/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3540

► Detected: 3,232,490 (+14,306) ► Died 228,513 (+483) ► Day: 112 (-14:00:00)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 4,115 strains have been sequenced —


Decomposing Bodies Found in Trucks at Brooklyn Funeral Home

WARRING CANNIBAL RATS emerge in US cities as food production crashes from Covid-19 closures

Florida ordered coroners to stop releasing coronavirus death data: report

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Coronavirus may lurk deep in lungs after patients recover, study suggests

Self-reported symptoms of covid-19 including symptoms most predictive of SARS-CoV-2 infection, are heritable

Long-term persistence of SARS-CoV-2 and its ability to maintain infectivity in aerosols for up to 16 hours

Virus binds to ACE2 like SARS, first route found

Type "A" blood more likely to catch virus than "O"

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

Virus can go undetected while reproducing more than SARS

Remdesivir does not speed up recovery from COVID-19 compared with placebo

CCP notice to destroy or send them coronavirus sample vials

▶ 23 new cases and 2 new deaths in Estonia
▶ 403 new cases and 1 new death in Ghana
▶ 5 new deaths in Moldova


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dont get sick bros

i fucking love corona virus. I lost my job and now collect un employment. I've literally fapped and played video games for over a month straight now. it's fucking glorious. getting drunk every other night. I fucking love this and hope it never ends. THANK YOU CORONA CHAN!!!

What happened to argie bro?

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Why's she so perfect?

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I'm not even sure if there will be any safe COVID-19 vaccines, because you know how Big Pharma works. I swear, everything is being a twist right now.

I wonder about him too.

kek literally fapped to these pics since day 1. when I lost my job I took the trumpbux bought a new gaming rig and have been living life on cruise control. I'm on unemployment and literally use this money to buy beer. i fucking love this. I can see why niggers have done this for so long. I'm never working again, gonna even help spread the virus if it even remotely starts to slow down. no way am I going to wage ever again.


The Lombardy Region continues to impose utmost silence on the ATS on the results of the serological tests: the tests started with Alzano and Nembro, the countries most affected in the phase of absolute emergency, calling moreover to make the withdrawal the citizens who had been placed in quarantine for contacts with the infected, or remained at home sick due to suspicious symptoms. And so it is, the high percentages long awaited by Palazzo Lombardia, are there and filter anyway: out of 750 blood samples taken to citizens of Nembro and Alzano between Thursday and Tuesday (there were 1,500 in all but about half were sent to Seriate) and analyzed at the Papa Giovanni hospital, in 61% of cases the serological test gave "positive" results, which means feedback on the development of neutralizing antibodies and therefore on having already encountered the disease.

But some interesting data emerge in the meantime from serological tests for healthcare workers in hospitals. N and lla one day yesterday the Asst Bergamo Treviglio West made 800 withdrawals on staff in its various principals. While at Papa Giovanni hospital 23.4% of the 700 tested developed antibodies, that is, contracted the disease.A percentage that can be combined with another interesting figure: according to the Region, on 24 April, 390 health workers from the Bergamo hospital were infected - through a swab - on a staff (of health workers only) of 3,000 people. For them, no serological tests, can therefore be added to 163 with antibodies (that 23.4%): in all 553, that is, 18% of the health personnel who contracted the virus.


same dude

prolonged break i guess Ukraine user has been a total bro baker though

FUCK YEAH glad this shit is far from over. I'm helping to shill for at least another year or 2 of lockdowns. government paying me off because i'm non essential and on unemployment hahaha, corona was best thing that ever happened.

>warring cannibal rats
that's so metal

Did it kill the rest of the guinea pigs in Oxford

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Corona comfy times over here.
Constructions winding down but the government is paying my boss my wage so I have no risk of becoming unemployed.
not even 100 deaths yet in the land down under.
Imagine living in a third world country where you cant even get tested until you require hospitalization.

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>no mask
one nothingburger coming right up

this is hard to decipher tbqh

Change your flag, you tankie gang now

what kind of vaccine was it, has she been infected before?

