@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump Roundtable w/Ind Execs on Opening Up America Again 4/29/20
>Pres Trump meets w/LA Gov Edwards 4/29/20
>Women for Trump Empower Hour w/Kimberly Guilfoyle &MORE 4/29/20
>SoS Pompeo on F&F 4/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 4/29/20
>Jared on F&F 4/29/20
>PressSec Kayleigh on Dobbs 4/29/20
>FEDChair Powell News Conf on Mon Policy 4/29/20
>Trump2020CommsDir Murtaugh on FoxNews 4/29/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on FoxNews 4/29/20
>KAC on FoxNews 4/29/20
>StateDeptSpox Morgan on FoxNews 4/29/20
>DDID(CDC) Butler Private Sector Call: Corona-chan Response Update 4/29/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (Natl Guard Gens) 4/29/20
>StateDept Press Brief (SoS Pompeo) 4/29/20
>WHVideo: We Will Build It Again! 4/29/20
>TrumpTweet: Blue Angels &Thunderbirds NY/NJ/PA Flyover 4/28/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-30 Opinion Biden himself should address the Tara Reade allegations and release relevant records.png (760x938, 613.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:"truck of peace"/country/US/end/2017-10-31/

Something just happened in the democrat camp because the dam has broken and the left leaning media got a signal to allow them to pounce Biden

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-30 Pressure mounts on Joe Biden to address sexual assault claim.png (736x892, 498.2K)


So the wife is posting or?

Anyone have a link to previous OP's pic? I can't find it in Elon's feed.

Attached: 1588234172470.png (890x573, 150.26K)

If there is some twitter cap and you can't find 50/50 it was a fake / it was deleted

Attached: Screenshot - 2020-04-30 , 09_49_47.png (767x739, 104.82K)

>Swede begins

Bugfeed had some article saying Joe Biden distributed talking points about the woman


Attached: 7e1.png (680x680, 292.45K)

Are you 12? Finding a free asteroid is hard enough. Finding one close enough and in the right orbit is even harder. Getting there is even harder. Getting anything back is almost impossible. Because of the asteroid's orbit it could take over a hundred years before its even close to earth's orbit again. Plus, your probe would only be able to scratch the surface so unless you find a rock coated in uranium that's pointless.

Attached: ok.jpg (223x226, 10.89K)

So it's the wife, as usual at these hours. How have you managed to stay employed here this entire time, your effectiveness is garbage?

That one backfired spectacularly, NYT went on record to refute that claim.
They're 100% ejecting Biden

Attached: didnt happen.jpg (5144x3075, 1.87M)

Did he take down the Deus Ex thing?

Lol be totally did. Check the last thread. I called it.

Attached: 4D2A0CE1-1182-4CA0-A737-ADE4B87F71E5.jpg (1125x2402, 927.18K)


Attached: doggo.webm (640x640, 1.17M)

What's the main focus point the dems are going to try and hammer DJT with and how should he respond?

>still no argument
>"also d-don't vote, g-goyim!"

You aren't fooling anyone, kike.


I got my notice in the mail for my Trumpbux.


Attached: 1549069917141.png (1000x750, 397.54K)

To be honest, China should be replaced by the USSR at this point.

The West shall be democratic, the East should be Red. But not chink red, fuck that.

Attached: 8941f5f3b9e2d83c0dcdd26122ddf93a.jpg (968x544, 111.59K)

Nobody is being paid to shill for Trump. It's a Democrat funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear his campaign

Attached: tinfoil.jpg (1106x1467, 279.47K)

JIDF, please - some effort for once.

Yeah I know it.
But I have a job and was hoping that /ptg/ could give me a quick rundown so I didn't have to watch the whole press conference and do all the work myself.

Cuomo (Mario Nipple Clamps) agreed to step in. Bank on it.

Same canned response, same canned image as usual. Maybe the man should take over posting at these hours.

Dispatch from Juneau has a cute voice

What are you talking about. Deus Ex thing is still up.

Attached: ur a fag.png (1432x730, 412.76K)

anybody know why the fbi would want to get people fired from their jobs? little weird no?


>completely ignore hostile natives constantly threatening or waging total war on settlers for over 200 years
>completely ignore the dangers of sea travel at the time
>completely ignore the fact that the most arable lands were also hotbeds for malaria
>completely ignore the French, Spanish, and British at your borders, threatening to drag you into foreign wars on a regular basis
>completely ignore that it was a WILD continent full of bears and big cats that would eat a man if he missed his musket shot
it was the most dangerous work available at the time and there was no guarantee that any one side would win the struggle
the conquering of space will have different dangers, but it's comparable. if you fucked up in the American wilderness you'd be just as dead as you would be if you fucked up on Mars.

> What's the main focus point the dems are going to try and hammer DJT with
There is no "main focus point". For the past 5 years now they threw every accusation at him, no matter how false or deliberately misleading.
> and how should he respond?
Pretty much the way he has done now, meeting it head on and suing when it comes to the realm of libel or slander.

It is not the criticism from the dems that Trump must worry, it is the rightful criticism that may arise from his own supporters and to address that he must show a detailed plan on how he can fix the many shortcomings of his first term

Oh no, (((it's))) retarded.
>still no argument

Trump is actively ruining his own reelection and soon all MIGAshills will be out of work

Attached: 1588200314381.jpg (750x865, 143.22K)

>DNC strongarms berno into retiring to his 3rd lake house
>Biden somehow manages to lose the primaries anyway

But hey, those poll numbers amirite?


Based elon dabbing on the coofers.

Attached: 1587801441856.jpg (550x550, 88.35K)

Seems like they're making their move to slide Hitlery or some random glownigger in now that Bernie's sunk.

