This is Great Depression territory. If a second wave hits then the country will go beserk. Hell, the entire world will change. This is the ultimate happening.
We're fucked, aren't we?
She will save us
that's a guy
Imagine being a kike news peddler right now.
Finally it will be: "CIVIL WAR HAS STARTED"
>If a second wave hits
>muh second wave
you know all the "experts" say the second wave will come in autumn... coincidentally, thats exactly when the flu season starts.
So the "second wave" will come, but it will be the flu and you still will obey, shut down everything and stay at home like the cucks the people are, and this will be now an yearly event.
Because after the 2nd wave there will be a 3rd a 4th and so on.
Nothing will happen.
No one gives a fuck about shit music when they don't have a job?
The modern world can’t withstand a depression. Proportion of dead weight is way too high- fat, weak, ill, or old consumers with makework jobs and no practical skills.
Why does every government have to ‘create jobs’, if they were actually needed they’d already exist. Half the population of the West (or more) make money serving each other food and drink, running things through a till, or recruiting each other to recruitment positions.
If the primary industries dry up due to lack of demand, there’s nothing to base all of the debt and bs on any longer.
So, yes.
Ok listen, this is photoshopped
And you can thank that moron Trump.
>but it will be the flu and you still will obey, shut down everything and stay at home
Well when the whole world is staying at home and everything is closed, there’s not much to go out for except walking around.
I already got it, I am jobless and homeless, I sleep on a fucking ban and I scrunch what I can, keep a regimen of healthy habits as much as a can but I am out on the streets 24/7, eating shit out all the time, mingling with individuals and doing what I want.
I don't know what the (((scientist))) are looking for but they'll have to lift restrictions pretty fucking now, those of us who can go out with out being afraid have shit to do and I can't wait until the boomers find their solution
For reference:
it's fine, don't be afraid, the dark ones feed on your fear
There were THREE WAVES in 1918, not two, three. The difference is the incubation period: coronavirus's incubation is THREE TIMES LONGER than the Spanish Influenza. Spanish Flu took two days for symptoms to show, Coronavirus takes six days on average, soemtimes as long as eleven. It's less deadly but it still necessitates a shutdown as 'herd immunity' isn't even a thing, it adapts too quickly. Economically we're fucked.
this along with contact tracing and forced inoculations should be major concerns of yours user
So many "industries" in the west are fucking bullshit middlemen, it's in almost every sector. Some things you want to buy online, there are retailers that bought it and have a markup and then buy ads to fill the first page, consumers almost never go past the first page so they buy their crap from them.
These industries have revenue on paper but the value they add to the market if we're honest is basically fucking zero.
Same deal with Uber and rideshare apps, they got their start exploiting a loophole that taxis pick people up from the curb. They made a fortune but they don't "create" fucking anything.
And holy shit don't even get me started in Air BnB.
It's not fear that grips me, just a heightened sense of things.
Just wait until July 1st user.
this, we hardly have any industry left that generates wealth.
The last big ones where the oil and petrochemical industry and the car industry. Both have been under an onslaught for decades by the green/left.
They are finally at the point were they broke the back of the car industry.
There’s just nothing more to build. The only things we actually need to keep producing- food, gas, power, maintenance- might take 20% of the workforce at most.
The rest is just people competing to buy and sell their way to get a piece of the already-built world. The only reason anything continues to be built is for investment.
The solar industry is definitely not a bad thing in itself. It helps increase self-sufficiency and power companies are actually paying people to use or not use it.
There's always undersea and outer space colonization.
Do you even really have to ask? It's been predicted since the 08 crash (or at least 2010) that the next crash, whenever it occurred, would be more severe. In the years leading up to 2020 all you heard from reputable economists was about how there's going to be a severe recession around the corner, and this time it's going to be really fucking bad. Now we're in the grips of that scenario made even WORSE by a fucking pandemic. Irrespective of how Covid-19 pans out, we're pretty economically fucked. Stagnation on the level of Japan is basically going to be the best case scenario, and that itself is highly unlikely. You'd think this would be a time to cutback on insane, self-destructive, greedy bullshit, but both the corporations and the government are doubling down while Americans suffer. We are several degrees beyond fucked.
The recession was a clear outcome of the 2008 crisis. It has simply been postponed ... and only for one reason: to pull the remaining industry as well as the (((financial institutes))) out of the US and the West and relocate fully to China (or international "stateless" corporate structures). US are being abandoned by the kikes just as Great Britain had been after the war. Problem is now that the initial virus scare has sped up the timeline too much. The globalist elites are running out of time for their "fighting retreat" ... and some opportunists have been waiting for such a weakness for a long time now.
>Do you even really have to ask?
>The solar industry
Is s fucking scam, this industry can't sustain itself without subsidies.
Its basically gone in the west since the early 2000s and now 80% of all solar panels come from china (which they subsidies heavily)
The best example is the german solar industry, founded on premis of heavy investment and heavily subsidies it took off quite nice, until china stepped up their game and after a slow death over a decade and even heavier subsidies its finally dead.
Another thing is, the "solar industry" is as toxic as the petrochemical industry... shit even worse.
Keep crying amerimutt
>relocate fully to China
This isn't the 19th-century faggot, the Opium Wars are over, Deng Xiaoping's reforms have already been fully realized. The world is economically homogenized. There's no need to relocate anything. China isn't a fucking tax haven.
>he thinks a depression is coming
kek, just a one world government
Are you surprised? This was widely predicted and only accelerated thanks to this wonderful coronavirus psy-op. You can kiss the world as you knew it goodbye and start welcoming the "new normality". NWO is consolidated further.
What a strange picture.
>this industry can't sustain itself without subsidies
It's less of an industry and more of a new form of agriculture. It's a form of farming. Silicon is found all over the world.
I don't understand what's the big deal? We can just print money no?
I always wonder how they want to do this shit.. you never going to get the big players to cooperate with each other.
I might see some super blocks forming, since you can play against each other, but who do you unite chink, niggers and whites?
It's Malthusian.
4.8% is just the preview
Total lockdown in the US really started out only in Q2
It’s a plannedemic. It’s just an excuse. If things had been ‘normal’ when the depression hit (and they’ve already bailed out banks 10x more than in 08) the elites would have had riots and uprisings on their hands. They know how unpopular the financial system is. The plannedemic will be blamed while they can escape to their islands.
That doesn’t really mean anything, stop trying to be clever