If the virus is a nothing burger, than what is the real reasons behind the world shutting down...

If the virus is a nothing burger, than what is the real reasons behind the world shutting down. Who benefits and in what way?
This is what I still don't understand, this it not about the US or China or one particular country, this is global, this is about the world. So don't make it about one specific country, US was far from the first to shut down.
If it's the Jew, how? How is the jew benefiting from the globalhomo and their propaganda being machine being shut down.
All I see on /pol is bullshit, on both sides, all day.
I don't care if it was released from a Lab and man made by X that doesn't tell me why, to what end.

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Other urls found in this thread:



It was accidentally released



why why tell tell. if you want answers then start looking for some you piece of shit and dont come here ranting like king mighty you fucking prick. believe what you want but you seem to just take it and not look at it.

In what way doe sit benefits the Jew, since a lot of them own small businesses and healthcare practices that are being destroyed.

Geopolitical take-down.


>if you want answers, fuck off.
Okay, newfeg.

okey muttfag

>be Jew
>doing well with stocks but know a correction is due
>corona comes
>sell all your stock and use that as an excuse
>stocks at an all time low
>buy again when prices are low
>US government injects trillions into the stock market
>you were just given trillions for free

Look at stock prices now. They have shot up despite the economy crawling for 2 months. You would think a dead economy would mean they would have stayed low?

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>what is the real reasons behind the world shutting down
Governments trying to cover their asses.

I feel like I'm the only one not bitching about the virus living in the middle of nowhere lol. Gas is way down which is nice.

Yas Forums is wrong. But it's mainly just MIGAtards and boomers who think this is a political thing

Election Year

>Gas is way down which is nice.
how is that virus related?

Trading conglomerates and banks can sell stocks to themselves so that they profit both in selling and buying. There is also the global stimulus packages that hit conglomerates with free money over and over again. When people default or are victim of deflationary pressures, the bank can take the business or property, and or sell or renegotiate for interest holding interest and accruing interest. This is just class warfare per usual.

multiple viruses got released
some way worse than others
governments shit their pants when part of china got basically the T virus
most of those strains died faster than they thought and now they are just waiting in case they pop up again
science went to far govt shit bricks but ended up being nothing

I want to smash his face in. To answer your question, it could be many things like covering up an economic collapse. Dr. Shiva has pointed out that the cdc and big pharmacy need a big pandemic every couple of years to get funding. It may as well be a good chance for the government's to powergrab like every time there is a happening (Patriot act). Not to mention that more people who lose their jobs will be dependent on the government.

Nothingburger? Fucking retard ... however it came about it wreaked havoc in Chink City. Did not much for Westerners. Strain being clearly lab made - reason for the outcome, unknown.
There being other strains is not used is also high likely.

US involvment clear as anything could be.
NWO globohomo agenda being sped up imensly through the back door, at a pace yet never witnessed.

(((They))) are preparing for you to accept any conditions and this will be brought about by starving you.


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Take-down of the West.


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The chinese surveillange & genocide projects benevit

I'm not saying the virus isn't real, ut have you considered that (mostly), all we know from China is from a bunch of easily faked Twitter videos?

Eliminates all small businesses and lets all IP be cheaply purchased by megacorps. Eliminates all worker power. Enhances government ability to do the bidding of corporations to silence speech and freedom of assembly.

>NWO globohomo agenda being sped up

Don't forget to get your children to draw a rainbow for the NHS health workers

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they are conditioning you to obey the government (for your safety). they ban videos of doctors talking about the virus now btw.

God I'm glad I'm not the only one to have noticed that the same fucking rainbow flag going up all over the west is the same one used by noahidism.

95% of politicians around the world are retarded and are bluepilled as fuck
if even just a few of them were actually thinking then each individual country would have had an independent study on the matter
instead they choose to trust WHO and follow suit to the bleatings of the USA. That's all there is to it. It's compartmentalization

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Merkel is getting revenge because Yas Forums bullied an austistic Swedish girl with a fetish about Global warming.


Bad Yas Forums, bad Yas Forums.

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>China used kung flu as a smokescreen to crackdown on Hong Kong protesters and dissidents.
>The west used kung flu to gain ultimate power over citizens by declaring a state of emergency and using the flu pandemic as a cover to conduct massive surveillance to "save lives".
>Billionaires are richer than ever now, with Jeff Bezos making an extra $25 billion.
>You're now more dependent on big corporations like Amazon™ and the government than ever.

It's a massive powergrab by the NWO, obviously. Things will only get more interesting from here.

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American Socialist leaders supporting Clinton, this report notes, include those supporting the forcing upon the American people Communist Chinese ideology—such as US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is now calling for money to stripped from working American people to give it to those not wanting to work, and US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who plans to introduce a law to keep President Trump from history—while at the same time, socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate Joe Biden has firmly aligned himself with International Globalists by his declaring that if elected he will not put America first.

As to the world the American people could soon awaken into should this Tripartite Pact of evil seize power over the United States, this report details, has just been terrifyingly detailed in one of their nation’s oldest publications called The Atlantic—a publication founded in 1857 by American literary giants such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow—but has now been taken over by Communist Chinese sympathizing traitors to America and is publishing such propaganda screeds as “Internet Speech Will Never Go Back to Normal” gloriously proclaiming that: “In the great debate of the past two decades about freedom versus control, China was largely right and the United States was largely wrong”.

What the United States was “largely wrong” about, and what “normal” used to be, according to these American Socialist traitors to Communist China, this report explains, is the allowing of the American people to freely exercise their rights of free speech, dissent and protest—freedoms the American people have used for over two-centuries to chaotically claw their way into becoming the greatest and most powerful nation in history—while at the same they defeated every socialist ruled tyrannical power in the world daring to come at them.

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Jews and chinks are allying to form the ultimate merchant. Eventually chinks will fuck jews over as well but they don't realize it yet.

An excuse for the collapse of the world economy. It was already on life support, they just found a way to cut the cord without a lot of complaint. Who cares how many businesses go under or how many end up unemployed so long as we save lives, right?

he fall of Babylonian debt slavery in the United States is fully underway. A critical mass of about 30% of Americans are not paying auto loans, student loans, rent, mortgages, corporate loans, etc. This makes it a mathematical certainty that the Babylonian debt slavery system is insolvent and collapsing.



The fact that the U.S. Treasury has started handing out money – not debt certificates – directly to the people is another sign the regime of debt slavery is ending.

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