When did you realize this virus is fucking fake?

>korea, japan mongolia and russia are doing fine despite having large chink population and being close to chinkland
>western people dont wanna wear masks because it reminds them of ISIS terrorists so they go into quarantine, hurting economy more than needed.
>Even norks are quiet

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when Yas Forums shilled it as a happening I knew it was nothing

>wearing masks or quarantining
Lol no

simply because of media and some retards in here that let the panic take control over them

>Russia is doing fine
Nigga you gay

>western people dont wanna wear masks
Masks don't work perfectly, and they need to be sterilized every day. I actually don't have the means to sterilize my limited supply of masks, so I'm playing a game whenever I go out.
>so they go into quarantine, hurting economy more than needed.
In a lot of places in the US, the government forces people to go into quarantine against the will of the people. I live in Tennessee, and my state is already opening up.

Russia took very drastic quarantine measures from begining and reacted very quickly and efficiently. Everyone is still on a paid leave there for two months already.

However, thouse measure will not remove COVID threat, but merely flatline its development - aslo reagardless it will continue to grow the more people are infected.

And maybe, its because Russian people are actually vaccinated and surprisingly public health care actually works?

It does. All the nations mentioned above employ public healthcare that actually works.
It might not work with america tho due to niggers.

that cat legit is demon-possessed

Holy shit! Is that real!????

Why aren't you letting the world know about this?

>It might not work with america tho due to niggers.
Exactly this. As long as you'd be making more than $30,000, free public healthcare would cost you more money than it would give you, and it would be extremely inefficient and slow. This is why no intelligent working class white people want free health care. It would literally cost us more money than it would give us.

Korea got it under control with very good contract tracing, nipping it in the bud
Japan doesnt test at all same as mongolia
Russia is exploding in cases and deaths since last week

When a Finnish government entity ordered 5 million euros worth of masks through a beauty salon based in Estonia (run by a former celebwhore with possible connections to the Hells Angels) and the masks were not up to standard

When the "essential" places starting hiring. Honestly all of the actions of these "essential businesses" is questionable.

So they lay off people from lower risk jobs like small offices and then push them to work in high risk places like Walmart? The whole point of the businesses closing was to cut potential exposure. An office with 12 people in it is less safe than a grocery store? Not to mention how all the stores left open are cutting hours and making these stupid "senior hour" time frames. They are literally encouraging people to crowd the stores, meaning more people and more virus exposure. Add in the artificial shortages and buy limits, and now people are going to the crowded store 2-3 times more often just for basics. It defeats the whole point of all this shutdown.

>russia are doing fine
>having large chink population
nigga u dumb

I bet those jews lobbied for what jobs are "essential" and not.

>And maybe, its because Russian people are actually vaccinated
>against corona
Based retard

When it came out that the only people dying from this thing are people over age 65. I've been confused as to why this virus is such big deal ever since then.

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Why do people still think masks are purely to prevent yourself from getting sick?

uhhh what the fuck is that gif real?

yes that is a kot

I can't imagine how long it took to train the cat

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It's fake you fucking idiots

Are you sure everything is fine in Russia?

japan isn't doing fine you nigger. all asians lie, even the gooks and based nips. they're all liars. lying is part of their shitty culture, japan has probably ten times the official numbers, and china's numbers are likely in the millions of deaths and billions of cases. South Korea is just doing a better job of lying, and Japan is being fucking blatant about them.

japan's hospitals are overwhelmed, my local one is full up and so are the big ones in Tokyo.
I should have never moved to this shithole part of the world, my home country australia is actually containing this shit. fuck insectiods.

Get out of their country then you fucking foreigner.

Interesting numbers, you should probably go back to your tribe indeed.

It's head is taken from another video, you idiot.

When I didn't catch it. Everything bad happens to me sooner or later. Hell, I even got metoo'd.

Yeah it's pretty good here mate. NZ too. Largely because we closed the gates to all the orientals.

>tfw getting qt 3.14 nip gf
feels good man