I wonder if they know each other

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you know what? fine? i don't give a fuck. if this is what socialism is then I fucking love it. fuck the ancap bullshit, fuck working, fuck wagies. i don't give a fuck about how big the government is. i'm literally living the most luxury right now doing nothing. collecting unemployment, playing games, fapping, drinking, this is the peak. I guess corona proved that communism is really the right way all along, who fucking knew. thanks china I guess. weird weird fucking decade ahead.

What the fuck

I thought when they're at the level of human trials, it wouldn't do harm and it would be at worst ineffective? Jesus christ

Day fifteen and my symptoms are as bad as ever, basically. Feeling a little better compared to yesterday, laid facedown panting on my bed as the room spun and I tried not to throw up for hours

*spoiler alert*: he moved to the urkraine and started making threads there

>Yeah, I now shop at upmarket grocery stores to keep the diseased poor people away from me. 1.5 meters? Try 1.5 kilometers distance.
For me it's more an issue of personal comfiness. Of course I may catch it. But OTOH I may be immune and spread it to others. Even as a kid I was seldom ill. I bought a walking stick to help me keep the distance to other people. Hardly leaves home without it.

Ok, guise. Time to put on our big brains.

The same society that can hardly handle this pandemic is the same society that gave us this climate crisis. Of course the pandemic is a far more urgent problem than climate change. But try to think a bit deeper and more far, please.

Let's assume that corona will pop up from time to time during the rest of the 20s.

We don't have to assume that climate change will take a break, it will go on and hit the poor and equatorial countries harder than the rest of the world.

Climate refugees don't just up and leave and steal all your gibs. That's just cuck Kopfkino. Most of them will simply move into the city because they can't make a living as farmers.

That will increase the pressure on the cities. And the more well-off may want to move north.

TL;DR: Climate cange is ungood. Migration during a pandemic is ungood. So climate change during a pandemic is double plus ungood.

Also, China has NO monopoly on green energy whatsoever. And their market share on green energy tech will shrink.

It's not just in Civilization or any Paradox game that you must be able to do more than one thing at once if you don't want to lose. IRL works the same way:


>'We need to tackle the corona pandemic at the same time as we tackle the climate and environmental emergency, because we need to tackle two crises at once.'

He said he started showing symptoms, maybe he's severely ill. RIP argiebro.

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fug, rip argiebro
She's the goddess of this world now.

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She is alive, that was a hoax.
If she is dead then you can kiss the vaccine being out this year goodbye, rhe one being tested on her and other volunteer in UK is the most promising coronavirus vaccine candidate in the world.

>Relax citizen, just a quick check of your temperature and you'll be on your way.
>38,1°...Zheng we found one!!...err...step out of the car for a second please, we err....have to check your license.

What do?

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was her cause of death ever released?

/GBG/ - Greek Borders General



prepare to die of course
ask myself how i got infected and why im in a car instead of at home

I have a cousin who left china for this reason.

Noo I didn't kill argiebro, I swear
His filenames are different

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Imagine she invites you over to her house to try some TaStY BAT SOUP that she cooked with love especially just FOR YOU!

What do you do?

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Fake, and the vaccine was the oxford's coronavirus vaccine that they forked from their feline coronavirus vaccine that have been in development for several years.

Did you see a doctor? Can you go to the hospital? Seek help while it's still manageable bro.

The rushed ones have a good chance of crashing and burning, but there's a chance 1 will work.

It's kinda hard here as you need to challenge the human with the virus after inoculation at various times, but not when the antibodies are too low so they get it. But, the key is what happens when antibodies are low and someone is then infected? Do we get ADE? A normal infection?

In the past, acute TH2-hyper immune response was the big issue with SARS vaccines, though a couple out of a dozen did work at least on animals. Some Corona ones have worked on animals, but sometimes it doesn't translate well to humans.

▶ 6 new cases in Sao Tome and Principe
▶ 38 new cases in Morocco

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Her twitter is still locked kek

Get plenty of rest, sunlight and dont get dehydrated.
If it is getting worse dont be afraid to call in 911, godspeed user

Called them twice, told me if it gets worse to to the hospital. It has actually gotten there three times already, but they told me they can't really do much till I need to be in the er. Goes away every time after about three hours

oxford has a weibo account apparently
I dunno much about UK unis, is it normal/necessary for them to have a Chinese social media account?

