It's time for our military to occupy northern european countries

Spain, Portugal, Italy and even France could have serious repercussions because the bitches of the North won't give back what they owe us.

I say occupy their lands like in the past and force their industries to pay us.
This is the only sensible solution

Attached: ruhr occupation.jpg (512x224, 43.21K)

Owe you?

Attached: kissa.jpg (436x480, 26.07K)

Is that the newest military gear that you guys have?

scandinavian countries are irrelevant, I meant Germany and Holland, for all the benefits they gained by exploiting other countries in Europe

>posts based Ruhr occupation pics

This is my Spaghetti-bro.

Imagine not knowing the story behind this pic

hahaah fuck you pastanon
I spewed my cereal

Attached: 1570046789076.gif (300x162, 592.97K)

>macronus jupiter augustus germanicus

Shut the fuck up, spaghettinigger

We all work till 67 . Do our best to make economy work. You on the other hand never work or when you work 3 hours a day till 50 years old. Shut up and make your own money

>the bitches of the North won't give back what they owe us.
What do we owe you exactly?

swedish pussy

>work 3 hours a day till 50 years old.
You don't really believe this, user?

Show regulations and laws that set retirement age at 50 please

>I meant Germany and Holland, for all the benefits they gained by exploiting other countries in Europe
Bruh, by that logic Italy owes all of Europe 500 years worth of gibs considering the roman empire sucked all of us dry.
Thinly veiled D&C thread.

He didn’t mean you, he meant the actual relevant northern countries like Germany and their swamp (Low Countries)

Go on strike retard

Come and get it

Attached: MUH 3 LEGIONS.png (1199x454, 1.05M)

>dagos die like flies to something as mild as the common cold
>now they want to invade northern europe

Wanna lose a 3rd time?

Attached: JUNGE WAS.png (695x1001, 627.55K)

What do you think you're owed?

Just default already

Shitskinned moormutt has no say here.

I'm confident you didn't think this through.

How would Italy be able to switch sides properly when it was you who started a war to begin with?

Focus on evicting the invaders out of your own country first.

Attached: 1586906615077.jpg (1440x1435, 229.71K)

*backstabs italy and join the northern side*

Sorry italy but we will do it before you do it yourself.

You ain’t doing shit nigger.

Who woulda seen that one coming.

based jew

No shame in joining the better side.

you couldn even counq greece.

What do they owe you exactly and how did they exploit you?

Brown eyes mad since 9ad

Divide and conquer thread, you should rally against the EU and get out of the euro. This redistribution you're talking about is fucking retarded and we don't owe you shit.

If you guys would have your own currency again you wouldn't be in the position your in, stop listening to retarded politicians shifting blame because of some elderly people dying.


Attached: 1573909333525.jpg (656x666, 53.72K)

Hail Arminius!

>can't even conquer greece
>failed to conquer Ethiopia
>couldn't even fucking occupy Malta

Attached: 1587509355672.png (720x540, 381.24K)

>Show regulations and laws that set retirement age at 50 please
It's called unemployment