How did (((they))) get away with it
How did (((they))) get away with it
Jesus was a myth invented by pagans unable to explain the technology of the east
They paid off the right people. Standard jewish business practice.
Jesus LET THEM, to save the souls of all who believe in Him.
"The reason the Father loves Me is that I lay down My life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from My Father.”
- Jesus in John 10:17
They didn't. Why do you think (((they))) get kicked out of every country they inhabit? It's a punishment from God for killing His Son
Wasn’t the whole thing allegedly planned by god from the beggining?
"forgiveness" and "turn the other cheek"
jews on the other hand never forgive and never forget.
they didn't
hell is waiting for them
The gospel of John is not the same story as the other gospels.
If they had known what his death meant, they never would have done it.
He had to die though.
You don't have a religion if had walked away.
My favorite bible verses
Hitler 3.16
For Hitler so loved the white race that he gave his only begotten life so that anyone that beleives him will have everlasting racial purity
Pepe 4:20
Fuck Niggers
Fuck Chinks
Fuck Kikes
Fuck Jannies
Moonman 14.88
Moonman Moonman cant you see? spics and niggers need to hang from trees
You forgot Pepe 1:1
Use of a memeflag will result in ending up in a body bag
>toothpaste flag
deal with it nigger
All of this shit stems from Adam & Eve, two of the biggest assholes to ever exist.
imagine being this retarded
>The gospel of John is not the same story as the other gospels.
1. You're wrong.
2. If you don't believe in the Gospel of John, you're not a Christian.
Jesus could have prevented Himself from being crucified since He was (and still is) God. Jesus said: "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30).
Jesus chose not to save Himself. He went to His crucifixion willingly to be killed like a lamb going to slaughter. He did this because, as we learn in John`s Gospel chapter 3, verse 16, He loved us: "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes on Him would not perish but have eternal life." And God still loves us today.
If He had not died, He could not have paid for our wrongdoings (our sins). Therefore, He chose to die so that we could be saved by believing on Him.
Jesus had to die on the cross to pay for our wrongdoing, for our sins. The law required that mankind die for his wrongdoing (sins) because mankind violated God`s law. We all violate God`s law in some way or another, whether through deed, or thought, or both. God knew that man could not improve his behavior enough to satisfy the demands of the law or enough to merit going to Heaven to be with Him. So, He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our wrongdoing, sins (John 3:16).
Jesus had to die on the cross to satisfy the law - that sin be paid for by death.
The cross was the chosen instrument for the death of Jesus because this was the form of death inflicted on criminals and ordered by the Romans who governed Jerusalem at this time. It was the most grueling kind of death a person could face. The word "excruciating" is rooted in the word "crucifixion". It was perhaps the most excruciating form of death to exist. Jesus died willingly for us.
Jesus died on the cross to fulfill prophesy. The death of Jesus upon the cross was prophesied in several places in the Old Testament Bible, including in Isaiah 53 and also in Psalm 22.
You're a Satanists larping as Christian.
Jesus was schizophrenic.
False mosiasch. The Jew knows.
No search histories, no video, no evidence whatsoever.
Here Say = Heresy
whatever, its all Cool and the Gang.
Have a great day, user!
Now playing "Monkey man" Rolling Stones
They didn't. Vespasian told them to BTFO just 30 years later and they were cursed for eternity.
He was a cuck and enjoyed bdsm.
I don't believe any of it. I'm just pointing out that the gospel of John is a different story from the other three gospels.
They didn't. The romans obliterated Jerusalem and the temple not long after Christ's crucifixion, as Our Blessed Lord prophesied.
>Myth by pagans
>Christians persecuted by pagans
>Caused the downfall of paganism
>Converted pagan Roman Constantine
That’s some 200 IQ by the pagans.
you think just because 2000 years have passed we are somehow ex aequo?
we havent forgotten and it will never be forgiven. you think you can nail the son of god to a cross without consequences?
all those dirty kikes and their spawn will get what they deserve in the end. they are going to end up like ol' leo frank.
As (You) Wish
based memeflag dabbing on christcucks
(((Their))) propaganda that a Jewish messiah was a pacifist universalist and not a violent Jewish supremacist who longed for YHWH to liquidate the goyim went over real big with resentful shitskins in the Roman gutter and with AWFL Roman matrons.
Not the answer you wanted, but it's the correct one.
What if I told you... that we are all the sons and daughters of a God that is DUAL / DIALECTICAL
in nature, and EMOTIVE, rather than ENTIRELY RATIONAL.?
>How did (((they))) get away with it
They didn't, it's not over yet.
" This Is The ((real)) Song That Never Ends..... "
So, please, nobody do anything too stupid.
See, we are idiots, because God is an idiot, and that's... okay.
We are Gid kids and He made us as less-perfect versions of Himself, so it is not our fault for being idiots.
But, it is our *responsibility* to GROW and Move On from here!
Or else. The rest of All Time will be ugly, and painful, and it won't ever end.
somebody's been watching too much Varg