
Yas Forums redpille me on this people, are they white, middle eatern? or asian?

Attached: Caucasus_countries.png (512x352, 15.5K)

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Middle eastern

They're the whites who didn't leave

they fall in the MENA category

Another type of sand nigger

theyre caucasian

they could be white if they were not muslims

they are not white anymore because they mixed too much with arabs

European civilization originated from there, other than azeri and armenian, rest is p much white.

arent georgians orthodox?

Attached: georgia.jpg (1203x638, 376.69K)

azerbaijanis are sandniggers
armenians are half white half sandnigger, they were conquered by sandniggers for a period of time
georgians are actually white

it's like balkans but they are even more butthurt on each other.

*cough* Bolshevism *cough*

they were always like that, even before commies.

well yeah that's true, literally everyone there is so seperated from each other. Their alliance during 1918 didn't even last a year, shame.

i can relate to that


Middle eastern

they are Caucasus ?!

Is it prohibitively expensive to purchase a wife from there? It doesn’t look like it could be too expensive.

Armenians are Indo-European but Georgians speak a Caucasian (language group) language.
Armenians are brothers to Europeans.
Just like Iranians are.

False, moron.
Caucasians, specifically South Caucasians and Abkhazians have remained unchanged since the Chalcolithic.
North Caucasians are mostly Georgian-like but with a significant genetic input from the Pontic-Caspian Steppes.
Neither have mixed with Arabs.

Attached: 1552414217305.png (1679x2548, 702.95K)

except for the part where 99% of them are jews, and cowards who fled their own country when they were btfo by the turks
armenians are scum

Unlike mutts who practice miscegenation on a regular basis and let Tyrone and God knows what sleep with their women, people here know how to keep their women in check.

Well anyone whose a muslim is a subhuman anyway, I think that's what he was saying.

Are you a Croat or an American, what kind of retarded racial nomenclature is that. We are more genetically distinct from Swedes than Syrians are.

They are almost all Christian and it's true many have fled their original homeland, but the same is true for most Greeks and Asssyrians, because of the genocide the turks committed against all who were Christian and refused Turkification.
Your country and the the entente just watched as it happened.

I agree, but a mutt (You) isn't any better.

The Georgian is an Azeri minority with a big nose.

Culturally we are Eastern Europeans, our living standards, humor and mannerisms are much closer to them then any Arab or Asian people.


chill out user it was just a question

Half of you look like hapas and the other half look like Iranians stop the fucking coping.

That's hardly surprising since the Hittites were indo-European, Greek influence the area for over a millennium and then Europeans that stayed there after the crusades, also possibly French colonial penis.

They Are BETTER THAN THE BALKANS, and shit tier cum stains like Croatia