Who's going to be joes vp pick migabros?

Effort, do you know what that entails? Obviously not.

Ah you’re right. I just saw the old cache.

My bad lad.

America is not a good example but the new route to the Indias (around cape Horn) is a good one. Portugal sank countless ships and lost thousand of lifes until finally they manage to go around that cape, only to see themselves embroiled in wars with the moors, with the pajeets and with everybody else.

Took some 100 years to secure the whole thing but it paid off"truck of peace"/country/US/end/2017-10-31/

Why are Americans so damn smug and self assured that their country is immune to bad shit until it happens to them?

You’re still here?

Yeah 1mil replies and 5.4mil likes. Looks fake now for sure. Previous OP is a faggot.

Who cares? He's donezo.

Attached: 1588190765636.png (1242x1310, 552K)

Half the thread about to be out of work.

Is that Captain Dankula?

Why does he hate Puerto Rico so much bros? I know a Puerto Rican guy at work and he’s based and red pilled. This just seems wrong to me bros.

Attached: 11CD4F76-2746-4F5D-82BD-00DA1727529B.jpg (750x1294, 583.23K)

Shills extra salty today, fantastic.
>Don’t vote
>No I don’t have any better ideas >Just stop supporting him
The desperation is palpable.

Attached: 474AD898-4F4E-4821-A6CB-EF2E9999D856.jpg (638x630, 137.37K)

We need cometary bombardment of Mars. Tens of thousands of comets. We should start launching the engines now.

I also like how cometary is a word.

anime-MILF Melania edition when?

Attached: file.png (700x1913, 1.61M)

Can you faggots please tell me why migabros keep bring up Tara reade? Shouldn't you save that for say September or October?

He keeps sending them shit and the government keeps stealing everything, maybe if they stop stealing.

Where’s proof this is a campaign op?

The left is struggling to retain control of the narrative

> Chris Hayes completely misrepresented the Joe Biden / Tara Reade story tonight. Hayes ignored that she keeps changing her entire story. He falsely claimed that she has contemporaneous corroboration.
> He left out her connection to Putin.

Every "revolutionary" movement like the French Revoltution will always end up like this
> first they go after the enemies of the revolution
> then they go after the ones NOT LOYAL ENOUGH

Attached: Screenshot - 2020-04-30 , 10_42_18.png (725x666, 491.83K)

still waiting on that proofs for that image.

PR do not pay federal taxes. This is a non issue


the absolute state of Joe Biden's campaign

Better to let the Bernouts do the work of throwing Joe under the bus for us, will make the convention infinitely more fractious and thus interesting.

/ptg/ I am disappoint
You all know that trying to Google your way out of a fake news narrative is increasingly a futile exercise.
I don't follow US politics closely
>although I did during the election campaign and the inauguration and all that delicious salt
>going to work on November 9th 2016 to see my smug liberal colleagues literally crying in public is a memory I will cherish forever
And I lost 2 Twitter accounts in the Great Meme War.

I assume that the "sarcastic" shit is bullshit but I am a busy guy and don't really want to go down the rabbit hole of every little thing Trump says and does again because I don't have time for it.

Last time I ask, honest.

Attached: YoureThatGuy.png (640x402, 282.12K)

so how did Puerto Rico fuck it up this time?

Kek, when palmer is seething your probably right over the Target.

Attached: 1588073738263.jpg (1782x1264, 359K)

>has had like 8-10 chances to provide anything resembling a counterargument to a perfectly reasonable, well-argued post
>has yet to even make an attempt
>also "p-please don't v-vote, goyim"

No more (You)s for (((you))), Moshe, but it was definitely fun humiliating you.

>No I don’t have any better ideas
The obvious implication is that instead of voting, you should play Minecraft.

>hostile natives
Teepee niggers with pointy sticks that were easily put down.
>sea travel
So a regular form of travel and incredibly profitable, hence the risk.
>malaria and arable land
Besides pulling that straight from your ass with no backing, the fact that there were basically unlimited arable lands that had incredibly long growing seasons relative to Europe was an amazing find. No arable land on Mars.
>other countries
Who were there for the money.
With luxurious pelts that sold for a ton.
And no. In the American wilderness you child hunt and forage and find water and breath. Different order of magnitude.

Holy shit, even the Truecons on NR picked up

You think there's going to be a convention? Faggots are still scared of a little COOF.

Yes It's bullshit. He was talking about UV light therapy.

So no effort because it isn't included on the clipboard, sad. Enjoy irrelevancy.

>Last time I ask, honest.
Nigger, don't waste your time with bullshit. Plaster the whole internet with Tara Reade.

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-25 um 20.42.15.png (1812x1972, 1.32M)

> He left out her connection to Putin.
Jesus Christ, do I ever hope that they push this angle.

>her connection to Putin

Attached: 1581453777317.jpg (960x720, 56.81K)

They're building up to launch another Adam Schiff led sham like impeachment. This time with a commission to,"investigate" Trumps handling of the China Virus.
He'll counter with his actual actions which are pretty substantive and more timely than Democrat efforts. It'll drag out up to the election driving everyone crazy and hopefully it backfires like every other hoax they've launched.

Cool, when can we expect you to start? I’m pretty happy with Trump obviously, but if you’re not well hey, better lead by example right?

even with cape horn there was still a foreseeable outcome that would generate trade. The only profit these dingbats can imagine is from the richest of the rich paying to go die on Mars.

That’s what the comets are for.

Mars needs to be terraformed.

They magnetosphere isn’t an issue. Once an atmosphere is there (could literally be done in decades), it would take the solar wind millions down years to blow it off.

>Last time I ask, honest.
is it? good. nobody cares about your garbage bait.

throw in some juicy melanias in there

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