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elwasa granato

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Any interesting news?

i bet they are 30% chinks enrolled like in the us

i baked yesterday morning till evening ukraine user has been going eversince im almost sure i saw argie user posting yesterday I recognize his posting.

this was chadox1?

The top dot is the detector
What the fuck is the second bullet-sized hole for?

Witness a man's descent into the void

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>and I tried not to throw up for hours

If you got the rona, then you're one of the unlucky ones since you got GI symptoms, but not the most unlucky since it's 2 weeks in. GI symptoms correlate with more severe illness.

A smoke a day keeps the rona away

I don't mean only that, but also the fact that the vaccines will have or not have the microchip. That's the thing that terrifies me the most.

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3M goggles, designed for use with the respirators actually. I have swimming goggles but the 3M is more aesthetic. I keep wipes in the car.

Yeah just wait until there's nothing to buy with that money because everyone else has the same idea you do. Shit I'm in the same boat as you and am thoroughly enjoying it, just remember there ain't no such thing as a free lunch. We pay for it one way or another.

▶ 89 new cases in Finland

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Digits know, robots have sleep mode afterall gj Ukraine bro.

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Yep, but she is still alive though

No one is going to be chipped.

The most you'll get is a piece of paper saying what it was.

You'll also need to get it every 1 or 2 years too.

Was less stomach flu and more trying not to throw up from the room spinning. Felt like I was ten or fifteen drinks in with the spinning and tingling in the extremities. Haven't had any diarrhea yet or any of that.
Although I was coughing up clear fluid that had a very strong taste that I can't think of a good analogy for. Pretty unique, not terrible. I'm starting to think it was my lungs, but idk.
Only 30 years old, figured this was supposed to be a cold for me

>Sao Tome and Principe

wow our girl is everywhere

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Do N95s actually protect you from the virus? I know you'd rather wear it regardless to reduce viral load, but would it actually stop the virus all together? If so, do P100s work?

I'm not sure if it's a good or bad sign

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Someone posted this here before, it is a detailed explanation about his sickness and how he handled it. hope it can help

love you anons, thanks for keeping me company in these tough times

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hey look kids
it's the trotskyist accelerationist swedish shithead again
ask him how he feels about nations and races

I hope what you said is true, because I don't trust these fucks at all.
I've been wearing a normal FFP3 mask the few times I went outside and had no viral load. Keep in mind this was almost two months ago.

oxbridge is crawling with chink student/spies

If the fit is good and you wear them correctly, it does significantly reduce the amount of particles you inhale, but it does not reduce them to 0.

Basically way less viral particles will enter your airways, reducing the chances of catching anything.

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Ah, neurological manifestations. Sensory infiltration IMO giving the tingling extremities and vestibular inflammation causing dizziness.

If you get a severe headache (10/10 otherworldly pain here), then that's when you go to the ER, but since it's 2 weeks, you should be fine.

We are always here for you fren

What is the source for what you say brother

I will add to watch out for signs of stroke too. Though, it's unlikely.

Fake and Gay


I say thank God that I'm not an american. Because most Reburgerligan politicans wants to kill everyone for profit.

Also Rachel Maddow is teh shit.


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▶ 12 new cases in Sierra Leone
▶ 80 new cases and 4 new deaths in Bosnia and Herzegovina
▶ 262 new cases and 2 new deaths in Romania
▶ 89 new cases in Finland

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You need eye protection as well, if it's not sealed correctly also pointless and there's no short supply of pictures of people wearing them incorrectly.

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She got a skype interview not long after the news about her supposed death

r8 my 'rona ppe

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are you seriously promoting some dyke fuck of sventard

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Wash your hands!

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>Lots of people vibe. It's getting very popular in Indonesia:
In a time of panic, could this video be of normal people having normal seizures?

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Holy shit guys... they knew
>Cherona (corona) -Ching Chang Chong (from China)

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