Why do beaners have so many kids when they're so poor?

Literally every beaner bitch over the age of 20 has three kids or more

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Child support free welfare you dumb white nigger.

built for the bbc

It’s white women which are the problem. White women don’t procreate unless you a high status male or a nigger. And all the jobs were taken by foreigners and the media portrays blacks as “high status males”. Due to music and niggerball.

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Having kids is good. Being a empty egg carton is bad.

Built for BWC


Lots of off the books cash and fully loaded EBT cards, paired with HUD housing and medicaid helps quite a bit.


This is a photo of the USA, lol you are set and done

Because they can apply for food stamps and receive bigger tax returns.


They’re not down with the racial suicide program, so the real question is; Where’s your kids?

Same reason will out bread you, we love fucking and our instincts are to impregnate young fertile pussy.

You white faggots over think everything, sometimes you just got to do it.

>ing4 nigger

Low t faggots

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Yeah, yeah cletus, free gas and mcmansions, infinite uber rides and zero interest line of credits.
Government paid universities and CEO positions secured thanks to affirmative action and Obama care that we also get for free thanks to stupid whites paying for everything.
We come and we literally are sat on an electric wheel chair and 2 hot white nurses have to carry us around to the immigration office to get our green cards and shit

Should I keep going?

game; guess the mom, grandma, and whose kid is whose...
another game is on CA beaches; count the blondes.
pic related; Quinceañera

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In fact that's why they are poor, they have too many kids.

>out bread
Oh god, is it rye? Or sourdough?

Oh wait, beaners only eat tortilla, so what gives?

it's hard to pull out of a real THICC booty

Just like niggers in Africa they have so many kids because they are poor. With tight family bonds these kids will take care of them once they're old. It's like a pension for them.


Even I wonder about this. They all say that the birth rate is dropping in rich, developed countries because they can't afford to have kids as kids are too expensive. Then how come poor people have the most kids?

Post more arse mate.

Why do you think this will end up with a good result?
>please whitey let me in! Mexico is so horrible!
>haha bitch we out breeding you and turning this country into Mexico!
>oh shit now this country is shit just Like Mexico
>is there any other white country I can move to? Please whitey let me in! Brown countries are trash!

What if they mix with some whiteys to steal their smort genes and enslave other whiteys and make them do wark so that the country doesn't collapse?

Most poor countries do this...India, Nigeria, etc. I a blonde latino but fuck all those shitkins. Blame the Spaniards for blending in with the natives and not bringing whole families when settling

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Because your taxes are paying for it retard.

>All this scrabble
>I just told him he was over thinking

Get the fuck out your COOMER couch and put a white kid on some fertile Canadian cherry because if you're not there by 10 Tyrone will so before either of you faggots have a chance I'll sneak from behind and put but seed first.

What fucking part of over thinking you don't fucking understand, life it's meaningless I'll be dead within the next 10 to 20 years and probably you too

You got to exercise your actions, go and do it

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More kids = more gibs

Low IQ.

Having more kids is a smart move.

Kids are cheap for poor people.

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I don't understand it either. You see ugly, degenerate, stupid people reproducing and having children they treat like trash.

Latin America is the best argument that beating your children leads to nothing good.

Kidd want 1 thing, the best version of their shittu parents, money/posessions mean nothing to children