Do you believe Joe Biden?

Surely Joe Biden would never sexually assault anyone, right anons? He seems to me like he’s an upstanding guy who’s a family man and has traditional values, surely he wouldn’t sexually assault anyone right? Will Stacey Abrams be our next VP?

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of course i dont believe him. hes a man in a position of high power and influence, and 30 years ago when he was full of vigor its easy to imagine he fingered some dumb bitch

Literally everything they tried with Trump but had to fake is actually totally true with the Biden / Hillary ticket and Trump is absolutely throwing them all in jail. My dad woks for Nintendo.

The woman accusing him is clearly a liar. She should not be believed. #believebiden

>#metoo #blacklivesmatter #unlessjoebidendidit

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this is clearly just a pathological liar or perhaps one of TrumPutins' KGB agents accusing Biden of rape 30 years ago. I'm still Creampiedem with Biden!

Until proper evidence comes out I won’t say, though it does seem more likely that Biden did do something, but as with trump and kavanaugh, I’ll wait for evidence before saying

Would you finger her anons?

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No. I #BelieveWomen. Anyone who doesn't is a Nazi.

30 years ago yes

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has Biden himself denied the claims?
last I heard, it's only been his campaign denying it and the campaign's denial is what Abrams believed, since Biden is still Hidin

Please pick that fat nigger I want to see trump win every state

Would you finger our next VP?

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Biden said it himself. If a woman claims to have been raped then we should believe her.

It's not as if his accuser worked for him at the time of the alleged assault and can explain the whole situation in detail. Its not as if she reported it when it happened. Its not as if her mother called into a TV show around the same time and alluded to something happening to her daughter that made her quit her job. Its not as if she has people backing up her story saying she told them just after it happened. Its not as if Biden has a history of being inappropriate with women and young girls.

She could still be lying of course. Her friends could be lying. Her mother could have been referring to something else and not a sexual assault. Its just funny watching the Democrats show their true colours when its one of their own having allegations thrown at them.

Aunt Jemima is lying through her ass

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Sensable piled, I think he did it but I want fair trial, innocent until proven guilty.
We cannot let the accusations become a verdict.
We as men must be impartial to womens bullshit.
But still Bidens actions which have been recorded, with children and women groping and kissing indicate the accusation bears truth.

I think she's lying. While Biden is a sick fuck who should be locked up, or worse, I don't want it done based on the questionable accusstion of some woman without any physical evidence. That encourages more women to file false accusations against men, and we all are worse off as a sex. Harvey Weinstein was a perverted ugly bastard, but what was done to him was bullshit. Those whores traded sex for fame and riches, then MeToo him once he was no longer useful.

imagine the smell and breathing noises

Did he ever buy into the metoo and believewomen shit?

I think that this is an example of miscommunication. Tara Reade was not as liberated as Joe Biden had been led to believe and he was too classy to rape her; unlike other Democratic politicians I know.

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It's not as if his official dicuments from that time are under lock and key. It's not as if CNN and/or Google attempted to scrub that episode of Larry King from the internet and renumber the episodes so it looked like the episode never existed.

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Yes. He personally said to believe women.

don't trust your eyes, goy

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If you want to find out what a Democrat has been doing, look at what they accuse their rivals of.

Biden might be a satanic pedo but the satanic pedos are better at leading and organizing than trump


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of course user.

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Rasputia is so desperate to be his VP it's ridiculous.