be born than to be born just so you can be tortured for eternity.
Poland is an American (i.e. Jewish) puppet state. Why would jews be afraid of it?
Hezekiah 7:21
Light skinned males shall only father one child.
Except that’s not true. My child will be provided every opportunity to accept Christ and in doing so will attain salvation. So having kids who are raised right is a mandate.